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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. All that b/s about "protecting their employees" somebody in their PR department needs to be sacked, and a few others will be laid off when demand for their flights diminishes as a reaction to this
  2. So was it you who criticised them. And is this anilingual post your way of trying to apologise ?
  3. Of course you have not reached a conclusion of you own neither have you tried to, you're just echoing the others You didn't for a moment consider that he was "possibly the victim of a mugging and possibly fighting to defend himself" you let yourself get carried away with the lynch mob mentality that prevails on here, The usual keyboard warriors get even more belligerent once they have herded themselves into a posse. Safety in numbers and all that, so you thought you'd join in. "I suggest to you, as God said to Abraham, go forth and multiply with yourself." Sorry to have to inform you , but the typed word really isn't very intimidating, Especially as I always imagine them being said by somebody with a crippling speech impediment
  4. They wouldn't give a $hit about sending a few high street shops or small level farms to the wall, Things will be totally different for the likes of Anutin or any other high rankers who have probably invested a considerable amount they won't losing anything
  5. I agree with the rest of what you wrote but not with the above, the issue of medical / recreational appears to only exist in the minds of a few anti cannabis stalwarts on here and is based purely on something they apparently heard Anutin say , At present despite what they may wish to think nobody has been prosecuted for growing buying or smoking cannabis since all this started, there have been a few rare instances of sellers getting a bit of hassle for not having the paperwork in order, and that is probably due to rival sellers complaining rather than any crack down by the authorities, currently it is in practice legal, for whatever the reason for its use, You can't honestly think that the only reason the police are not already " tapping up the guys on beach rd puffing away" is because they haven't cottoned on yet, to the possibilities to scam people over this? They are not tapping people up, because they can't simple as that. If they could they would, Its not unheard of for the police to extort money out of people , especially foreigners, and in all sorts of ways, even, for allegedly breaking imaginary non existent laws, common when driving for example, And they are not shy of nabbing tourists for not wearing helmets on motorcycles but they seem to leave the smokers alone Maybe they just didn't hear what Anutin was supposed to have said. or maybe they know that legally they are powerless and rightly or wrongly believe that the pot smokers are well aware of this, Just before the legalization the police were heavily criticised for arresting an old couple with a couple scraggy plants . they were told in no uncertain terms to back off , by some one with authority , looks like the order has not yet been rescinded . Long may it continue eh?
  6. Can't say I am particularly bothered, the Mrs . in laws , and the rest of the family seem pretty ambivalent about it all too, I Can't understand why a few on here get so upset about these things,
  7. peasants is not a demeaning term unless you want it to be , you have successfully put yourself in to the "permanently offended" or "woke" category.
  8. Me too, but I doubt we will see it, I will be surprised if we hear anymore about this incident, It will just fade away , as usual
  9. "Whatever the foreigner was wrong" Spoken like a journalist from "Naew na" Do you believe everything you hear from pattaya taxi drivers.
  10. have you ever been to Pattaya ? there are drunks of all nationalities
  11. The taxi driver is claiming the the guy tried to steal it, Sounds doubtful were would he go ?, he was already at home
  12. he said anonymously from the safety of behind his keyboard,
  13. appears he was at his perfect fighting weight certainly not overweight in the photo, no tattoos to be seen either
  14. Oh so now he is either poor or a cheapskate , how exactly have you reached that conclusion "Sherlock" People who can fight like this guy obviously can, would be very unlikely to instigate a violent confrontation, especially over a couple of hundred baht . Its "wannabees" that start fights this guy finished the job
  15. The whole story is fishy to me, a typical Thai lie that would not stand up well to scrutiny, Its pretty poor journalism to say the least, My take is the taxi driver and the mysteriously disappearing motorcycle driver had identified this "heavily intoxicated" foreigner as an easy victim, Two on to one was all they needed, or so they thought, as the guy was a bit the worse for wear, easy money and only a two way split, happy days. But things didn't quite go according to plan, Obviously the intended victim obviously wasn't as drunk as they thought, evidenced by the fact that he was capable of handling himself, Forget the movies 2 on to 1 is tough odds in any fight when sober. I would say impossible odds if "heavily intoxicated" Anyway whatever their actions it kicks off and it turns out that Mr James fights like a winner, fair play to him , The taxi driver gets it first and backs off leaving his mate to get a good hiding, whilst he tries to video the incident as some kind of evidence for plan B maybe Having dealt with the motorbike guy who then scurries off, Mr james turns his attention back to the Taxi guy who is videoing things presumably from a safe distance. as he approaches him the guy panics and tries to run away crashing his own truck in the process.. Loss of face now complete and his pickup damaged the only thing he could think of doing is to revert to plan B, ie phone the police and claim he was attacked by a foreigner A common misconception amongst Thais, and many people on here, is that the police will always side with a Thai whenever they clash with a foreigner, this is not true, and unfortunately for him , the police are continuing their investigations into what happened before apportioning blame Mr Weerapon, who to me actually looks like a typical Thai "bruiser" would no doubt ne astonished to see how the Asean Now "jury" has been so quick to condemn the British guy involved as guilty, based purely on his account of the incident, which they appear to have accepted without question Although in a real court of law, their self appointed, and very vocal spokesman / chairman would have to be removed from the jury, How can somebody whose wife was, apparently, pleasured by one of our legendary British swordsmen ever be expected to keep an open mind when the memory is still so obviously painful Without his biased input a real jury would as yet remain unconvinced
  16. well i was unconvinced, but now you have put my mind at rest with your little link
  17. Well obviously if there is civil unrest and street riots people will indeed be less inclined to holiday here. in the short term . as once the army have again taken control things will continue as normal during the "junta years" tourism thrived, other than for covid but that's a different issue I didn't think that was what you meant . I may be mistaken and if so I apologise, but when you said " Thailand will pay a price for this verdict No TAT can prevent that! I thought you were implying that you thought the "image" of Thailand had been damaged to such a degree by these events that even the TAT would not be able to cover it up, resulting in people not holidaying here for "ethical " reasons That would not be the case at all, people coming here for holidays neither know or care about the everyday political scandals that seem to upset a few on here. Sorry if i misunderstood you "to call section 112 a pearl is a sign that you are very outdated" I'm guessing you are not a native speaker but you can read well enough to see that I didn't even mention section 112,,at all However I did mention "pearl clutching" so I'd like to explain to you what it means, It is actually a slang term used to describe people who are or claim to be shocked or outraged at something considered relatively unremarkable by the person using the term Is based on a common reaction to shock or outrage which is generally displayed by delicate, elderly ladies. who have lead very sheltered lives, and as a result are easily shaken by just about anything, when startled they instinctively reach with quivering hands for their pearl necklaces around their necks for comfort nobody actually knows why they do this or if in fact they actually do , I wasn't targeting the phrase at you personally
  18. Nah just another day, neither good nor bad. business as usual for those involved
  19. Assuming by "TAT" you are referring to the Tourist Authority of Thailand I think you are way off the mark, I don't think many prospective holiday makers give a second thought to the political wranglings here. I know didn't and I doubt you did either before you ventured here for the first time. I would venture to say that the overwhelming majority of expats don't care much either except for any possible knock on effects regarding visa regulations or more recently income tax implications. The outrage and pearl clutching are the exclusive preserve of a hand full of bored leftist geriatrics on this forum, self appointed political commentators with just too much time on their hands. And , to a man , all averse to any criticism or opposing views.
  20. I don't really believe the member who used the term in his comment was doing so with any abusive intent to be honest . This modern trend of taking offence whenever possible, is an annoying habit which I associate with the younger generation, a bit like wearing a baseball cap back to front. And just like that pathetic fashion statement, it is a pathetic look for those of advancing years
  21. As I said before, just like all foreigners , I have no skin in the game, but it strikes me that these wannabe newcomers to the game of Thai politics really should have enlisted the help of an experienced adult if they really wanted to play at the top table. It may have prevented them making such basic elementary mistakes, twice regarding the issue of share ownership. They have as much chance of survival as Bambi in the jungle or an unaccompanied newbie venturing into soi 6 alone.
  22. The "permanently offended " community seem to have taken a dislike to some valid words in the english language. Note how they typically issue instructions as to what words they personally think should be used. The use of a word like "disgusting" is nothing more than a predictable tactic to take the moral high ground,and indulge in a bit of virtue signalling, Whilst at the same time vilifying another poster for making a perfectly appropriate comment. A relatively new division of the grammar police
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