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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. well perhaps you would like to show me where I have ever posted unjustified comments on this forum about either of the 3 groups you feel so protective towards. And I very much doubt anybody on this forum has "fled" from their homeland
  2. personally I think robusta coffee is revolting, where ever it comes from, likewise nescafe especially the standard version. It therefore comes as no surprise to me that nescafe are a large buyer of robusta beans. I would not drink either of them if you paid me. There is actually one worse than nescafe, iis that Thai favorite "super coffee" try it at your peril, truly nasty stuff
  3. Just be aware that if the cops do arrest you , they may well take you to a police station ......in the back of a pick up
  4. With respect.... you have disrespected & insulted the majority of A.N. members, so out of respect for those who have helped you you should issue a grovelling unreserved apology, Perhaps you should start another thread for that very purpose? Go on I dare you
  5. On the contrary your reply is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, No company publishes their yearly loss due to theft , Companies do however publish a yearly financial report,, which would of course mention any profits and losses incurred during the trading period , it would be an obligation to their shareholders to do so , and any losses incurred would be taken into account when calculating their pre tax profits
  6. You have picked a very inappropriate time to insult the vast majority of members of this forum, The same members who just a day ago you felt the need to seek advice from and the same members who , with your best interests in mind , willingly gave up some of their free time to advise you to the best of their ability. whilst asking nothing in return.. What a sad, ungrateful, bitter and twisted person you are. Perhaps you would now like to take this opportunity to apologise to those members for any offence you may have caused them This is not the first time you have replied to somebody's comment with the same belligerent response, from the relative safety of behind your keyboard ,you obviously have issues, I suggest you seek help Your intention cannot have been to insult me personally, as I have told you several times before I do not reside here on the basis of what you refer to a a wify visa ( what ever one of those is) neither do I "live like a refugee on a year to year contract " Even if I did, do you honestly think I would be upset by the ramblings of such a morally repugnant human being, one who cant even decide for himself whether or not he should close a redundant bank account, truly pathetic
  7. Me neither, they are not bothered by such nonsense, indeed in order to be "offended", they would need to have reached a certain level level of english proficiency, which most have not. There is no need whatsoever to subscribe to this nonsense on their behalf . However there is no shortage of "woke" native english speakers who are very vocal, and only too willing to take offence on their behalf, But in reality their use of woke pronouns ets is in not actually intended address the imaginary sensitivities, or any injustice suffered by their perceived victims , its real purpose is primarily to enable them to virtue signal amongst themselves, whilst at the same time the rest of us can be easily identified as "bigots" and subjected to hysterical screaming criticism . There is actually no other reason for inventing words such as transphobe,
  8. its hard enough for native speakers, well at least for those who concern themselves with such rubbish
  9. I think your right I noticed a thread started on here a day or so ago about a Ladyboy robbing a necklace The headline used the ridiculous woke phrase "transgender female " I think it was a cut and paste from the "Thaiger" so if it was written by a Thai, I think its a fair bet it was one who was educated overseas or has been very exposed to western media, The word "transgender female" has only appeared in general usage relatively recently, And its usage in the headline (instead of ladyboy or katoey) was a way of the journalist confirming there woke credentials to their perceived woke readership and also a reminder to the rest of us as to what words they think we should be using as they know full well that we don't I am not sure of the exact term used by the Thai press who often seem to use a language not seen elsewhere, I have seen katoey used but I'm sure there are others that I can't remember, either way, I can pretty much guarantee that it is a word that has been used for decades and not a recent construct born of wokeness
  10. just beat me to it, teenage hitmen, reminds me of those child soldiers in africa that are mare than capable of either shooting you or hacking you to death with a machete. Just shows what kids are capable of doing. What ever age of criminal responsibility they come up with, 8 sounds good to me, society needs protecting from psycho kids of any age who has committed murder or rape if they are capable of murdering another person then lock them up. No point in faffing about with probation and supervision orders that inevitably will not be enforced, Straight and directly to jail, without passing go, minimum 20 years and not released unless they are rehabilitated beyond all doubt I think the punishment of parents should be on a case by case basis, depending on the degree of negligence, and the deviousness of the brats, involved many of whom can run rings round their parents, Obviously a more severe punishment for police officers and others in authority who have used their influence to avoid having their own kids punished
  11. Did you pay or did you do a runner,? I wasn't actually questioning what prices people were charged , I was more suspicious of what prices they were using to justify their claim that foreigners have cost them millions, which quite frankly I don't believe
  12. and are the amounts alleged to be outstanding, based on normal prices or the inflated prices that westerners are charged ? I assume for dramatic shock horror headlines the inflated figures are used . Which kind of puts a whole different spin on how much they have actually been left out of pocket. if at all
  13. also highly unsuitable as domestic pets as has been demonstrated on many occasions
  14. You are correct, but I have an irrational yet intense dislike of banks
  15. I don't know, I was responding to the member who commented as I have pasted below, he didn't specify which bank "Speaking with my bank manager as to why it's now so difficult, particularly for regular tourists, to open a bank account, he stated because they leave not allowing sufficient funds to cover card fees. The banks will automatically close the account, but from their prospective are owed millions in unpaid charges."
  16. How is it even possible, any time I have visited a hospital, my ability to pay has always been their primary concern, before commencing any treatment, and then when ready to leave i notice I am always "accompanied" to the cashier by at least one strapping orderly. I call b/s on these alleged unpaid bills that they claim run into millions. Obviously my mrs gets treated for free, being a Thai national, but she has never worked or ever paid a single baht in tax , how come a couple of stitches in a minor cut for her costs nothing , but for me the bill can be around 1000 baht? Its not like they have to employ additional staff to treat me , the cost of cat gut and bandages is the same, and the A&E nurse treating me is there anyway, and if not attending to me would probably be either asleep or playing with her phone all b/s as far as I'm concerned Its exactly the same with banks, with their ridiculous procedures and rules for foreigners, often in the guise of anti money laundering measures, that real money launderers simply avoid whilst laughing at them, we are not allowed credit ok that's fair enough yet to still claim we represent any form of threat simply for keeping money in a savings account is insulting to ones intelligence. What even is the point of requiring a certificate of residence to open a savings account, what does it even prove ? I have had a bank account here for 30 years, not once have they ever contacted me either by post or phone, in fact the only time they ever did contact me, to tell me my debit card was up for renewal, they simply arranged for a message to appear on an ATM machine advising me to renew my card , I could be living anywhere and quite frankly its none of their business like wise the money in my account is mine and not theirs, they should be grateful that I choose to bank with them. This arrogant attitude of banks is not unique to Thailand I hasten to add
  17. I don't know what the answer is but it needs sorting out, Each and every government announces how much more money they are going to throw at the NHS with the sole aim of garnering political approval from the public. But it is never enough , lets be honest they could theoretically give them access to totally unlimited funding and it still "would not be enough" its high time these wasters in the NHS were subject to some serious auditing, with a bit of jail time handed out to those responsible for squandering tax payers money on such an epic scale. They could start by explaining why they have now engaged a veritable battalion of woke diversity consultants, most of whom are paid more than consultants and surgeons and probably work a two day week from home,. After that they could take a long hard look at the corrupt procurement practices that have long gone unchecked. For those involved in these scandals it is a licence to print money. It is in theory a brilliant idea ( the NHS) but human nature combined with a total lack of accountability have created what is basically a national disgrace How on earth can any overfunded organisation like this be permanently , "at breaking point" "on its knees" and how have they got the nerve to describe any of their employees as "exhausted" "ready to drop" or on the verge of collapse" any body who has ever visited a hospital knows that this simply isn't true, I once had to visit the A&E department due to sustaining a minor injury at work ,on the night shift, the place was deserted but a video screen on the wall indicated a 2 hour wait, nobody else came in or out but I was waiting for 3 hours to get a a few stitches in a cut hand, when i was eventually taken in to the treatment area there were literally dozens of lanyard wearing staff lazing around gossiping and playing on their mobile phones. Absolutely criminal in my opinion, and heads must roll
  18. Total rubbish, the charge for a debit card is a few hundred baht per year, it's just a way of fleecing their customers, It in no way reflects any costs the bank may incur, If a customer was not here for a year or two and did not use their debit card the banks should be refunding the fee . The banks are owed nothing. They deserve to be treated with contempt, every single one of them
  19. seems ridiculous to me that GP's are paid for those registered with them, even If those people are not sick and not using the service. Just another example of money being wasted, the sooner the entire shambles is privatised the better. There seems to be little accountability at present, and why would there be, after all its only public money, nobody really cares. Just as badly run as local councils for the exact same reasons. I doubt I am one of the ghosts now having registered with another GP's practice I did this purely to get vaccinated so I am guessing they have done alright out of me so far, here's hoping I never have to contact them again ,
  20. Not so difficult, if I misspell a word it is underlined in red , I simply place the cursor over the word in question, then press the right click button and as if by magic the correct spelling of the word appears in a menu for me to select. A child could do it why can't you?
  21. Thanks for the compliment , however I think maybe I should have used words with less syllables and written a bit more slowly for the benefit of the couple of retards on this thread who have felt the need to post the confused emoji on virtually every comment posted by everyone here. I am genuinely surprised that those with such severe learning difficulties are even capable of operating the kind of devices required to access the internet. I will have to remember to dumb down a bit in future for the benefit of the "special" ones. On second thoughts I won't bother, there must be other forums available for those poor simpletons, with large fonts and short words, to cater for their special needs
  22. Totally agree , especially with the last paragraph, that sense of men and women fulfilling the role that nature actually intended does invoke a kind of comfort, a feeling that things are how they are supposed to be. To be honest I get a feeling of "nostalgia", if that's the right word. as it reminds me of how my parents interacted, and my grand parents before them. Each fulfilling the mutually complementary role that they were designed for and have evolved into since time began. Totally in line with nature and as such totally sustainable. To suggest that they are in anyway put upon , disadvantaged, or subservient would be absolute rubbish , they are more than capable of putting their foot down and expressing their needs, and if my mrs and the other Thai women I know are typical, they have no problems whatsoever in leaving us mere men in no doubt about what our obligations in the partnership are. The way I see it they are the very embodiment of what is now referred to as "soft power" And the confidence they have in their femininity probably explains why Psycho disorders like anorexia and dependance on anti depressants are very rare in comparison to in the west Due to a refreshing lack of "feminism" they are not encouraged to attempt to be something they are not or led to believe they are missing out on not being a man All of the above and the other points you mentioned are due to a dismissal of "feminism" which I would argue is totally different than "wokeness" or "progressive liberalism" That aberration never existed here until very recently, as an example ladyboys and gays have peacefully co existed in Thai society with no issues for a lot longer than any of us have been here and are not just "tolerated" but are actually pretty much embraced by society . So its purely a western woke intrusion that is responsible for the recent trend of displaying rainbow flags here during "woke week" How it must upset the woke when they realise that the Thai language has few gender specific pronouns, that are used in casual daily conversation, for them to misuse, and that their twisted ideology is really not wanted here, I doubt we will ever see the rainbow haired, permanently offended, social justice warrior types that are now so vocal in western society , they will try to become relevant. I'm pretty sure they have tried to sow the seeds of wokeness in the world of academia but personally I think a lack of a social welfare benefits system means that Thais generally have better things to concern themselves with than the "horror" of being misgendered. Lets just hope that common sense prevails and the feral scrotes responsible for this gang related problem receive a good old fashioned dose of right wing punishment and are taught a lesson they will not forget rather than some woke liberal counselling, that will enable them to self identify as victims
  23. I'm not so sure , wokeness is like a cancer and will ultimately spread everywhere I was watching the news the other night and some cop was whingeing on about how the press should not be referring to them as gangs but as "yawachon" a new word on me but according to her indoors is a far less perjorative word for a gang of youths. Apparently they are not a gang just unruly children and should be treated as such ! However subsequent to his bleating there appear to have been several accusations of rape made if I heard correctly the perpetrator of one was 11 years old ! Amongst other allegations of violence and antisocial behaviour to add to the original shocking murder.
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