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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. So restricting its use to non teens as at present is of no use , but banning its use by everybody will solve the problem with a few schizo teens ? I found the documentary laughable to be honest, a few "experts" and concerned parents reading from a script
  2. And the amnesty international report that I provided a link to was pure nonsense too was it ? Likewise you are perfectly entitled to continue to drive your battery powered car but it does not entitle you to any moral high ground,
  3. I am fully aware of the definition of hypocrisy but I have no strong feelings either way regarding OIl lithium or cobalt etc I really don't care one way or the other to be honest. Unethical I may be but hardly hypocritical My comment merely demonstrated the hypocrisy of others virtue signalling about their oh so ethical love of electric vehicles whilst conveniently ignoring a few valid facts that dispute their moral stance
  4. And its not like making it illegal again will ever stop those who want to smoke it from doing so, That much has already been proved beyond all doubt, has nobody in favour of recriminalization noticed that ?
  5. Settle down grandad and have a cup of milky tea I am not an EV hater I just choose not to drive one, Although Its not unusual for people of your ilk to turn on those who choose not to align themselves with your ideologies , and respond with a bit of venom very very predictable indeed. You are another holier than thou type who should read the info in the link to amnesty international I provided earlier
  6. Despite being an atheist I have no intention of pushing my luck, besides out here in the sticks the footwear is not generally to my taste. not only that but they seem to have huge feet, probably evolved to assist walking in the rice paddies
  7. Neither have their overt displays of wealth at every opportunity, or many other aspects of their "culture" Same with the followers and dictators of all other religions (or philosophies )
  8. And I certainly don't have any faith in the claimed powers of kiddy fiddling clerics of any religious sect
  9. Good point, but I have never donated to a temple, and I can count on one hand the number of times I begrudgingly visited a church back home, Yet , unbelievably I am still here and enjoy remarkably good health despite my lifestyle. Perhaps confirming that the devil takes care of his own, or indeed that god helps those who help themselves From what I have seen many of those attending church or temples do not do so to invoke good luck, rather they do so in an attempt to absolve their sins. Not sure if that works, maybe the OP should misbehave and report back regarding the consequences . if any
  10. just like your photo's simply pictures of people working. Are you suggesting that lithium mining does not take place in third world countries, and that children are never involved ? The following link from a lefty NGO should make interesting reading for you https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/01/child-labour-behind-smart-phone-and-electric-car-batteries/ I think its only to be expected that most companies using lithium would use the cheapest source available, despite what they say I am neither for or against the use of electric vehicles but I refuse to be emotionally blackmailed by the narrative that they will save the world
  11. I can guarantee that anybody who writes rubbish like this, has never got drunk and had any tokes of cannabis in their life. Where are are the recent news reports of this happening here ? If it had ever happened the media would be all over it like a rash. There are however no shortage of reports involving aggression where alcohol is or is not involved, The assertion that cannabis use significantly causes violent behaviour is absolute rubbish. even the reefer madness films did not make such an obviously fictional claim
  12. Indeed something happens inside the heads of some old men, particularly when they retire and suddenly realise the redundant nature of their remaining life. It seems to be more common in those who feel they held authoritative positions in the past, retired teachers and retired volunteer magistrates being common examples. They just can't stop telling others, who they arrogantly consider inferior to themselves , what to do and how to live their lives, It us nothing more than a desperate attempt by them to maintain their sense of self worth And as usual birds of a feather flock together There is plenty of room for them to start their own anti- cannabis forum, were they could huff and puff their self righteous views to each other , and virtue signal to their hearts'' content. I can pretty much guarantee that few proponents of cannabis would waste their time trolling them or interrupting their sanctimonious, alcohol induced, hypocritical whinging Perhaps that's the very reason why there is not such a forum already, well that and the fact that there would only be about half a dozen people commenting there
  13. despite the best attempts of the media, and a handful of geriatrics on this forum I have yet to see any evidence or examples of cannabis "rampaging society"
  14. And what's the betting that under another pseudonym he was one of those very vocal opponents of the covid extensions that seemed to upset some on here?
  15. And one will see the sun. which is , if I am not mistaken, liable to cause melanoma when enjoyed recreationally whist at the same time having certain medical benefits. Yet there are no calls for sunbathing to be made illegal, wth penalties of imprisonment for those who choose to indulge. or refuse to cover up Sensibly there is just advice which people are perfectly at liberty to either follow, or, ignore at their own discretion, without the risk of prosecution and the burden of a criminal record,
  16. simply remove the benefits available for those who refuse to work, It really isn't rocket science
  17. Correct, but I consider a derogatory comment perfectly justified when somebody starts screaming "racism" regarding a light hearted video that on their own admission they had not even watched.
  18. There is probably more truth in that sentence than any of us like to admit to ourselves, especially the last part If it was an us or them scenario, and by "us" i'm not referring to expats (well not specifically) they wouldn't take much persuading
  19. That looks like the most pathetic apology for fun I have ever seen! If my parents had tried to make me go there instead of a military base I would have hated them for the rest of their lives only suitable for 2 year olds or the children of vegans
  20. I agree with the sentiment but it ain't toys anymore , its smartphones and most of the brats would probably be a lot happier if left at home glued to tiktok or whatever. on the other hand we used to play "war" as kids even in our free time, its actually one of the the few things I can remember from infants school we didn't need any encouragement, even at that age we knew it wasn't real, in fact at 6 years old we had no concept of what real war was, No idea what got us started probably something to do with being british I think we alternated between war and football . Something like this would have been cool
  21. Or death, just like the rest of us, regardless of wealth
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