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Bday Prang

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Everything posted by Bday Prang

  1. when a church can wake you up with bells in Iran I will concur, until then stfu
  2. It does happen, I was registered at a gp since I was a baby ,hadn't been there since the 1980's trie to get jabbed there and was refused due to being struck off the list, I did hear it was due to a gov crackdown on GP's keeping those on the list who had died or moved away,, something to do with the way they get funded... Not really sure
  3. Isn't it means tested too , need to have less than a certain amount in savings £8000 rings a bell but I may be mistaken
  4. "extreme right" "far right" and then in a later post "monstrosity" and ""waste of oxygen" Standard rhetoric from the oh so tolerant woke brigade
  5. you should be fine, but watch out for the GP they have a nasty habit of striking people off their lists if you haven't been sick for a while, I think its 5 years, but I'm not sure. To be honest I'm not sure its a requirement to be registered, personally I don't think it should be , as It can be difficult to find one willing to accept new patients, as I found out during covid when I needed to get jabbed in order to be allowed to travel
  6. There used to be but they sold the land it stood on , god knows where the money went, I heard it was one of the biggest land deals here at the time,, These days they probably have a virtual embassy "online" of more likely "off line"
  7. So in your brain relatively junior airline staff should have access to international databases regarding terrorism and would become the first line of defence regarding such matters. As well as checking for minor spelling mistakes and overstay status. Get real..They are nothing more than receptionists and bus conductors
  8. Well there appears to be a minister for everything else so why not? They could start by giving the embassy staff a shake up , and then address the injustice of frozen pensions
  9. My main concerns would be being sat next to a potential suicide bomber or a family with a screaming kid, These concerns are not addressed by airline staff checking whether names have been spelt correctly, or whether somebody is an overstayer, which amazingly does not concern me in the slightest. I am sure there are potentially idiots on all flights and sadly there are no assurances (neither did I say there was)
  10. Ah ok i get it now you were applying for an IDP using a Thai Licence, It's concerning that such things are even possible, Are they accepted everywhere ? I shudder to think That a Thai could turn up in a country like the UK for example and just start driving, or even worse jump on a motorbike with no further training.
  11. Mines normally in the car but sometimes it isn't , not something I worry about to be honest I'll always have it if intending to fly though
  12. Thats tough, In the UK you would just go to the post office with your DL and £5.50 By the way what's a red police book? have you been a naughty boy in the past?
  13. The arrival of the 1st world will not stop the corruption "game" per se, it will only raise the stakes to a level that will make it impossible for all but the wealthiest to sit at the table. It will still blight the lives of everybody but the "benefits" will be restricted to the elite. Where as at present, nearly everybody can play as long as they can afford the relatively modest minimum stakes, which I think is a much fairer system
  14. What~??? all trains like the BTS and MRT that's ridiculous although I could sort of understand it if going out of the country
  15. in over 30 years of flying to and from here and internally, the only idiots I have encountered were on international flights , its fair to assume they were in possession of a passport . I have no idea what you are implying
  16. They are clearly not going after anybody, at least not based on the content of the "news" article that is purely supposition, further more overstayers are not limited to visa exempt or tourist visa holders, the immigration authorities do not discriminate nor do they care if one has a pink card or a yellow book ,
  17. Slower the better as far as i am concerned I came here to get away from the so called "first world" hopefully I'll be long dead when it finally arrives here
  18. I believe you , and there is probably little chance that you ever will, but we all know how things work here, it would be a real pain in the ass if one day you are the only one trying to use the pink card instead of a passport and you are faced with the bitch from hell having a menstrual moment . All she has to do is read the 1st line on the back of the card , take it literally, and things could become rather inconvenient, personally I wouldn't risk it
  19. The fact that I am over 50 has no bearing on the legitimacy of my stay here I might be legal on the other hand I might not. You should leave it to the immigration authorities to concern themselves over that
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