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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. The quote actually comes from Tropic Thunder. Problematic quote from an odd movie.
  2. So H1B visas are indispensable to the tech industry and Mr. Musk, 45, and Vivek will "fight to the death" over this issue... What about uneducated farm workers? I'm pretty sure they are indispensable to their industry as well... But farm workers are are just uneducated illegal aliens who need to be deported, whereas engineers aand programmers are special cases because why? Oh yeah, because my industry needs them... <deleted> your industry, they're dirty criminals, my immigrants are good folks because I can exploit their labour. Farmers don't need to exploit labour like tech does 😂😂😂😂
  3. My Thai dealer lives on the mainland but sells in Samui. He just gives away 500g bags of weed to local Thai and farang 😂😂 free is way better than 30b/g 😂😂 but I do buy his kief @100b/g... It makes a very nice topper 😂😂
  4. Why do you think that a regular Joe would know the difference between natural granite and manufactured granite? There are issues with ALL natural and manufactured stone countertops. Let the man make his choice 😂😂
  5. We have had a Neta V for 8 months now. No issues. Extremely happy 😊 Suspension is soft, but it's not a sports car... Charges from 16% to full overnight plugged into regular wall outlet. I've done over 320 Kms with 16% left. Nice interior and sound system. Great around town. Lots of mods available if you're into that 😉
  6. He followed capital in his first term, didn't care then either... The base is easy to lie to...
  7. Because graduates from those countries have no need to work as indentured servants 🤣
  8. My memory may not be as good as yours. Can you remind me which party has consistently reduced funding for education since Regan?
  9. The "morons" are all in his own party 🤣
  10. I don't think you comprehend the word "insurrection" 😅😅
  11. Possibly unwise to discuss potentially rapacious stuff anywhere in the world if you don't know who you're talking to...
  12. Unless it was a close Thai buddy or a pimp, I wouldn't be talking about how attractive the ladies are 😜 could be a brother, father, son, uncle, nephew... 🤣
  13. Y'all gotta adjust who ya talk to 🤣🤣
  14. Ok. Lots of countries have those. The question Is WHY GL? Is it just that he thinks Greenland is the lowest hanging fruit? Does he really think juvenile school-yard bullying is going to work on the world stage? It didn't even work for him in NY real estate 🤔🤷
  15. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 By golly you are right. The man who fallated a microphone and sharpied a hurricane is playing 4d checkers again 🤣🤣🤣
  16. Can someone please explain to me why, in god's name, Trump thinks that "for national security and freedom the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity"? 🤔🤪🫣🥱
  17. Hmmm, sounds like this post came from 1939... Did some leave the wayback machine on again? 🤣
  18. Why? A car at the time cost the equivalent of $4,500 An average house cost $100,000 in today's money Both have gone up significantly. Why should the cost of shipping go down over the same period? Oh yeah, policies to help the ultra rich 😂 how could I forget 🤣
  19. Thought of the day. Who trained the Panamanian elite forces charged with guarding the canal? Right, OK. How do you attack a position you trained the defenders to defend 🤔 wouldn't you have run thru all the possible angles of attack and addressed them?
  20. Upon opening in 1914 it cost the equivalent of $38/ton. Today the cost is $10/ton. 😂😂😂😂Astronomical 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Where do you get this drivel? Oh wait, I know 🤣🤣
  21. A bit late news... Mostly receded now.
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