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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. That's just it. Here or in my home country, I wouldn't be internally debating the consequences of my actions. If you choose to spit on me, you will feel knuckles. Not saying I'm a fighter, or would inflict any punishment whatsoever, I just would not be able to stop myself. I find being spit on incredibly enraging.
  2. Well said. Other than my wife n kids being farang, and my condos in Toronto we have reached the same conclusion! 😃
  3. Almost exactly the same. Weird 😄
  4. Most peeps aren't x military. The devastation they are seeing in Gaza, they are choosing to describe as 'carpet bombing' because it is a catchy war-time phrase they have heard. Whether it is an accurate, legal, description or not, it accurately describes what a lay-person sees and perceives.
  5. Most reliable reporting is exactly the opposite. 60+% dumb bombs, 30-% expensive smart bombs.
  6. Why does that matter if the assault occurred?
  7. 18 yrs. Never experienced negativity re speaking Thai. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Haha... I guess then, with your criteria, Indians, Chinese, and Persians "colonized" Thailand centuries ago...
  9. We were aware of the tunnel network, literally years ago.
  10. Right. Ignore the previous 55+ years 🥺
  11. Why r u posting this? Do u think it is new?
  12. Unfortunately both sides think the other started it. They are not in the mind set of, "can we stop the cycle", they are in the mind set of vengeance. 😢
  13. Hopefully, but really not much chance of that considering they will have all lost loved ones. An incredibly difficult situation.
  14. Hamas can, most definitely, be eliminated. Resistance cannot. Another group would replace Hamas.
  15. No the objective of war to physically enact foreign policy. Current military strategy is to do this with as little death as possible. You are describing vengeance.
  16. Often "opinions" are based in the analysis of facts, not in "feelings"... Just sayin'...
  17. "Tech giants" are responsible for little to no innovation. Innovation comes from individuals and start-ups. Tech giants use economies of scale to disseminate the innovations of start-ups they have gobbled up.
  18. Hi Danielle. Fellow Canuck. Unfortunately, what you are describing is not really available. Maaaaybe an education visa for learning Thai language would be your best option, but that route has been abused and can have it's own problems. Check the Thai Embassy to Canada for (legal) options. Check out and ask at the FB group Canadians in Phuket.
  19. No need to worry, for dog's sake. Castles, keeps, bunkers, it's what rich folk have done since there were rich folk. 🤣
  20. Who is this nebulous "they" you repeatedly refer to anyway?
  21. Corporations do not pay workers "proper wages" anywhere in the world unless they are forced to by regulations or unions.
  22. Apple Thailand online.
  23. Soft power initiatives do NOT require monetary pay-back to be successful. China has been very competent in its soft power outreach.
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