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Everything posted by mikebike

  1. Hope he enjoyed losing 20+ billion for the privilege ????????????
  2. So no idea of what the topic is about then ????????
  3. Gee, what's your call for a winner drug?
  4. Yeah, well he ain't getting the best quality representation is he... Shoulda paid all your attorneys 45 ????????
  5. With those qualifications why did she want to be a cop? Brown envelopes don't come without paying up front for the privilege.
  6. You said, "stop gun toting criminals intent on mayhem". That does not bore down on the point of the legislation. "Stop gun toting criminals intent on mayhem" implies you thought it would be a magic panacia for all crime. Words have meaning.
  7. Hmmm, I started riding motorbikes at 5 yrs old... Darn parents of low mentality ????????????
  8. You do realize that the laws are intended to help reduce mass killings, not crime, right?
  9. Because every sovereign country can make their own laws. Comparing with what other countries do is a pointless waste of time.
  10. Simple answer - every single member of the white house press corps. The white house press corps have never been "real" journalists. Ever.
  11. Name ONE "expert 45 had on staff please.
  12. Yep, kinda sadly hilarious that he whinges about things he could have spoken about at ANY TIME while he held the largest soapbox in the world ????????????
  13. Funny that you think that's the way it would happen...
  14. Narcissists rarely understand the consequences of their actions.
  15. 15 to 95... Should be wide open to absolutely anyone. If the electorate is stupid, too bad.
  16. Which may well have been the case if the GOP and it's most ardent base were even vaguely consistent in that opinion. Unfortunately history destroys that idea.
  17. I am on extension of Non-Imm "O". No marriage requirement. 90 day check-in, same as O-A. My understanding is the only difference is O-A is applied for and collected abroad. "O" obtained here. And the insurance thang.
  18. So you were against the Nazi war crimes arrests and trials some of which were accused 45+ yrs after their crimes. Interesting. When, in your opinion does a crime stop being a crime? 5 yrs? 10 yrs? 20 yrs? Shouldn't the crime be judged by the evidence, not the time passed?
  19. In this whole radio thang you keep pushing... and you are comparing to "TV". TV is dead in the 18-40 demo. You keep ignoring new media (which IS NOT TV). Podcasts (NOT RADIO), blogs, Twitter, TicToc, YouTube, streaming, are where 18-40 get their news. Not radio OR TV! Give up.
  20. Can a hypocritical liar expose hypocritical liars? Sounds like an oxymoron of morons ????????
  21. No editors in the news-entertainment sphere.
  22. His, and shows of his type, have "producers" not "editors". You are thinking of another type of media.
  23. Ohhh, 10 million listeners... There are over a million YouTube channels with over a million subscribers. What are you on about? Radio - reaches the 10,000,000 Americans over 75 ????????
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