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Everything posted by Mahseer

  1. Another option is Dr Vipawan Chantapanich at CM Ram.
  2. I'll visit (once quarantine is dropped) as love the place and it's relatively easy to avoid junta businesses and put the tourist dollar in the hands of the civilian pocket.
  3. Queue will be short with a 7 day quarantine period and 30 day visa length but didn't see any chance of Burma opening this year but here's the news...... https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/myanmar-to-reopen-to-international-tourists/ar-AAVfTPr?ocid=msedgntp
  4. If you're willing to pay 10k/year Pulse TV has 11 Aussie channels including 7, 9, 10 + 3 Fox sports channels as well as all U.K. TV & sports channels + plenty else. Others will no doubt be along with cheaper options.
  5. Not at present. Limit is 30 days but as I said earlier likely to be extended once flights resume March 1 plus long term visas are suspended but again maybe reinstated at some stage. If you are Brit you have to get a paper visa but most others can get e visa.
  6. Other India beach options: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/destinations/indias-10-best-beaches-handpicked-by-timestravel/photostory/89826125.cms
  7. First off no retirement visa options in India and presently only 30 day visas issued but that is likely to change in the immediate future as flights resume March 1. Goa is an excellent spot which has moved from a hippy haven in the late sixties into the seventies to a package tour destination in the eighties and nineties into more of an locals dominate holiday spot today. It is a seasonal attraction due to monsoons that hit May-September and the place pretty much shuts down. Give it a go but be selective in timing and come to terms swiftly that india runs as Indians want and sure you'll enjoy.
  8. I signed up with April France last year aged 68. I'll send you a link as to the agent I used here.
  9. Incorrect. April accepts applicants up to 71st birthday. For pre existing conditions exemption only the past 5 years health record is considered.
  10. Many thanks for the prompt reply and details Sheryl. Much appreciated.
  11. Hi Sheryl, 2 questions on blepharoplasty if you would. If both upper and lower are required would you recommend to do both in one visit? Which hospital based surgeon would you recommend? Many thanks
  12. Travel bubble with India proposed which ties in a treat with India dropping the 7 day home quarantine requirement. https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/2262919/hopes-pinned-on-india-travel-bubble
  13. Optical fibre and LAN. Modem upgraded in the last 9 months as part of the new contract and have had Sinet in and they claim system is working fine. My opinion differs.
  14. There's are 2 options here at present but the other is antiquated TOT ADSL. Have enquired with AIS and 3BB for a line but neither interested in providing.
  15. Back up. Paying 850/month for 500/500 but typically see 120/100 so hardly impressive but living in a condo don't get to choose. Unfortunately.
  16. It's without a shadow of doubt with the correct blade the ideal tool for what you list and a thousand times safer than a chainsaw, it's your cash so your choice no problem.
  17. Consider a reciprocating saw. The beauty of these is you can buy blades for all applications be it wood or steel plus they are battery operated plus you can operate single handed. Milwaukee make a quality product that's available here: https://shopee.co.th/Milwaukee-CHZ-0-เลื่อยชักเอนกประสงค์ไร้สาย-12-โวลท์--เครื่องเปล่า--i.287793770.3027688984?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiKOr4aje9QIVR5lmAh2Nmg6NEAQYAyABEgJBBPD_BwE Edited to add that I've taken down trees 6" diameter trunk with this tool. Took a couple of batteries but not a problem.
  18. That scheduled flight suspension runs through 28 February but that doesn't mean things change next day. The ban has been in place for months and its just extended time and time again as Covid situation dictates. I'm not even certain you have the option of entering via a third country, say Dubai, as rules are pretty strict there.
  19. Only scheduled flight operating to india are those from countries that they have a 'bubble agreement' with and right now Thailand is not included. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/omicron-regular-international-flights-suspended-till-february-28-air-bubbles-to-continue/articleshow/88991622.cms
  20. I suffered with migraines for 6 years and tried everything including 15 Botox shots in my head (didn't work but boy I was beautiful for a couple of months) and eventually tried the only medication that prevented attacks really setting in which was Relpax 40mg. It's an eletriptan and an absolute saviour for me. Around 270baht for pack of 2.
  21. Full passport for Brit is 10 years. Send the information page that includes the photo.
  22. Riverside shut down through 9th due to outbreak as has the nearby Good View.
  23. Saturday morning there's Chamcha market which is 8kms from Thapae off the San Kampaeng road and was busy 2 weeks back. If you fancy a feed Meena Rice is at the bottom end of the market and serves decent Thai food plus other simple options in the compound. https://www.facebook.com/ChamchaMarket/ Sunday between 06-1400 Jing Jai market is worth a look. It's back in its previous traffic free area on Atsadathon road next to Lotus Kham Thiang. Plenty of food outlets both fresh and cooked plus normally couple of music options after 0800 and plenty of shops selling hand made goods. If you fancy quality Thai food beside the river Wanlamun just along from Nawarat bridge is the best I know but individual tastes vary.
  24. Few options listed here: https://chiangmaifamilyguide.com/christmas-lunch-and-dinners-chiang-mai-2021/?fbclid=IwAR335wCv0FoLWxG0wfDtSseU-PR71qEVS4wrXDCJQkRv8V4vIuFMrobkq4c
  25. Wouldn't buy tickets until last minute just in case. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/travel/travel-news/india-scheduled-international-flights-not-resuming-on-december-15-amid-omicron-concerns/as88033327.cms Be careful with your visa validity. I have a 5 year e visa with 2 years to run but these were ruled suspended which still stands today. If you've just picked up a visa you're likely fine.
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