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Everything posted by Almer

  1. ???????? no I musnt post a recent past experience,unless the Pol Maj gives me permission of course.
  2. I would suggest the dealer who is charging you 390 is also getting a subsidy from the government to sell at 318, dosnt matter who or where from 318 max is 318, matters little to me we are all electric, but if electric was capped I would moan if it was more.
  3. And if you are paying 320 to the only supplier in the village, then what?
  4. Appears an easy way out for people now, no truth in the online rumour”
  5. Ha ha ha, the only fault was he was looking at it not the road
  6. You may of course be close to the truth, look how easy Novachock got to do damage just a bit on a door handle caused havoc in the UK
  7. There would be in my case, I have only come across one and up close even in a pick up they are BIG BIG BIG
  8. How many times in a day do you when indicating left have to avoid a bike passing on your nearside.
  9. Am I to believe then that Omicron is being picked up from saliva and not nasal test, this could be the reason tourists are going positive on arrival, best wishes to your wife.
  10. But do you wear a mask when you are at home, i don’t like the man but if these are family he lives with he is doing nothing wrong as I see it, i will of course stand. corrected
  11. Correct, I suggest the hotel has an issue with being called out
  12. Mrs daughter 25 a teacher still living at home has ordered a new Vios top spec of course, fed up driving about in my 5 year old truck. 7460 a month x84 months guarenteed by the Mrs, after I calmed down she told me not to worry because soon she will want her gold back from the gold shop and she will be happy to let us take the car payments over, only one problem I don’t want the Vios so trouble ahead for sure.
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