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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Do not except anything from China or they will hang you with it
  2. Quick coat of paint and some blankets over the seats be like the orient express
  3. Can we have some real life drama’s please, I will start, got the foreskin caught in my zip while waiting to be called in for a job interview, didn’t get the job but neither did the man who didn’t get him caught
  4. I love living in Thailand, but I remember my first visit, long flight a bit stiff and into the 2 hour Q for immigration with a less than smiling IO. Baggage no problem and out to find the transport sent by the hotel, no service put your own bags in the back, let’s hit the kerb for good measure before leaving the airport because we are on the phone, and now flat out lane changing and all things that I or the 5 other travelers were not used to. arrive Pattaya early evening, knackered and our room wasn’t ready yet, why I ask you no we come, yes sir but water not working man mend now, ok these things happen, so let’s go out for a wonder for an hour, dogs, hassle from young kids trying to sell things etc etc, sat for 1 hour and ask why I have to pay for 3 beers when I only had 2sorry sir, go back to Hotel solly man not do today you stay in another place, which was a 2star we booked a 4 no problem these things happen, and it just went on and on, the sad thing is nothing has changed other than the driving has got worse because the vans are faster, get a tourism officer/General who understands and send a small survey team to meet people of the plane and ask not tell them with loaded questions what they exspect from there 2 weeks in paradise, now do another with people coming back to the airport, then you can see who you are catering for, but don’t load the questions or it’s all a waste of time, but TAT want a quiet life like us all so nothing will change just the press briefing’s
  5. His aim is to get 50% back in 2022 and 80 % back in 2023, that means you are happy with the tourists from the past, the OM said he wants to clean up not have tourists with there tongues hanging out walking around Oattaya, make your mind up chaps
  6. I think it reads, he is looking to avoid them
  7. They study for a number of years and come out in a Pandemic that cases are likely to rise. Most profession’s need to be a little more precise than “likely”
  8. How about the selected shipping company, SELECTED
  9. That’s it open on what is bound to be a manic Thai tourist day, why not wait until mid week and save all the good the closure has achieved
  10. New rolling stock would achieve higher occupancy therefor helping the economy, more Subs( which I think has been shelved, or sunk) means an intending invader will think long and hard. For now I will start the 7 hour slog from KK to Bangers by road which is even with all it road casultues a more comfortable option than the current rattlers. Why do these countries donate to a regime of self entitlement with no redress
  11. This is not unique to Thailand, a hefty fine for the driver for the tyre, and an unannounced visit to the operator by Vosa ( UK vehicle safety agency) who will ask all sorts of difficult questions, one being a request to see the maintenance records for said trailer, if every thing is not as it should be you can expect a trip to the traffic court, where fines and licences can be curtailed at worse or the number of vehicles on the licence reduced, which is not funny if you got heavy finance and you can’t use vehicles until all is in order, and then you will get many unannounced visits.
  12. My neighbor of 3 years ago went on a one to one driver training for 4 days, on the 5 day she went for her license, at the end of the 5th day she asked me if I would back the car into her drive and on the 6th day she mounted a high pavement following a left turn and did quite some damage including under body
  13. All these gab drivers though out the various lockdownshad finance to oay with little or no work so the cars went back, end of story
  14. A policeman friend once told me there is only 1 thing a burglar dosnt want and that is to draw attention to himself, so yes flashing lights plenty of cabaret and they will be off some other place where it is more peaceful
  15. In 4 shops and the house I use Yousee, with the app watch from anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, Yousee on Lazada
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