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Everything posted by Almer

  1. Easy to pull a figure out of the sky, in my old job if I was asked for a forward projection it was expected to be some where near close,
  2. Perhaps you could have suggested the error of there ways regarding dual pricing unless this filthy practice has stopped
  3. Thai tradesman indeed, I learnt the hard way when I wanted an earth rod put in, obviously had a problem that I found out about 3 months later when the Mrs got her foot caught around the trailing earth wire which pulled the rod out of the ground, he had cut about the length of a normal size John Thomas and put the wire clamp on it, where the other 2mtrs went I can only guess.
  4. I seem to think you will get no grief until somebody wants some pocket money or jealous neighbours have a moan
  5. I go there ( pre Covid )for about 3 days each year to meet friends over on holiday, but I’m glad to look in the mirror and see it behind me as I travel back to Issan.
  6. Agreed, if it’s dark if there are noisy people looking for a ruck why go down that Soi, now if there is one or most 2 little sh!ts looking for trouble to brighten up there evening, game on.
  7. Quite surprising 2 days running the same amount injured as there are collisions, 574 injured 574 collisions!!!
  8. It wont matter after New Years parties, as i scribe this the house over the road have around 50 from all over sleeping munitions prople in the same room drinking and eating from shared receptacles, now multiply this party over all of Thailand and it will be game set and match within 2 weeks.
  9. So they are going positive on the plane or the paperwork isn’t being checked on departure
  10. Well of course, they are on holiday and locals smiled at them, they are not used to that in there home country. Ok
  11. were there flights to Bethlehem, they didn’t say that in RE they said they went on a Donkey, and all these years I believed them so much for Grammar school.
  12. Ummm, I think you need to start “ once upon a time” and then see the level of intetest
  13. A small, very small number requiring hospital admission on top of all other admissions will cause a problem , i needed a 2 day stay 2 weeks ago in a Issan hospital they were on the floor in the ward or on trolleys in the corridor, and that was before Omicron was seen or reported here, I’m not talking ICU just a standard medical ward, so let’s go to your percentage question, easy to pull a figure out of the blue but my recent experience of a gvmnt hospital shows any % however small will cause a problem.
  14. I will have yours as well as my own, thankyou.
  15. Forget considering possible venues, DO IT shut them down, i see the fall of Anutin who thought and Thailand was above the lowly Omicron, not as severe but will swamp the hospital system within a month if it plays out like Europe
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