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Everything posted by Almer

  1. With the Uk seeing a spike and an emergency government meeting today with the scientific evidence that a 3rd wave is about to start, why is Thailand nit shutting the doors to the UK this is reminiscent of the Wuhan crowd welcomed with open arms March19
  2. She might think she is a hi-so but crawling out of the car with her skirt round her waist and her ego dented is a great leveler I’m sure, but scarper go and see the bib tomorow and explain you were in shock, they make you a cup of coffee you pay a little towards the Christmas childrens party and off to buy a new car, you all know from your home countries this is not the way to do it.
  3. If fuel stays or continues up then it effects us all not just when we fill up but the cost is Bourne on everything
  4. Who told you that rubbish? Brake fluid is recommended to be changed every 4 or 5 years not every year.
  5. Offer a chunk of cash and the “Chef” will go elsewhere, unless of course she still loves you then it’s a devil to get them out.
  6. What is Torrenting, i am 72 and have no time to miss things?
  7. Yes if a man puts his hand up and admits he is wrong that is one thing, if a man puts his hand up and admits he is wrong because there will be little or no punishment that of course is another thing.
  8. And if you can get to see the doc what is the first thing he ask’s “what’s wrong with you” when he is the doctor ????????????
  9. But in your country do you have a local village hospital to compare?
  10. Speak as you find, I have been receiving treatment for a stage 2 cancer in Khon Kaen Uni (self paid) and can only praise the whole thing, yes you turn up at 10.00 and find a hospital swamped with people, but a lot are relatives and it is nowhere as bad as it seems. I found a reason to get an opinion on a lump, no appointment just turned up, waited about 1 hour to see the consultant, at 12.00 had a biopsy, returned 5 days later to be told I needed surgery at 2 pm I was in a bed and at 20.00 I was in theatre, this was 2 years ago, much has gone on since then all efficient and not expensive, for KK University i and many have commented on there positive experiences, thankyou you do a wonderful job possibly without some resources that you would like, in the Uk after 2 years i would still be waiting to see a consultant that is if I had lasted this long.
  11. Probably the same as your 1st class but my insurer calls it 5 star, but you have to have cameras front and rear and down the sides
  12. Dash cam front and rear+ 5 star insurance is a minimum here, I’ve been tail ended twice in 6 years and many say I am doing good, but I could have fetched 50 off there motorbikes had i not been looking for the unthinkable to happen. 5 star, ring the insurers from the scene and say and do nothing they sort it all.
  13. The threat is from within, given a choice of having an evening meal with 10 unknown tourists or 10 unknown Thai’s I would take the former.
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