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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. They were getting their own ass ripped out by the Chinese, pre covid.
  2. Many of the girls on their phones are freelancers. If they get a lady drink, good for them, but they are sitting their on their phones working on an app. They can use their phone in the bar because they are commissioned based, no salary, so the boss has very little control. If the freelancer gets a customer from an app, she can just up and leave, which leaves the salaried girls still sitting in an empty bar, getting their salary deducted to next to nothing. How long before the majority of the salaried girls turn freelance, because a big percentage of customers are now using apps?
  3. It's the sex apps that will see it "over" for the greedy Thai landlords, via their tenants.
  4. And the parts where nobody goes have been called "rammed" by some on this forum. ????
  5. What issues are you having?
  6. I'm under the belief that if you don't pay a fee, you can't win. ????
  7. Good point, Kinyara. The Chinese were the predominant tourist demographic pre covid, and I have often used the term, "tourist numbers up, but money down" to describe TAT targeting tourists from developing nations. We use the term, "Pattaya" which is a city, but let's narrow it down to Pattaya CBD, or Central Pattaya. Say, Klang to Thai, and Beach Road to 3rd Road. Let's throw in Walking Street as well. Hundreds of hospitality establishments in this area, possibly thousands. How many Chinese and Russians do you see in bars / restaurants / gogo in this Central Pattaya area? To put it bluntly, how does a bar on Soi Baukhao, for example, benefit from a Chinese tourist getting bused around to Nong Nooch etc? So, we must clarify if Pattaya City is doing well out of the Chinese, whilst bars / gogo's / soapies / happy massage / BJ bars etc etc do not see any custom from them. What "value" does a farang bar own see out of TAT targeting Chinese and Russians? Once again, the OP is about the future of Walking Street, and Walking Street is famous for the sex trade, is it not? How do hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Chinese and Russians coming to Pattaya for such tourist sights and activities as Nong Nooch and Koh Larn, yet "spectate" on Walking Street, taking photos, actually help establishments on Walking Street pay their bills? Hypothetically, say 100 million Chinese came to Pattaya and followed the same pattern as they did pre covid, how does that help the gogo's on Walking Street, or the bars on Soi Baukhao, for example?
  8. Maybe the girls are using the apps because the guys are using the apps. Have you considered that? I must have posted it about a dozen times, you can arrange to meet a girl from an app in a bar. I always arrange to meet them in a bar. Sometimes short time has turned into long time and we have gone out dining, drinking, and dancing. The bar experience is available online, without the bar BS and pricing. Not really. On a few occasions I have sat at a bar and looked at an app, saw something I liked, messaged, requested more photos, done a quick video call, and in a matter of minutes she was sitting next to me in the bar. Is that "pre-arranged?" Strange comment. How does one get badly burned on lady drinks and bar fines? I always ask the price of a lady drink before I buy it, and with bar fines nearing what the girl wants, I stopped paying them a long time ago. Does that make me a cheap charlie? Sure, I have never suggested the lady drink and bar fine business model would disappear. What I have suggested is online will eat into the bottom line of bars, and with their thin margins, many may struggle to survive, particularly without a correction in rents. AirBnb and Uber didn't see the end of traditional taxis and hotels. AirBnb and Uber just ate into their profits, and by a lot. For some, possibly many bars, that loss of a percentage of customers that used to buy lady drinks and pay bar fines, just may be enough to send them out of business, unless their Thai landlord shares some of the digital disruption pain. Once again, the bar experience is available online. It's not all about a girl coming to your hotel for an hour. As I have said, for me, girls on the apps is like online dating, but with a guaranteed outcome. Is that not the same as meeting a girl in a bar, minus the lady drinks and bar fines?
  9. Mass murder over never ending roadworks, really? Please post a link. Yes, that's what the OP is about. Are they? I would think basic infrastructure is not a big ask of government in a so called World Class Tourist Destination.
  10. The apps have all sorts of girls. Young, old, attractive and not so, skinny, fat, short, tall etc etc. Speaking to the girls I have met from the apps, the apps also have all sorts customers, from many different countries, with different financial capacities. Some members seem to think the girls are on the apps only as a side line, but the ones I have been with tell me it's their main job. What's that tell you about the demand for this method of meting?
  11. Are you claiming you have never been scammed, overcharged, had a bill padded, had a price changed on you etc etc etc etc in all your time in Thailand? If so, you should start a youtube channel to assist tourists. ????
  12. It's not just that they have their own level, there's nothing and nobody stopping them from creating new and even higher levels for themselves, which means the corruption only gets worse.
  13. Let's be honest, it's the sex trade that "attracts such a diverse mix of nationalities." It's certainly not Pattaya Beach, which is terrible. Imagine for a moment Pattaya's sex trade moving to Nakon Nowhere, that's where the "diverse mix of nationalities" would be going to. Take the sex trade out of Pattaya, what has Pattaya got, and for whom?
  14. You've never had a problem, so that means no one else has either, accept the OP, and it was all his fault, being the evil farang. You paid your padded bar bill, but then personally attack someone who questions pricing of the beach chairs. Talk about double standards. Next thing you'll be saying it's the tourists fault for hiring a jet ski and being scammed.
  15. Yes, there are hundreds of girls working off the apps, and in my opinion, it will only gain in popularity with the girls, as you have posted, and with the tourists. I have never suggested the apps will totally dismantle the current lady drink and bar fine business model, but it will certainly effect the bottom line of many establishments. The only question is, by how much, and for those with thin margins, of which there are many, without a market correction in rents, they will struggle to survive, particularly as they must raise their drink prices. It was happening pre covid, boomed during covid, will continue post covid, and is here to stay. Your post alludes to only cheap charlies using the apps. This is not the case. They offer convenience for all, without a lot of the bar BS and pricing. The lady drink and bar fine business model served many bar owners well over the years, thus, Thai landlords as well, alas, times are changing, as we have seen in other industries.
  16. My posts give your posts some balance. ????
  17. So, of course, that means they are all reputable. They would never scam anyone, ever. Next thing you'll say is you've never, ever, had you bar bill padded. ???? Just more Thai apologist BS from you. Always the same.
  18. But what about the price of a coconut, which seems to fluctuate more than the stock market? ????
  19. So there are no scams on Pattaya Beach then. Typical Thai apologist post from you.
  20. Pattaya still offers great adult entertainment, there is no other place like it in the world, so I will continue to stay. As another member said, it's important that false and misleading, and overly optimistic posts such as yours are debated, otherwise you distort what is actually happening on the ground here.
  21. Funny how you call me a troll, then set about trolling me. ???? My point is, the was no big bounce back, as many predicted. The term "pent up demand" was thrown about a lot, but the demand may not be as great as many had thought. I agree, but there really is no excuse for their rulings in the past recent months, which has hurt a lot of businesses. Wrong. Many did. A lot of renovations took place in readiness. Isn't this what TAT was doing, pre covid? Example: 1 million Chinese fly in next week, how many of them do you see in bars in Central Pattaya? Indians are returning, great for the girls on Beach Road, but how many of them do you see in bars in Central Pattaya? You can talk up the numbers all you like, but it's the traditional market that keeps many hospitality businesses afloat, and that market has rushed back to Pattaya in big numbers. Figures were published. Here they are: "In April, the top five tourists were from India (4,216), the United Kingdom (1,627), Japan (1,007), Korea (946), and Germany (940)." Not great, are they? I have no doubt numbers will rise, heading into high season, but it must be remembered that many tourists also suffered financially because of covid. It may take a few years to get back to pre covid numbers. You've obviously never even looked at the apps, and seen all the girls working off them, yet here you are proclaiming it will have absolutely no effect on the bottom line for bars, and totally disregard them as competition to the traditional bar business model. Now that's hilarious. ????
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