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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. You don't have to own a car to know the length of warranty offered by the car manufacturers, right?
  2. Lonely and undersexed men can find the exact same experience / service a short distance away in LK Metro and surrounds, for a considerably cheaper price. So what future does Walking Street have, unless it can compete on price point?
  3. No, they die because they have been murdered. The "misunderstanding" is just an excuse given by the killer. Many murders are turning into "misunderstandings" once the deceased's family are satisfied with their amount of blood money.
  4. The Thai landlords pushed the consumer market past what it was prepared to pay, via their tenants, pre covid. Without a market correction in rents, Walking Street will die a slow death.
  5. No, I don't, but I own a computer, and you can see the warranty on the various manufacture websites.
  6. After 7 years, fair chance your vehicle is now out of warranty, so any scheduled services at the dealership will not help with your warranty. Just take it for an oil change. You will not be punished as far as warranty as your warranty has most likely expired. Deal with any other issues as they arise, and they may not arise for years,especially as you only do low kms.
  7. And between arrest, and rearrest, say he fled to Dubai, for example, or committed another crime, possibly murdering someone, where's the justice, and protection of the community? What would your words be to the victim, or his next victim, while he was released? Brown envelopes or not, 3rd World policing in a 3rd World Country.
  8. It's laziness / incompetence to expect / rely solely on a victim's identification. Say they expected / relied solely on a witness identification, and that witness died in a motorbike accident a week later, the case collapses, because they failed to pursue other methods of investigation that go to identification. A thorough investigation incorporates some redundancy.
  9. Yes, indeed. So ask the Court. Did they? If not, why not? Why solely rely on the victim's identification? There are other ways to put the offender at the crime scene. It's laziness / incompetence. Wrong. You posted another option that was available to them. Is collecting tea money part of the "law ad procedures?"
  10. It's not about getting "a reliable clear look at the guy." As others have said, if he murdered her, the police would have to identify the offender by other means, so if the victim, due to concussion, poor lighting etc, could truly not assist police with identifying the offender, they should still be investigating other ways of putting him at the crime scene. How is it they arrested the guy, if the victim couldn't identify him? The answer is, there were other ways to identify him, and now they just need to take that identification further, rather than the whole case rely on the victim picking the offender out in a photo ID or parade.
  11. Fabricating evidence is a crime. Closing an investigation without properly investigating is laziness and / or incompetence. Either way, shame on the Thai Police.
  12. Question is, can Thailand maintain its status of being "the first place to retire in Asia?"
  13. I've never been one for walking into a bar on Soi 6, not even having a drink, picking a girl, and going upstairs. Likewise, I don't use the apps to have a girl come to my condo, and we jump straight into bed. I'm not sure how many times I have to post this, but I always arrange to meet a girl from an app in a bar. I have a drink, I buy her a drink, and things progress from there. As I have said, what was going to be a short time with a girl from an app, on several occasions, turned into a long time, and a late night. There is the misconception out there that a girl online is only about straight to your bedroom, and nothing else. I liken it to internet dating, but with a guaranteed outcome, at the time you chose.
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