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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. The Russians will not be back. The Chinese may be back by the end of the year, but it will take a long while for their numbers to get back to 2019 levels. Some Indians will be back, but they are like cheap independent mongers. Some westerners will be back, but Thailand was falling out of favor with westerners, pre covid. Add to that the high cost of living in western countries, and their numbers will be down on pre covid levels. I wish business owners here the best of luck explaining this to their Thai landlords. Pre covid rents will not be sustainable for quite some time into the future.
  2. I'll try to remember that next time it floods in Central Pattaya, and I see turds floating in the bay. ????
  3. Those girls will be spread out across more bars and nightclubs when Pattaya is properly open. How much money do you think the girls are making now? Don't you think they are messaging their friends back home telling them not to bother coming back just yet?
  4. The ladies will not return until the tourists come back, and the tourists will no come back until the ladies return, and no one will come back until hospitality is properly open. ????
  5. You'll always be able to get a decent meal, get drunk, and get laid here. Whether or not the local Pattaya economy is strong, that's a different question. At the moment, you have covid discounts on pre covid rents that are ending, with Pattaya no where near 2019 levels of tourism, with many businesses struggling even back in 2019.
  6. I think you are way off. The Chinese, who were the biggest demographic of tourists here in 2019, are not even allowed out of their country. The Russians and restricted by the war and the crashed rouble. There's a sharp rise in the cost of living in western countries. No way is it 60% to 70% back to 2019 levels.
  7. When tourism is back to near full swing, Soi Baukhao needs to become a Walking Street at night, between Soi Dianna and Tree Town.
  8. And it will be a few years yet before new fond memories will be made on Walking Street.
  9. Many times I have been in bed, either at night, or the next morning, with a bar girl, and their phone rings. They ask me to be quiet, and maybe go out onto the balcony. You just have to laugh at the BS stories they tell the guy on the other end of the line. I'm sure your girl is different. ????
  10. I never suggested this was a suicide. I commented on the guy living like a pauper. Does that raise the percentages for you?
  11. Probably done a deal for short time rooms with a nearby hotel or guest house. The one room upstairs will probably be for staff.
  12. More for sale on Soi 6. https://www.bahtsold.com/view/bar-building-with-6-room-for-sale-soi-6-453513 https://www.bahtsold.com/view/bar-with-9-big-room-soi-6-take-over-453510
  13. So, you are saying less than 1% of guys that come to Thailand and hook up with a Thai girl get fleeced. Less than 1 in 100 relationships end financially badly for the foreigner. Brave comment. I disagree.
  14. Never has a Thai missus. Never sent money for a sick buffalo. Have there not been "many" guys return home broke? Have there not been "many" guys jump off a balcony? Care to put a percentage on it? Even 1% of a lot is "many."
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