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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Put the hotel address down, and keep your girlfriend and her condo out of it. Should some unforeseen issue arrive, like injury / illness / covid clousure, you front immigration for an extension and pay the fine.
  2. I've haven't seen the US Navy personal here, on mass, in bars and living it up, for years. The member hadn't seen them for 2 years prior to covid. It appears Cobra Gold now passes Pattaya bars like a ship in the night. ????
  3. I'm sure her arrest did wonders for Russian tourism to Thailand. Oh well, at least they got 100k baht. It's all about money today, no thought about tomorrow. ????
  4. Whilst the 1900 baht a year might stay, or just rise a little, you can expect the criteria for retirement visas / extensions to change in the future. Only a matter of time. 800k will probably go to 1.5 million, and 65k will probably go to 100k a month.
  5. They seem to be relying heavily on the "Thailand brand." Some years ago, Thailand had that "pull" but Thailand is just not that popular anymore.
  6. Certainly, some aspects of Thai culture are holding back the country's progress, to the point Thailand is slipping behind other nations who it was once leading. Without a proper democratically elected government here, and I can't see that happening any time in the near future, the regress will continue to a point that if, or when, change does come, it will take decades to get back to where the country should have been. 8 years of a military government has probably put Thailand back 20 years, and there's no end in sight.
  7. Is the Red Bull heir a VIP? Yes? Has his case taken up police and the judicial system's time? Yes. It meets the criteria, does it not?
  8. Your own post suggests they had not been here for 2 years prior to covid. Every 2 years, at best, is not what I call, "a lot."
  9. Sure, but what's stopping any owner from doing it, or just supplying a link to friends, family, regular customers etc to watch the bar's live stream? Point being, you have no idea where that footage is going, and where it may be able to be viewed. Like I said, just something to remember.
  10. It will be different this time. The organiser of this event has a restaurant license. ????
  11. If I understand correctly, every hotel or property owner must submit a TM30 for a foreigner staying in the property, even for one night. In the OP's case, his girlfriend is required to submit one. What actually happens is a different thing, especially as the Thailand Revenue Department may have access to these records.
  12. A lot of posts objecting to being filmed by a youtuber inside a bar, and rightly so, but I would say about 99% of establishments here have CCTV, so the whole bar is being filmed and recorded on a DVR under the bar or inside the office. Just something to remember.
  13. I think you will find the majority of tourists to Thailand coming in now are longer stay tourists, also know as snowbirds. They stay around 3 months, some longer, so if they were quarantined, it's not a big problem for them. Come here for a 2 week holiday, test positive, get banged up for a week, and given a bill for 70k to 80k baht. Would you risk it?
  14. 4 years ago. They don't visit too often then, even pre covid, do they? ????
  15. So I gather you have made no observations of your own, or spoken to any business owners.
  16. Who would risk a positive test upon arriving in Thailand, and associated expenses attached to it, for a 2 week holiday? It doesn't matter who is allowed out of where, while Thailand has this rule.
  17. Perhaps it's not a circuit draining the battery, it's the alternator not charging the battery.
  18. Already have, and they have confirmed my observations. Have you? You said it yourself, they are living in the past. The days of lady drinks and bar fines are coming to an end.
  19. TQ is not the only business this is happening to. How will Pattaya bars deal with the rise of freelancers working off apps? Just look at the way Uber and Airbnb changed things.
  20. That wooshing sound going over your head is sarcasm. ????
  21. Knowing Thailand, it will be free entry into the casino, but a 1000 baht taxi journey to the casino, and only taxis allowed onto the casino property. 100 baht to the taxi driver, 900 baht to the corrupt in authority here. ????
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