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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. You get the best 300 baht a day can buy on the roads here, and put together with a corrupt licensing system and police department, this is the result.
  2. I think loss of job is harsh. Surely there is an inactive post for her somewhere. ????
  3. There's some interesting statistics around this subject. Of course, there are so many variables that it is difficult to be definitive, but the statistics can show global trends. For extremely poor countries, like Burundi and Somalia, crime is low, because basically, everyone has nothing to steal. If we look at the biggest crime for mankind, and in my opinion, that is murder, we have some interesting data. If you have a look at this chart, which is murder rate to GDP, you will see Thailand higher up the scale for GDP per capita, yet, higher up the scale for the murder rate. Given China and India have over 2 billion population combined, out of around the 6 billion global population, and they have less GDP per capita than Thailand, yet Thailand has a higher murder rate, that's not a good thing, not to mention all the other poorer countries that have a lower GDP per capita, yet have a much lower murder rate, like Vietnam in the chart. Put simply, Thailand, and Thai people, are more wealthy than many other countries and their citizens, but murders here are higher than in poorer countries and their citizens. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/homicide-rate-vs-gdp-pc I would be interested in any evidence of correlation you could post that shows that Thailand's crime rate is on par with its wealth, when compared to other countries, globally.
  4. I signed into my Google account, and as suspected, there is no timeline history because I turn off as much tracking as possible, but even if I could post a map like this, I wouldn't.
  5. Interesting background. Thanks for sharing. Can I ask, what does Mrs. Trans think about the inequality in Thailand? Does he view such inequality as a justification for many of her fellow country people to resort to crime?
  6. Probably because robbery, theft, cons, scams, deceptions etc here are higher than in poorer countries, much poorer countries, where it possibly could be understandable.
  7. Sweden reneged on their remain open policy, and they are a developed nation. If Thailand implemented a similar policy, their medical system would have collapsed with the sick, dying, and dead. Of course countries are moving away from restrictions and lock downs, they populations are now vaccinated to a high percentage.
  8. I'm sue he will manufacture something his viewers will find interesting, even though it it's not real. It's all about entertainment, not the facts. ????
  9. I am in Pattaya, so you are wrong there. You are right when you say my information comes from youtube. I posted a link some months ago to Nick Dean's youtube channel and an interview he did with Steve, from the Triangle Bar. I remember Steve being very emotional in that interview. During that interview, which is now a matter of public record, and you may wish to view it yourself, Steve said Soi Chaiyphum was owned by the Toyota company, and Nick Dean confirmed this, continuing on to say, basically, the property agent for Toyota said to him Toyota couldn't care less if they don't pay, go broke, and default, leading to eviction. The Triangle Bar is the most popular bar on the soi, and this came from the owner's mouth, on youtube, and was confirmed by another bar owner. Now, either your friend, the bar owner on Soi Chaiyaphum, is full of BS, or you are full of BS, or the both of you are full of BS, or Steve from the Triangle Bar is full of BS, and Nick Dean is full of BS, or the both of them are full of BS. I don't know Steve and Nick personally, but I know them to say "hello" to, that's all. So, who is telling the truth, and who is full of BS? I would say you are a troll, and you are full of BS, but if you can put forward some information, I am happy to peruse it. Until then, there are two bar owners on Soi Chaiyaphum going on the record that there were no covid discounts to bar owners on the soi.
  10. Sure. Youtube currently has a monopoly. I get that. Facebook shares have just dropped billions of dollars. Youtube can do what they want, but if hundreds of millions of people, all around the world, don't want youtube's sanitized version of things, off to Tik Tok. and other platforms, they go.
  11. I think MONEY-hungry is a better description. Anyway, I didn't invent the phrase "Money Number One" for Thailand. Do you disagree with it?
  12. I accept that, but I have never known a country that's on the same economic level where their citizens kill so much for it, and sell their women into prostitution so much for it. Do you? I don't make this comment out of any racism, just my observations and experience of the nation, and its people.
  13. Now with 16,000 views. He may end up buying the bar he was not welcome in. ????
  14. For it to work, such travel should not be permitted, until Hat Yai is up to the required vaccination rate.
  15. Thailand is known as "The World's Brothel." It's takes a special kind of greed for money for that to happen on a national basis. Thailand is no way near as poor as many other countries, including many African nations, yet, prostitution is huge here. Hint - it's not because they are hungry.
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