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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Are you now posting on behalf of other posters? ???? Well, no one likes a troll, Harry, which is what you are. I only respond. Try harder. You are in the Premier League now, not your Thai family. ????
  2. Simply pointing your your fake news and misleading statements. Could one of the properties you have be a bar in Pattaya? What is your youtube channel? ????
  3. What happens when dogs get near kids, not kids get near dogs, which could happen to any mother and child walking out of a 7/11? Oh, that's right, it's the mothers fault, or the child's fault. Can't be a wild dog's fault.
  4. So when one of these dogs attacks and kills a child, and it's only a matter of time before it happens, what will your post be?
  5. Harry, stop "welching." YOU said, "Pattaya's bar scene is thriving." Now, it's "areas" that are thriving. Make up your mind, Harry. Which one is it?
  6. Just trying to help you stop embarrassing yourself. But those areas are just that, "areas" they are not "Pattaya" which is what you claimed.
  7. I'm in Pattaya to happily spend the fruits of my labour over my working life, not to waste my money buying useless properties and joining the Issan House Builders Club. ????
  8. No, but you should check out the main tourist areas before declaring "Pattaya and the bar scene is thriving" because one small area is not all of "Pattaya" and all of "the bar scene." You were in one small part of Pattaya's bar scene, for a quick visit. Not enough of a sample to make the claim you did.
  9. I agree, but if people feed them and they sit under a tree all day sleeping, that's got to be better than having them roaming around scavenging for food, and attacking people. The solution is for City Hall to get some trucks and some staff and to round them up and have them put down. I know it's a Buddhist country, but it's not a country of vegetarians, so maybe fish food, pet food, pig food, fertilizer, whatever makes them feel better, but to sit back and do nothing is going to eventually start costing human lives.
  10. That was my initial thought, but then I thought, if they are fed, it may stop attacks. It's a Catch 22.
  11. To be fair, when most of us chose to live here, the problem was nowhere near as bad. With nothing being done about it, just how bad are they going to let it get?
  12. Soi Baukhao and Tree Tree is very busy. I am going on the record, 100%, those areas are busy. YOUR statement was, "Pattaya and the bar scene is thriving" yet you seem to be "welching" on that now and stating only Soi Baukhao and Tree Town are busy, and you admit that you haven't even been to Walking Street, not only recently, but in 10 years, and you haven't been to Soi 6, but declare a "thriving bar scene in "Pattaya" as in, the whole city, and therefore tourism in general, city wide. Seriously? Yes, and I stand by that. In my opinion, Walking Street rents have outpriced what tourists are willing to pay, or can afford to pay, and with comparable products and services offered just a short distance away, Walking Street will struggle. Maybe that's why you haven't been there in 10 years, and neither have a lot of other return visitors. Here's the thing, Harry, Walking Street and Soi 6 are actually part of Pattaya City, so maybe before seeing Soi Baukhao and Tree Town and declaring a "thriving bar scene in Pattaya" you should check out a little more than just Soi Baukhao and Tree Town before making such a declaration.
  13. Next visit to Pattaya, go to Walking Street and report back how it is "thriving." Wow, yet you declare, "Pattaya's bar scene is thriving" but haven't even visited Pattaya's biggest "bar scene" strip, and its biggest tourist attraction, Walking Street. Do visit and report back here.
  14. Ahhh, Harry. You have finally got the message. Better late than never. You are a slow learner, but you get there. YOU go to the few busy places and declare, "Pattaya and the bar scene is thriving" and proceed to troll me, yet, now openly admit you really don't go anywhere accept a couple of busy places in close proximity to each other. Do you think???? ????
  15. But not Walking Street and Soi 6, it would seem. You do know, Walking Street is Pattaya's biggest tourist attraction, don't you, Harry? So do I.
  16. YOU said, "Pattaya and the bar scene is thriving>" I guess that doesn't include Walking Street and Soi 6, not to mention, deserted parts of Pattaya City. Do these areas not count, Harry? After all, Walking Street is Pattaya's biggest tourist attraction. Haven't you notice they are dead?
  17. Is it the same as living here? Where do you go in Pattaya on these short and frequent visits? Am I wrong, Harry? How many beer bar complexes, that relied on lady drinks and bar fines, are no more? How many bars, the same? Tree Town does not come close to what Pattaya was pre covid.
  18. How's the bar scene going on Walking Street, Pattaya's biggest tourist attraction, and Soi 6, Harry? Is it "thriving?" Oh, that's right, you haven't even been down to these places because you don't even live here. ????
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