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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Nah, I kinda didn't, but continue on with your trolling Harry. It's entertaining. What a contradiction. "Online" is the real world now, Harry. In any case, as the new generation of tourists / mongers come through, online will only get bigger. If bars fail to cater for that market, they do so at their own peril. The old business model of lady drinks and bar fines is dying.
  2. Two days a week does not make a tourism industry. Go on, tell us, what bar do you have shares in. ????
  3. My understanding is there are no girls actually dancing on stage in these "gogo restaurants." What would people be actually going there to see? Why would anyone be paying gogo alcohol prices without the gogo entertainment? Unless, they are just operating like a "restaurant bar" and charging around 75 baht a beer and you can mingle with the girls. i don't know, I haven't been into one of the opened up gogo's. Have you? I never predicted the death of Pattaya. Pattaya is not going to disappear, and certain the demand for Pattaya as a sex tourism hot spot is not going away anytime soon, unless the Thai government wants it to. However, I have said, the traditional lady drink / bar fine business model will put pressure on bars here, mainly due to girls working off apps, which was happening pre covid, and covid has just hastened their use. The rents bar owners were paying relied on lady drinks and bar fines, so they will struggle in the future. Do you disagree? If so, why? Have you ever looked at any of these apps, Harry?
  4. It's the launch pad for Thailand's space program. ????
  5. Yes, it's called "age" and wearing a mask doesn't protect you from it. ????
  6. Maybe he discovered the masseuse was a lady boy, and the shock was too much for him. RIP
  7. Such early closing laws as we have now would certainly hasten the transition of Pattaya from a major red light area into a more family orientated resort. Mmmmm. Maybe early closing will stay, even after covid has come to pass, perhaps under some type of social order law, due to drunken behaviour etc. Anything is possible here, with a military government.
  8. This is why so many properties sit vacant here, and all across Thailand. No fees and taxes as a motivation to lease or sell.
  9. Nothing is free in Thailand. How far into the pregnancy? Perhaps mifepristone is an option. (the abortion pill)
  10. So the NHS is good. Right? We are comparing the NHS with the Thai Public Health system.
  11. Thailand is reactionary, not proactive. If / When someone dies in the queue, and it makes global news, then things MAY change. Until then, it's pay an agent, or continue to get treated like a fool.
  12. They are never late collecting their tea money, though. ????
  13. At which point, at that exact moment, the dream becomes a nightmare. and they realise the consequences. Seen many guys in bars here, over the years, throwing down hard liquor, drinking by themselves, talking to themselves, swearing, abusing staff, kicking over chairs etc. You could tell they have just been dumped and looking to fight the world. You can see the bar girls know exactly what's happened and are keeping away. The guy is not angry and aggressive for the loss of what he thought was love, but for the financial consequences of his actions, as he finds out his girl was not different after all.
  14. As with all things Thailand, it's not about what you read, or even what they say, it's about what really happens.
  15. Only a matter of time before a youtuber films buying a few beers, and the bill coming out for a few more than they ordered.
  16. Or, say screw it, and pay an agent. Cha-Ching. Some old geezer will have a heart attack and drop dead in that queue one day.
  17. I agree. Are we talking about the NHS v the Thai system, or NZ's health system v the Thai system? I was talking about the NHS. Do you think the Thai Public Health system is on par, or better than the NHS? Do you think the average Thai citizen would get better FREE health care under the NHS than the Thai Public Health system? Note: public health system, not private.
  18. I never said it was well managed. Out of 196 odd countries on this planet, where do you think the UK's health system would be ranked?
  19. Easy to post like that now, nearly 2 years after the discovery of the virus. Cast you mind back to March 2020, where people were dying, on mass, in certain countries, from an unknown pathogen. Decisions were made by governments all around the world, at that time, that the best thing to do was to stop people coming to their countries that could have this killer pathogen. So, borders closed. As time came to pass, and more was known about the virus, people became less fearful of it, and rightly so. Your post fails to address the main current reason for restrictions / lock downs in certain countries, and that's hospital beds for the covid sick. You say governments are on a power trip, but in my opinion, they probably don't want to see the collapse of their health service, so will relax restrictions as hospital capacity dictates.
  20. So the NHS is no good for covid treatment, but fine for a shoulder replacement. ???? I never said the NHS was perfect, just better than most.
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