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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. An old tactic. Offer it cheap, or announce an amnesty, everyone signs up, they catch them in their net, and then up goes the taxes, year on year.
  2. Different countries are at different stages in relation to vaccinating their population. Whilst Omricon is now the dominant variant, Delta didn't go away. Plenty of Delta still out there. As other countries catch up to the UK, they will open up as well. However, some may decide to wait a while and see what new variant mutates from the countries that have opened up.
  3. Hardy irrelevant. How does creating a policy of who is entitled and where they are entitled, going to help the situation? The virus doesn't have provincial borders. Many in Pattaya couldn't even afford the bus ticket back to the village for the purpose of vaccination. Now that really is irrelevant.
  4. True. If you are connected to the internet, your online activities can be monitored, and you can be found.
  5. As scuba said, it's a security risk, and a BIG one. All it takes is for someone on the network to run wireshark or similar, and they can see what you are doing. Also, it's nothing for someone to set up "Bodega Bar Free WiFi" and use the same password as the Bodega Bar's actual WiFi and sit back a wait. They get everything because they are now the Bodega Bar's WiFi hotspot for you.. Someone can have one beer in Bodega Bar, ask for the password, then go back to their room nearby and hack. Same with Irish Rovers. Who knows what the guy staying upstairs is doing on their network, or the guy at the end of the bar with a laptop. With so many bars in close proximity, a hacker can have one beer in 10 different bars, get the WiFi passwords in each bar, and then sit in his room hacking away or injecting ransomware or bringing up phishing websites, including a banking website, or even mirroring the device. For banking, you should be using your own network with a strong password, or cellular data through the sim card. Plenty on the net about it. This experiment netted 93 people who should know better, in just 2 days, at a tech conference. It seems the word "Free" is too hard for many to resist. ????
  6. Time flies in Irish Rovers. No holiday to Pattaya is complete without visiting Irish Rovers. ????
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2021/dec/16/nhs-hospitals-in-england-94-full-before-start-of-omicron-surge From the link. "Hospitals in England are already 94% full, with four out of five critical care beds occupied, even before the spread of the Omicron variant of coronavirus has started to cause a big influx of patients." "Record numbers of patients are having to be looked after by ambulance crews outside hospitals for long periods because A&Es do not have the staff or space for them to be offloaded." "“However, with infection levels rising rapidly, trust leaders are increasingly clear that they are likely to see significant numbers of extra Covid-19 patients over the coming weeks." Why do you think it will be different in Thailand?
  8. I'm still here, scuba. I didn't buy a property, didn't buy a bar, never had a Thai missus. I have no financial or emotional ties to Thailand, hence, nothing to be bitter about. I just call it as I see it. As stated in the past, I am here for the sun, sea, sand, suds, seafood, and snatch. Despite covid, I have still been able to get all of these in Pattaya and will continue to do so. Life is good here. ????
  9. I've never said Pattaya will fall in a hole, never to be seen again. Pattaya has been hit hard by covid, as have other tourist destinations around the world. It will take years for all the vacant commercial premises to be tenanted again, and some places didn't survive, like some beer bar complexes.
  10. If that's where there want to go, then yes. You are spreading misinformation, Harry. Here's another link for you. https://www.voanews.com/a/britain-johnson-says-omicron-surge-will-put-pressure-on-health-system/6380165.html
  11. Shouldn't they be living their lives? Isn't that what you suggested? And again, Harry, it's all about that few percent who have a reaction to covid that will need hospitalization. If that number is greater than the amount of hospital capacity here, what do you think they will do? I agree, they are, but Thailand is now entering a new phase in the pandemic, and one that is not about the amount of "cases" but about the amount of hospitalizations.
  12. Sleep well, Harry, and rest assured, Thailand has a first rate medical system that is well prepared for anything covid can throw at it. ????
  13. It is you with the no response. Your posts contain your opinions only, no facts. Do you know what the next variant looks like? Please tell. Remember a virus in the 80's called HIV? Some viruses kill. Who would of thought? ???? What's the numbers of "tiny" for 70 million people? Is it less than or greater than Thailand's hospital capacity? So you agree, the hospitals will be filling up soon. Once again, again, again, not about being concerned, or doom and gloom. It's just about the stats.
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