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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. We are not talking about the "most people." We are talking about the few percent that either Omricon or Delta make really sick, and with 70 million people, just a small percent of really sick people from whatever variant, will put pressure on their medical system here. See previous post for link. I said, in the next few weeks, not in the present. Phil survived it. The facts are, not everyone survives it, or are you claiming a 100% recovery rate from covid. ???? No need to get personal, Harry. It's just some internet banter.
  2. Link, or I call BS. Fail. Link or I call BS. No one knowns. Anything is possible. Not about isolation. It's about if your body has a bad reaction to covid, will there be a hospital bed available? Why do you think Thailand will be different to other countries?
  3. Can you select which strain you will catch? ???????? Link? https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-new-nightingale-surge-hubs-to-be-set-up-amid-growing-omicron-wave-12505948 We know how Thailand loves its "hubs." Perhaps Thailand will make a surge hub also. ????
  4. Can you guarantee this in the future? Where did Delta go? Do you think other variants will not appear? Is it? Really? Not about doom and gloom. It's happened in countries that are ahead of Thailand in their covid progress. I have no problem with Tree Town being busy. Once again, simply saying, if Pattaya / Thailand's hospital system reaches capacity, restrictions and / or a lock down will be implemented. How do you think they will ease the pressure on their hospital system here?
  5. Expats socialize with expats. Covid will soon be throughout the expat community, perhaps with some not being as lucky as Phil. Or, do you think farang here are immune? ????
  6. Delta is still circulating. No against it. Just saying, it will cause hospitals to fill up, as we have seen in other countries. Are you saying Thailand will be different?
  7. I remember you made this argument some time ago, and my reply is the same. If others who can also pay, or who are also insured, have already filled up all the hospital beds, where do you go? Perhaps you think they will auction of hospital beds, ICU placements, and ventilators, to the highest bidder. ????
  8. Next few weeks. Well known case of Phil from Le Pub having covid. Who went to his bar, or who did he have lunch and / or a beer with, 2 weeks ago? Given the expat community mainly consists of retirees, the most vulnerable group, and with many of them not being in good health, some may not make it.
  9. How so? Why wouldn't things go the same way in Thailand as they are in other countries at the moment? Of course. Simply saying that the freedoms we are current enjoying is reliant on hospital capacity.
  10. No news to see on Delta disappearing. Where do you think it went? No, but read my post again, this is a new situation.
  11. Link please? Most people is not all people. Do the maths. Thailand has 70 million people. Only a few percent need to still get very sick from covid, despite being vaccinated, and there's the hospitals full.
  12. There's been some clusters and some outbreaks over the last 2 years, but we are entering a period where the virus is being allowed to spread with little to no containment. At some point in time, this had to happen, but I think we will soon see the Thai medical system being tested for capacity.
  13. So Noi, the bar girl from Issan, gets on a bus to Pattaya from Udon Thani, and the Ministry of Public Health knows she is in Pattaya. ???? There's more chance of Google knowing where she is than the Ministry of Public Health. ????
  14. When you catch covid, and you will catch it, like we all will, should your body have a bad reaction to it, to the point of needing hospitalization, perhaps even ICU, and maybe even a ventilator, it would be good to know these are available, and you are not turned away from overflowing hospitals to go home and die.
  15. Singapore would have the best in South East Asia, but Thailand would be ahead of the rest. It's not so much about the quality, it's the quantity needed for that few percent of 70 million Thai's that will still require hospitalization, then you have immigrants and migrants, which includes farang. They can only manage the spread of the virus, and thus the need for hospital beds, by having restrictions and lock downs. They could just open up completely and let Charles Darwin's theory sort out who lives and who dies, but the temple BBQ's will be running 24/7 for weeks, possibly months, which would put Thailand in the world news for all the wrong reasons. They will do like many other countries, juggle the balance between opening up the economy, the spread of the virus, and their hospital capacity. This will take months.
  16. And I said, "And if you are a Thai National?" Tell me, would should they bring to prove they are a resident of Chonburi province, and should there be no need to show residency, how do the hospitals across the country know how many vaccines they should be allocated?
  17. How would Banglamund hospital know how many vaccines could be needed when they don't even know how many "official" residents there are in Chonburi? What about the hospitals in Issan, and the the blue books there? Does that mean they have an over supply? Thailand has a big domestic migrant workforce. Hard to know where there are in the country.
  18. You missed the question. How is an individual. officially, declared a resident of Chonburi province?
  19. Thailand is such a corrupt country that no one respects the laws here, and the people who should be enforcing them.
  20. What do you think their criteria of "residents of Chonburi province" is?
  21. Nothing wrong with having respect for your enemy, and covid is a worthy adversary. It's not up there with Ebola, HIV etc, but still demands respect. Allowing ego to take your eye off your enemy is a dangerous thing.
  22. You can vaccinate 100% of the population, but if the vaccine/s are only 95% efficient, then 5% of the population are still going to get sick, and a percent of that 5% are still going to die. These are the stats that many countries in the world are starting to face, including Thailand. It's now all about hospital beds and medical care. Does Thailand have enough ICU beds and ventilators to open up?
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