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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. No story. Why would it be? I initially thought the member's price is around what I should be paying. As I said, I never shopped around. The multiple re-entry permit is more expensive than what I thought. So, turns out my deal is not that bad. I also don't want to post, or PM, anything that may identify me.
  2. Talk of bars getting restaurant licenses to be able to server alcohol with "food" over the peak season, prior to the 15th Jan government meeting about whether or not bars should be allowed to open.
  3. Yes, upon reflection, I think it's not so bad after all. I have no idea why I paid for a multiple re-entry permit last year, with covid still going. Completely my fault. Probably living in hope. ????
  4. I'd rather not say, because I can't complain with their service, although it appears they are on the expensive side. I believe they can make visa issues disappear as well, not that I should have any, so I don't want to rock the boat. Maybe I am paying top baht for their top service delivery. Eg. they will come to me, and they take my phone calls with any visa questions I have, no extra charge, and over the years I have called them to make inquiries on behalf of friends as well. Actually, I have a pretty good working relationship with them, I probably shouldn't complain. Once again, I see their fee as a small price to pay for not having my money earning nothing in the Thai banking system.
  5. Surprised the helpful Thai didn't tell you he could arrange for The Grand Palace to be opened, for 500 baht. ????
  6. No, covered the lot, including multiple re-entry permit. I guess if the member's price of near 11k baht didn't include multiple re-entry, then that's no so bad, but still, I'm paying over the odds.
  7. I better not say. I've never done it myself, and thought 20k baht a small annual fee for bypassing hoops. I never shopped around for 18k or 17k, but at near half price, it appears I am paying "the lazy tax." Completely my own fault. Come next renewal, I'll be making inquiries.
  8. Be patient. Pattaya is set to have a 500% increase in restaurants after the 1st December.. ????
  9. Fair play. That's a great price. It's a no brainer. I pay 20,000 baht, all up, no extras. Perhaps I should shop around.
  10. True, but all this does is increases the divide here between the haves and have nots. Unfortunately, with a system like this, Thailand misses out on genuine ability and talent, just because a student comes from a poor Thai family. Such a student could go on to become successful and wealthy, possibly a leader in their chosen field, and pull their whole family out of poverty, but Thailand does not want to offer opportunity to the poor. The caste system is very much a part of Thai culture.
  11. Exactly. It's been going on for decades. Police and other authorities have full knowledge of it, yet, the same old scammers in the same old locations are allowed to continue, and in the case of the jet-ski scam, it's not small money, so has the potential to ruin a tourist's holiday. What's a tourist to think when every single taxi driver in a tourist location refuses to use the meter?
  12. It's a legit business, with some of them offering an illegal product. Same as bars selling alcohol, which is legal, but also offering prostitutes, which is illegal.
  13. Other than you couldn't be bothered, is there any reason why you don't do it yourself?
  14. The legit business can be a front for some extra income for selling products that should not be sold, that are being sold.
  15. Under the table, some do. Not a joint, but in some of their products.
  16. Nothing. You are the one that asked. That's not the real "special."
  17. Allowed by the police and government, for decades, yes, Thailand is the only place I know of where there is state sponsored scams of tourists. It's a disgrace.
  18. Nick, and Steve from The Triangle Bar, should be careful. If the authorities issue them a restaurant license, they may say it over-rides or voids their bar license, and come January 22 when they want to become a bar again, "Sorry farang. No new bar licenses for Pattaya."
  19. Has to be a frustrated English teacher. ???? The problem is, Thailand don't want to catch up. Those in power here are happy with the constant divide between rich and poor. What path do you see them following? I don't see progress, I only see regress, particularly in relation to political structure. I agree, but when do you see this happening? It's not happening now. If anything, covid has shown the majority of Thai people the contempt their government has for them.
  20. Do they do deliveries on boxes of 12?
  21. I'll have a chat with Dean after the bars open up.
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