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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Can't you have a bit of steak on the side? ????
  2. True, but like most people, I have things in place to minimize my tax. Note I said minimize, not avoid. And as a retiree, I do not need to be dealing with hoops and paperwork for immigration. As mentioned, I find "peace" in knowing my money is not tied up in a 3rd World Country's banking system, and a country that is run by the military. Also, being single, why would I leave the 800k to the Thai government upon my demise? Each to their own. I don't criticize those using the 800k method, but not everyone using an agent is because they haven't got 800k.
  3. The rubbish bins wouldn't need to be near he rail that we can see in the photo, where everyone poses for their photos. They can be near the roadway, behind the photographer. Yes, rocket science. I don't see any bins in the photo, do you? Maybe there aren't any.
  4. Not so for what amounts to state sponsored scams. Eg. all taxis not using their meters, jet-ski extortion etc. The scammers are allowed to operate, unimpeded, because police and politicians are in on the scam, thus, state sponsored.
  5. Your local moto taxi driver can hook you up. ???? I'm not into THC, but I have been told you can ask for "the special" at some of them.
  6. Some Thai insurance companies may benefit from thousands of 24 hr policies, nation wide. Does it cover them for life? Many policies expire when the policy holder turns 70, or 75, for example. Many policies that do cover people later in life have unreasonable premiums, thus, most are cancelled by the policy holders. I'm suggesting if / when they make insurance compulsory for annual extensions, there will be a corrupt system in place where those without insurance can buy a temporary insurance policy, through an agent, solely for the purpose of obtaining the extension. Most likely a Thai company will be involved, possibly even one set up by someone connected very high up. It will have nothing to do with ensuring older farang can pay hospital bills, and everything to extracting money out of farang living here, same as the 800k agent method that has been in existence for years.
  7. No rubbish bins, either. Great for the hordes of Chinese. Not that they use the bins anyway.
  8. Fair play. Insurance companies, world wide, don't have a reputation of being ethical companies. All one can do is be honest on their application form, and keep up the payments, but as you suggest, that doesn't stop unscrupulous behaviour.
  9. Just one of the many reasons why Thailand was falling out of favour with western tourists, pre covid. The same old scams, ruining people's holidays. Many would rather scam a baht here, than offer a decent product or service and earn a baht.
  10. Catch 22. They work in an illegal profession, therefore can not pay taxes, which entitles them to social security. Legalize the profession, and the Thai government can allow them to participate in the Thai economy, including obtaining finance, which is great for domestic consumption. Cannabis cafes everywhere now. Why not legalize prostitution?
  11. I think you forget the heinous crimes of prostitution, and not carrying your passport. ????
  12. They are all set to become fine dining establishments where you can take the waitresses home after your meal. ????
  13. Ok. So, is all the furniture, fixtures and fittings still intact at Retox on Soi Honey?
  14. Exactly why I think it's only a matter of time before the requirement for insurance for annual extensions will be introduced. Nothing to do with unpaid medical bills, and everything to do with extracting more money from farang living here.
  15. Perhaps, due to age, or pre existing conditions, they can not qualify for insurance, in Thailand, and maybe even in their home country.
  16. That account has money flowing throw it. It's my everyday account. It's what I live on. I transfer money from it to Thailand. It's not my main cash at bank account, which makes up part of a diversified portfolio of assets. It has a healthy balance, but not for investment purposes, purely for emergencies like you suggest, and not just emergencies in Thailand, but for property repair, helping out the kids etc. I have medical insurance, so I don't need a big amount at call. If for some reason, Buddha Forbid, I get banged up here by the BiB and need a lot of money to make the problem go away, then I probably would have to do a day or two in gaol, but I would really have to f*#k up badly, or be framed for something I didn't do. I am not saying what I am doing covers all unforeseen problems that could arise, then again, what does in Thailand? The day may come, and it probably will, when due to my age, I can no longer qualify for medical insurance, and then I will need to make some hard decisions, but for me, at the moment, 800k in a Thai bank is a waste of money, and poses an unnecessary risk having it there. Once again, each to their own. No criticism from me. However, one should not suggest only guys who are broke use agents, because that's far from the truth. Your method is a good idea for an expat that can not secure medical insurance. Basically, the 800k is their self insurance money, and using an agent is their insurance for going under the 800k in the seasoning period. However, the problem remains, and it's why we all need a Plan B here, if they truly do stop the use of agents, then many may have big problems being able to continue to reside in Thailand if using this method. I will digress a little in this post and say, as a single man, I don't fancy leaving 800k to the Thai government, should I pass unexpectedly, having 800k in a Thai bank, but I accept the majority of members have a Thai spouse and this money would be left to them.
  17. Each to their own, but it's costing you around 42,000 baht a year to use the 800k method, plus the risk, however small or large, to have your money in Thailand, and the Thai banking system. Once again, I look at the 20,000 baht agents fee as an investment, and insurance for my money, allowing me to leave the 800k equivalent it in my home country.
  18. Geez, Scuba. I have savings in a home country bank account? I have revenue passing into that account from rental properties and other investments. It's at call, and can be here as quick as Wise can get it here, or generally the next day as an international bank transfer. I do maintain a modest, but healthy balance in my Thai bank account. I also have a few credit cards with high approvals on them. In any case, I have medical insurance for illness and injury. What's happens to you if you need an emergency medical procedure and dip into your 800k in the seasoning period?
  19. How much faith do you put in the Thai government to bail out the banks here? They can't / don't even feed their unemployed and hungry citizens. Do you really think they will bail out the banks, and say they did, where do you think farangs will be on the creditor list? Basically, that 20,000 baht agent's fee is like financial insurance to me. ????
  20. Actually, the fund would have to make under 2.5% return per annum to not even cover the cost of the agent's fee. 800k x 2.5% = 20,000 baht per year. It would be a poor performer at a 2.5% per annum return. After living and working in different countries, on different continents, I have financial interests in more than one country. I do have some smaller investments in Australia.
  21. I don't want that extra money, or need that extra money. What I do want is the security knowing my money is not in a 3rd World Country's banking system, and that feeling of contentment knowing you are not being screwed by a 3rd World Country's government. No complains from me should they ever seriously enforce the use of agents here. I have my Plan B to Thailand well and truly in place. I forgot to mention I am bringing in over 65k baht a month, so have that option, should they stop the use of agents. I don't criticize anyone for doing the 800k / 1,900 baht method, each to their own, but I have put forward my reasons for using an agent. Not everyone who uses an agent is broke.
  22. Once again, it has nothing to do with actual insurance and the medical system. If you can't pay for treatment, you go home for free medical, remain sick, or die. Same as now. It will simply be a corrupt earner, just like the 800k backdoor, but this insurance "hoop" will net huge revenue. Why wouldn't they bring it in? TiT.
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