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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Correct. Yet, Thailand's tourism industry brings in billions of dollars a year. Why aren't they reinvesting and upgrading? How long do they think tourists will put up with the same tired infrastructure and rubbish? To date, their only answer to replacing lost markets have been to target markets from emerging economies, which is great for a body count, not so great for revenue. Is it possible this is the only market Thailand can attract now? Western tourism was in rapid decline, pre covid. As I have said before, like Sihanoukville in Cambodia, Pattaya doesn't need casinos to become a China Town for Chinese tourists.
  2. Fair play. I was talking more about tourism, not expats moving to Vietnam. Example, a ride on a world record cable car is great for tourists, but means nothing to expats after their first ride. Given Thailand has been plodding along for decades, which no change in sight, how long do you give "the curve" before Vietnam overtakes Thailand?
  3. I agree, it's a popular place. I would say the climate, the freedom (lawlessness) cheap alcohol, meals and accommodation, plus the abundance of affordable prostitutes makes it popular. I was merely pointing out that there is a higher cost to mongers than just the 1000 baht for the hour. They have to include flights, accommodation etc etc.
  4. Sure, but previously it was the only way to do it, now, there is the option to meet girls online and then go out with them for the night. I have never suggested the traditional lady drink / bar fine business model will disappear, however, in my opinion, the use of apps will see the profits of businesses that rely on this traditional business model diminish in the future.
  5. The pedestrian traffic lights rarely work properly as well. Dangerous for a newbie tourists.
  6. Really? Same question to you. Can you name any infrastructure projects in recent years here that benefit tourists and the tourism industry here? Why should this be so hard to answer? I've given some examples of what the competition have built. Apparently they are a poorer country. ????
  7. Good post. However, once again, dwelling somewhat in the past, just as the Thai's do. Put simply, if the Thai tourism industry and Vietnam tourism industry were on the stock market, and you HAD TO invest money in one of them, which one would you chose?
  8. Maybe because everyone looks like they know what they are doing, until they crash and kill an innocent road user.
  9. Such things service more locals than tourists, same as some roads you mentioned. Yes, a road to Buriam really benefits tourists seeking a holiday with sun, sea, and sand. Come on, kinyara. Post some links to some infrastructure projects that have been built to benefit tourists, and therefore the tourism industry, in the last 5 years, even 10 years. Surely it can't be too hard, after after all, Thailand is to tourism in South East Asia as Nokia was to mobile phones. ????
  10. Errr. They are building world record breaking infrastructure for tourism. Has Thailand built anything to claim a world record, ever, except for the sex trade? ???? Yeah. Right. What about all the shoe box condo's going up in tourist destinations in Thailand? Yet, the crappy Bell bus is the only public transport down here. Everyone needs to have their own taxi or private driver arranged. Once again, all corruption and collusion designed to scam tourists. Vietnam was on the Formula 1 calendar prior to covid. Brand new street circuit in the capital, Hanoi, not in some rural city with no infrastructure and accommodation for the event. I'm quite sure they have already ruined the environment there. When's the last time you have been to both? Jeez, I wonder where Thailand's lost western tourism market started going to. Are articles like this one no cause for concern for Thailand?
  11. Good reply, and fair play, but you are dwelling on the past, where I am focusing on the future. How do you explain the large infrastructure projects for the tourism industry in Vietnam, versus "same same" as the last 20 years in Thailand, which is basically zero? What has Thailand built or done to benefit tourists, and the tourism industry, in the last 10 years? I have given a couple of examples of what Vietnam has done. I really am talking about 5 to 10 years from now, not just post covid. Vietnam was building it bigger and better, post covid. I only see that trend continuing. What is Thailand doing to compete, or do you share the same view as those in power here that Thailand will always be number one, and therefore no need to do anything, other than sit back and rake in the money? As mentioned, the Nokia phone company thought everyone would just keep buying Nokia, because they were Nokia, until they went broke. What is Thailand relying on in able to compete with Vietnam in the future, because they sure aren't building anything or fixing up their rubbish infrastructure for tourism. Happy to hear your thoughts, because all I see is Thailand plodding along in its same old corrupt and collusive ways. Eg. a tourist still can't even get a proper metered taxi in a tourist area.
  12. No casinos in Thailand didn't stop this guy, did it? All that is needed is an internet connection and a computer.
  13. Did you put your property in her name? Maybe you'll be the one that's homeless. Yes, yes, I know she is different. ????
  14. I learnt early on in life not to rely on government for anything, except a passport, and I have mostly used that passport to get out. ????
  15. It's not about covid recovery. Vietnam has been building it bigger, better, and faster than Thailand for many years. Actually, what has Thailand built for tourists lately anyway? The cable car in the video clip was built in 2018, well before covid. Seriously, how long do you give it before tourist discover they can get bigger, better, nicer, and for cheaper, in Vietnam? Another example, casinos. I don't care much for the argument on right or wrong. It's a leisure activity Vietnam is offering, and Thailand isn't. Basically, Vietnam Nationals are not allowed into the gaming rooms. https://thegrandhotram.com Once again, how can Thailand compete?
  16. The pathologist, Khun Larwan, or similar, will put comments next to readings that are outside the normal range. If the reading is way outside the norm, the comment will say, "see doctor" or similar.
  17. Possibly, the member means more have been built in recent times, including during covid.
  18. Hardly. I doubted your account of NEVER being a victim of crime in 20 years of going to Walking Street, and credit to you, you admitted that you have been. However, this makes your initial post false or misleading.
  19. I use Life Care for my blood tests. No complaints. They have good package deals. In and out in 10 minutes. They will also email you the results.
  20. Once again, you are only focusing on long time, be it over night, one week, or one month. Not all mongers are interested in long time, no matter how long. I agree with you that long time is affordable in Thailand, and yes, this aspect of prostitution in Thailand is difficult and / or expensive in the west. I was merely commenting that "nice" and "easy" and "affordable" is not really the case because Pattaya, and particularly Pattaya Beach, is not nice, and it's just as easy to go to a brothel for an hour in one's home country as it is to Soi 6 when here, and one should add the costs of flights. accommodation etc when saying sex is more affordable here.
  21. Show me where I suggested long time? Whilst some guys like the 2 week girlfriend experience, and some like the overnight long time experience, many guys like short time, which is readily available in most countries, and with apps like Tinder, sometimes for free.
  22. If you are paying in, it's not for free. You have made contributions.
  23. I was clearly talking about the NHS, and commenting on your opinion that it is acceptable that the NHS should be geographically based. Are you also suggesting pensions should be geographically based as well? So, pay into a pension scheme all your working life, but move away from the UK in your retirement and you should not receive your pension? ????
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