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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Typical Thailand. Bring in a law that can't be abided by, and can't be enforced, but can be manipulated by the corrupt. Not so bad for things like prostitution, but different for a a global pandemic. They can't differentiate between the two here.
  2. And to think, they are going to have guys like this in charge of a submarine, 600ft below the surface. ????
  3. Good point. Being charged simply ups the price for making it go away. The BiB couldn't care less about a conviction, if there is money on the table, which unfortunately will effect the civil case of the victims.
  4. Just looked at his channel. I expected to see a clip from him describing his covid experience., but no updates from him for the last 6 days. I was under the impression that the vast majority of fully vaccinated people recover within 3 to 5 days from covid. Hope his ok.
  5. Most of the foreigners here are retirees. That's the most at risk age group. I suspect we will start to see news of covid within the expat community shortly.
  6. They need to be seen to be doing something. That doesn't mean something actually gets done.
  7. And that's about all the luck you are ever going to have in KK. ????
  8. They should never have let in Novak Djokovic. He is solely to blame. ????
  9. The benefit to hospitals from any imminent lock down will not be realized for weeks later, meanwhile, a percentage of the currently infected will become sick, but told to go home, due to no beds available in a hospital. If / when that happens, the undertakers will be busy, going from condo block to condo block.
  10. Leaver


    That depends. Do you have a car? ????
  11. How many malls will they build, before it becomes obvious that all the malls will struggle? There has to be a limit.
  12. What she charged? If so, that would tend to prove a conspiracy, and cover up by the bank, providing a good legal argument for the victims. if she wasn't charged, it makes it more difficult for the victims.
  13. Once again, I don't disagree with you it's going to be a nice resort. However, I just see this development as being so big that it could, in effect, have a monopoly, therefore, having severe effects on its surrounds, and the greater Central Pattaya area. Why? This is a Pattaya / Thailand forum. Perhaps you should Google "Globalization." Sure, but once again, a lot of other businesses in Central Pattaya will go broke because of the size and scale of this development. I agree with you that a development like this should not be held back because of the mediocrity of Pattaya, but this development has the ability to to make commercial premises surrounding it an urban wasteland. I know you believe those premises will be tenanted with some other type of businesses, but they very well may sit vacant and derelict. I gave the example of the gym. I'll probably join, same with my friends, and possibly many others. Many of the gyms around Pattaya go broke. What business would you propose can fill some of those empty gyms, more nightclubs and bars? Don't confuse a terrible beach with a thriving sex trade and nice hotels. I disagree. Pattaya is famous for its adult nightlife. Indeed, there is no other place on the planet like it. Sex tourism has served Pattaya well for many decades, and made many people very wealthy. It's when the TAT started misleading families, many from Russia, and started targeting cheap package Chinese holiday makers, that Pattaya awkwardly placed itself in the tourism market. They were trying to sell a cultural and tropical holiday to tourists, in the middle of the biggest red light area on the planet. It was never going to work. Once again, you think just because they build it, the people will come and it will be successful and profitable. Plenty of white elephants in Pattaya. Pattaya Beach is terrible. It's laughable you suggest it can attract middleclass and high end tourism. Take a deep breath, steady yourself for the information I am about to tell you - this is the Pattaya forum. I'll ask you for about the fifth time. How many malls do you think Pattaya can support? Seven, eight, ten, how many? Would your comments be along the same theme if mall number ten was being announced, for example? Now, let's add hotels to that question. Just how many do you think Pattaya can support? Once again, if the construction of large hotels puts many smaller hotels and guesthouses out of business, what will become of those vacant buildings, particularly as hotel buildings have a very specific use, and are not easily repurposed.. You may argue they will be bulldozed, and they very well may be, but what will be built to take their place, more hotels, more bars? There was a lot of dividing of land back in the 80's, and commercial premises built. What will become of these small premises? For the record, I don't really care what happens to them, but merely stating they will sit vacant and derelict, and give Central Pattaya the appearance of an urban slum. Will a city full of small empty buildings attract tourists?
  14. Would something like 95% of expat retirees here be over 60 years of age? Do you have any word of encouragement for them? ????
  15. Interesting TAT is targeting tourists that can't afford to shop in them. There are more than 2 malls here. I guess that's bad luck for the other ones. Nah. Pattaya Beach can't attract high end tourists, no matter how much repair they do. You need to understand this. Sure, but does that mean they will be successful? This is a high end development, isn't it? How was their occupancy rate, pre covid? Perhaps you should Google "globalisation" and educate yourself.
  16. It's simply a numbers game now, with a focus on hospital capacity. "x" amount of percent of fully vaccinated covid positives will still need hospitalisation, with a percent of that percent, needing an ICU bed, with a percent of that percent, still dying. We don't know how our bodies will react to the virus until we get it.
  17. You can not rely on a just decision in legal matter here. I can't believe the bank's computer system did not pick up an unusual pattern of large withdrawals from accounts at the particular branch. I would not be surprised if money was sent up the ladder. As you correctly stated, it's so corrupt here, that one's money is not even safe in a bank.
  18. The facts are, bars, and hospitality establishments in general, were struggling way before covid. Covid probably sped up the inevitable for many of them. I don't hate Pattaya. I like Pattaya, and that's why I chose to live here, but I am also prepared to leave at a moments notice. I give Thailand the amount of loyalty it gives farang, which is zero. I don't own a bar, and never will. I could think of nothing worse than being a slave to a greedy Thai landlord. It sounds like you have some skin in the game. How does trolling this thread help your position?
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