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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. The Mayor's comments are up there with the comments of the guy for the electric company a while back. He explained that electric bills were so high because people put too many things in their fridge. ????
  2. Really???? Haven't you heard, if covid got out of control in South East Asian countries their medical systems would completely collapse. That means people with regular injuries and illness Eg. heart attacks and vehicle accidents bleed out, so it compounds that no one gets treated for anything, and many die, not just from covid. How about, if you contain people, you contain the virus, thus contain disease and death? Yes, rocket science. If you remember back to 2020, "restaurants" here basically became bars, and bars basically became restaurants. Solution - close them all. Obviously.
  3. Usually, the address they go straight to, by whatever means, is their drug dealers. They are just that strung out, they couldn't care less about any consequences.
  4. Existing is one thing, being profitable is another. No. That comment was in relation to a recent thread. Who's money is it? Thailand has record household debt. Massive defaults are imminent. https://www.nationthailand.com/business/40003002 Of course. It's not going to fall down. It's actually looking good to be turned into a casino in the future. The buildings will still continue to stand, however, as long as Thailand targets Chinese, Indians and Russians, how long do the think the shops inside these malls can continue to bleed money? There's just not enough wealthy Thai's to go around for all of these shops.
  5. If you are only on 50,000 baht a month, live in Vietnam like a king, and holiday a few times a year to Pattaya.
  6. That's called, "Living the Dream." ????
  7. The malls, or just the food courts in the malls?
  8. Thai Business 101 - money go down, put price up. In this case, tax. You can expect to see more of it in the near future. They just can't help themselves. Better to price gouge now, because tomorrow never comes.
  9. If Thai labour laws were not such that it reserved occupations for Thai's, and for every one foreigner on a work permit there had to be four Thai's employed in the business, the only employment in hospitality in Pattaya would be freelance hookers. Foreign business owners here a basically forced to employ substandard staff.
  10. Unless the plan is to move to cheaper rent T21 (if that is the case) and walk away from Central when the lease is up.
  11. Would that be the same Thai's coming to Pattaya that find the street food vendors on the beach a rip off? Pattaya is a tourist destination. These shops are paying top rent to be in Pattaya, all the while, Thailand / Pattaya can only attract cheap package holiday tourists from emerging economies. Walking through the malls here, pre covid, the mall, and the shops, but not the food halls, were empty. Exist in Thailand, or in Pattaya? I am specifically talking about the Pattaya. Depends on the amount of units, doesn't it? They had no customers pre covid. Take the banks and telco's out of Central and T21 and there would be very little pedestrian traffic, pre covid.
  12. A communist country has the most billionaires in the world. https://www.statista.com/statistics/299513/billionaires-top-countries/ So much for everyone being equal under communism. ????
  13. You missed the part about the host country being fully vaccinated to around 80%.
  14. It's all about keeping tenants in place, and turning over another month's rent.
  15. Good post. As I have said before, in many ways, Thailand will be like the Nokia phone company. They and a huge slice of market share, and eventually went broke.
  16. I agree, however, the investors in the Retox Bar decided it best to close. Time will tell who made the right decision. The Nightwish Group have several investors. It only takes one to walk away, and that increases the liability of all the others. Some may take on the other shares, but may be not. Something I'm sure the Thai landlords are taking advantage of. Of course, they will not sit empty for ever, but in my opinion, the business climate will not be favourable for investment, regardless of the location, for quite some time. Possibly looking at ell into 2023. Yes. Thailand is such a great place to do business. ????
  17. Whilst not really a cuisine, a South African style "carnivore" restaurant would be great here. https://carnivore.co.za
  18. The brand name shops in Central and T21 are trying to sell products to Chinese and Indian tourists, who make up the majority of tourists here, that can buy the same product in their home country for cheaper. There will be some nationalities from countries where some products are not readily available, but with Pattaya / Thailand targeting developing nations, many of the shops in these malls have no real market here now.
  19. I disagree. In my opinion, it depends on what awaits them here, which is currently zero, and after bars open, not much more. If they compare that to what they are used to on their trips here, they will be very disappointed.
  20. I'm fine. Have you got some content for the forum today? ????
  21. There's an Ethiopian restaurant in Phnom Penh - Cambodia. Last time there I tried it. The food was good.
  22. I suspect the importance of this statistic will not be revealed until a later date, and if the percentage is high, it will be devastating.
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