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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. Western countries should never have allowed China to become the manufacturing hub for the world. This eventually made western countries reliant on China for products. It's ironic that it was capitalism, seeking out cheaper manufacturing costs and higher profits, that turned western businesses towards a communist country for manufacturing, which later saw China grow to become a super power.
  2. Interesting. Is it the size of the letters / words on the sign, or the size of the sign?
  3. I am guessing it will cause a backflow, and eventually make its way to the beach anyway. All this will do is move the photo op to another location.
  4. The financial stress of covid aside, there must be some nervous gogo owners on Walking Street, as they see the rise and rise of similar businesses, in a nearby location, that can offer the same "entertainment" but at a cheaper price.
  5. You can still catch covid and spread covid after being vaccinated. You can still catch covid and spread covid after being vaccinated. You can still catch covid and spread covid after being vaccinated. You can't quarantine city / province. We saw that in 2020. The population of the province / Thailand will have to be vaccinated to 70% to 80%. There is no getting around that.
  6. Proves your lack of knowledge, actually. It's not uncommon for hospitality staff to only have a day or two off a month.
  7. You think they work 5 day weeks here - that's even more funny.
  8. I tend to agree, however, it's been reported that there have been no significant reductions in rents, despite a recovery possibly being slow, and taking years. Why would an investor pay full rent to a Thai landlord who has their head up their a**, and before Pattaya has bounced back from covid, which will most likely take years, not months? I can't see investors rushing in whilst the amount of tourism can not service pre covid rents.
  9. More great content from you, Harry.
  10. Pre covid, see all those signs up on restaurants and bars with 6000 to 9000 baht? 9000 baht / 30 days = 300 baht a day.
  11. Without the massive sex trade / night life here, what else has Pattaya got to offer? It sure isn't the beach. They might be able to sell it to the Chinese, Indian, and Russian package holiday tourists, but there's no money in them. If we can just imagine for one moment a real crack down on the sex trade here, yes, funny, but imagine it actually happened, what else does Pattaya have left to sell, and to who?
  12. If you control people, you also control the virus. Yes, it's still control, but it is out of necessity, because of those who have no care, or knowledge, about the virus, and the situation, who continue to do whatever they like, and go wherever they want.
  13. Makes for an interesting next coup, whenever that may be. Does the Thai Army go against what is basically a sitting Thai Army government, with no end in sight to their reign, or do they eventually take power on behalf of the majority of Thai people? Or, will mass protests civil unrest descend into chaos? After all, post covid, what do Thai's that have lost everything have to lose? One thing is for sure, the longer the Thai Army is in control of the county, the more Thailand falls behind.
  14. What's so great about it? Who's going to invest money into derelict places, so they can open with a new name / concept? The "opening" you are thinking of will take place slowly, over years, not just because borders have opened.
  15. I suppose 350 baht a day, instead of 300 baht a day, puts you in middle class. ????
  16. In my opinion, covid has accelerated China's long game for many countries, including Thailand. You are correct, Pattaya will eventually become just a cheap Chinese beach side holiday place, becoming less desirable for western tourists, including sex tourists, as times goes by. The condo's they are buying now, will cause the demise of Thai owned hotels, as they rent them out on the equivalent of the AirBnb platform in China. Then, the Chinese will buy those hotels as well. It's already happened in Sihanoukville - Cambodia, and covid has now made Pattaya ripe for the picking.
  17. For years it has sat there as an eye sore, but as you say, to put it to some use, whilst it's tied up in the Courts, takes some initiative, which is lacking here.
  18. The whole corrupt culture in the police here needs to change, but we know it never will. The massive corruption here is why Thailand is not progressing as a nation.
  19. It will be, but the centre of the nightlife will no longer be Walking Street, and online pick ups will be a lot more common.
  20. The wealthy Thai elite make their money from the cheap labour from the poorer Thai's. In a time where the world is seeing China and India have a rapidly growing middle class (covid aside) Thailand appears to have no intention of growing a middle class.
  21. It's not just about the person in isolation sneaking out, it's also who they might invite to sneak in, who then later leaves, possibly taking covid with them.
  22. Yes. It's one thing to open bars and restaurants, it's another thing to open a country.
  23. This is not a car park for T21 customers. This carpark is for residents of Pattaya to park their vehicles in when it floods. This carpark is part of City Hall's flood mitigation and evacuation plan. ????
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