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Everything posted by Leaver

  1. It's not just about the covid era. How can Thailand compete against a neighbouring country that's proper investing in tourism infrastructure? Whilst Thailand plods along with its same old corrupt ways, to the detriment of the tourism industry, and the tourists, their competition is offering better tourism infrastructure, thus a more pleasant holiday, and at a cheaper price. Thailand had a shrinking western tourism market pre covid. Not hard to see where that lost western tourism market will be going, post covid, and beyond.
  2. It's had the same troubles for decades, despite bringing in billions of baht over those years. As the word gets around that poorer countries in South East Asia are building it bigger, better, and faster, Thailand will be left with nothing but cheap package holiday Chinese, Indian and Russians, and sex tourists. It was pretty much at that point pre covid.
  3. So Thailand has the main thing, entertainment. ????
  4. Fair play. If you were thinking of some type of holiday here, I would say don't bother.
  5. It would be cheaper and easier for City Hall to take it over, line the exterior, paint it white, and broadcast a spotlight / laser show from the top. A little like a light house. Perhaps some fireworks as well. It could become a tourists attraction. Basically, camouflage it. At a future stage, if / when any court proceeding force the developers to remove it, it's still an easy demolition.
  6. I've never had a problem meeting "new friends" there.
  7. People pick up a glossy brochure in their home country and book a holiday here, spending their hard earned. They get here, and see the things pictured in your post. They have to be disappointed tourists. How many people do they tell when they get home, by way of word of mouth, and social media?
  8. I agree, and it has nothing to do with casinos, at this stage. The Chinese will bring in their own staff, their own hookers, and have their own illegal gambling rooms. This is on top of their own hotels, restaurants, bars, karaoke, and nightclubs. Chinese tourists will be transported to and from Thailand by Chinese airlines, and to Pattaya in their own coach buses, and to islands on their own boats. All the profits from the above will be repatriated back to China. The economic devastation of covid is going to elevate zero baht tourism to a whole new level.
  9. I agree, but do wonder how those with drug addictions here are now supporting their habit. I'm surprised there has not been more crime from the addicts.
  10. It depends on your definition of "safe." If you mean, when you go to an ATM that you will not be the victim of an armed robbery, or an assault and robbery, then yes, Pattaya is quite safe. Same with walking down the street and not been mugged. However, for example, go to a bar and have your bill padded, you will simply become victim of crime, because you either pay, or security assault you and you still pay, or police are called, and you pay even more. For this type of extortion, Pattaya is far from safe. Of course, on TV, many blame the drunk tourist for getting in a fight with security, rather than simply not accepting the crime being committed against him and paying. ????
  11. OP, are you a returning expat, or coming for a holiday? If the later, what, exactly, do you think awaits you here when you arrive?
  12. In my opinion, Vietnam will be Thailand's main competitor in the future, and I think Thailand will struggle to compete.
  13. I wonder what Pattaya business operators deem to be an acceptable death rate from reopening the country too soon.
  14. That's Thailand being Thailand, thinking they are the only "show" in the region, and foreigners will just keep coming back, no matter Thailand's level of stupidity, corruption, dual pricing, price gouging, extortion, assaults, and xenophobia. They had a shrinking western tourism market here before covid. I can't see it being any different post covid, and into the future. It's all about a quick baht today, with no concern for tomorrow.
  15. I think you will find domestic violence increased, significantly, in all countries during covid.
  16. Sure, but many countries have a government safety net for such adults and children. Not so in Thailand.
  17. It's a stepping stone to another lock down, as cases rise rapidly, hospital admissions the same, with ICU beds all taken up, and some more deaths in between. 70% to 80% need to be fully vaccinated. There's no getting around that.
  18. You missed the third kind of human left - criminals. ???? I agree. The Thai's are good at fighting drunken tourists, 5 on 1, but not so good at fighting at fighting for freedom and equality. ????
  19. Gogo with a hotel in Walking Street. https://www.bahtsold.com/view/pattaya-walking-street-gogo-bar-and-hotel-199899
  20. We are all going to get covid in the future. Just a matter of time. Could be in the next few months, or could be in the next few years, but we are all going to get it. Vaccinated people have a better chance of not getting so sick, and surviving, thus, not using up medical resources, and putting a strain on hospitals.
  21. No argument from me. Meanwhile, in neighbouring Vietnam, they are building record breaking tourism infrastructure. Eg: cable cars. No arguing with speed boat mafia. Beach chairs and umbrellas are free, so no beach mafia. Check out the drink prices in the video - local beer 20,000 VND which is 28 baht, Tiger beer is 35,000 VND which is 50 baht, so no price gouging. Free hammocks. Vietnam has corruption, but they get the job done. Thailand has corruption, but the job doesn't get done, and the tourists have to deal with corruption at every turn on their holiday. How can Thailand compete in the future?
  22. There should be segregation. Farang and Thai bar girls on one side, everyone else on the other side. It makes sense. ????
  23. And what progress have you seen her since 2013? ????
  24. As another member has posted, corruption was possibly involved. In any case, water infrastructure will have to be improved in this so called "World Class Tourist Destination." Do you see it happening?
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