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Everything posted by Tropposurfer

  1. If this is in reference to the food stall and sit down eating shaded areas some return to pre-covid setup might be nice? But plz no beach hawkers approaching when on the beach like in Bali !!! OMG!!???????? I used to (when I first emigrated, n lived for a time at Surin Beach) I enjoyed visiting one stall run by a lovely tiny skinny lass (next to the bike park section and a few stalls along from the first stall) ... beautiful coconut smoothies and delicious food after a hard session at Maximum.
  2. Sadly the gods gave us two heads, but only enough blood to run one at a time. Man, he must have been senile to allow a gal fleece him for 'billions'. Millions maybe but billions !!?? In the years I used pay for play freelancers, with some over many years of regular contact any fleecing was minimal and no request for 'sick buffalo' money was ever handed over.
  3. Cockroaches hate Lavender oil. Its the best roach killer I've ever used ... mixed in a sprat bottle and direct on a roach it kills it instantly (changed the Ph in their bodies apparently - no time to crawl away and lay a batch of eggs which happens with all other synthetic pesticides). If you mix some oil into wash-bucket mix this will deter them. They also hate any citrus based cleaners so the more you wipe surfaces, and add to the floor mop mix too it will help. In cupboards you can use borax, or mothballs. They suffocate from the heavier than air fumes of the naphthalene.
  4. The levels of suppression by rigid really malformed right wing folks is so on-show here in this junk. Take a look at the GOP and those who identify with this sicko mob and you'll see how repressed and habituated in their projecting they are. The Nazi movement was riddled with stark examples where repression, rigid quasi-religious indoctrination, social denial and repression of sexual and other urges and behaviours was rife. Its a psychological certainty when we as humans repress and try to deny our instincts we will see these instincts emerge sideways and in aberated ways. This does not mean we must act on urges and thoughts e.g. killing through anger. What it does mean is we need to acknowledge, 'own' and integrate such ideations through our adult management of self not bury them and deny them. Hating gay people, as one example of projection, often comes from a deep fear and the repression of homosexual thoughts and wonderings we have as men. Such thoughts are normal, especially as we develop from childhood into puberty, then into young manhood but most men deny and are shamed by the patriarchy/misogynistic social conditioning and constraints into hiding such thoughts and curiosities for fear of being ostracised, ridiculed and very likely attacked by other males who also harbour such curiosities. The take-away here is; Beware of rigid excluding ideologies, internally and externally.
  5. The truth form Jeffs mouth. Not the hyperbolic xenophobic BS propaganda narrative.
  6. RIP young man. Peace for you. I am sad to think of the violence towards you and from your partner ???????? I was once surprised, I was simply ignorant (perhaps even somewhat naive as a young therapist) of the factual nature of some, some gay relationships and that fact was/is that domestic violence by one against the other partner was/is high per capita compared to DV in heterosexual relationships. In other words it appears to be quite common. I learnt this over many years of providing therapy for gay and straight folks and having access the lots and lots of session time, and emperical data on the subject of DV and morbidity factors.
  7. Multiple officers within a short running distance from the Paragon. All trained to fire their weapons. Multiple officers armed to respond. Slow response from same. Sound like the same BS excuses and cowardice as at the Uvalde school to me. You put on the uniform, you take to oath to serve and protect even unto your own life.
  8. Love her or hate her Nancy was a tour de force for a very long time.
  9. If this does not come to pass then the Yanks are truly gunna 'screw the pooch' as a famous Right Stuff astronaut once said.
  10. It appears (if the news feeds are at all close to accurate??????) that the young lad has schizophrenia and was way off his meds. He apparently was telling the police, after they nabbed him, that he was talking to and could see someone nearby that clearly was not there before and after they nabbed him. If anyone knows anyone who is prescribed psychotropic med's and is not taking them or knows someone not yet diagnosed who is hearing voices, or seeing things then plz call the nearest mental health hospital.
  11. Therein lies your tension, your need to look for conundrums. The whole notion of the 'present' and 'being present' in it, is simply put being contactful, engaged with self and that which is outside of self, fluid, curious, flexible, spontaneous and other existential functionings. There is no understanding the present as such. It is an unfolding serious of as yet unexperienced continuous experiences, once experienced (to whatever degree we allow ourselves to experience it) it then becomes the past. One mob of people I have known described the present as just that, a gift unknown until unwrapped (experienced) thats why its called the present.
  12. Why don't you just buy cigarettes ... they both lead to permanent harm and accelerate morbidity.
  13. I can't speak for those three. BUT ... I have had 3 at BNH with superb care and safe service. The first 2 were paid in cash at about 750 AUD total, the third was on my wiz-bang super-duper medical insurance so paid in full through the fund. Its important to chose the safest hospital you can afford as colonoscopies hold some risk. The bowel is relatively soft tissue and if the camera is not manoeuvred safely can perforate the bowel. So, a clinician with impeccable credentials is paramount. Also you need to have someone escort you home just in case you are a bit flakey after the sedative-meds.
  14. A really carefully planned, eco-conscious line across the island would be a wonderful transport idea, and a really good tourist attraction. Imagine it winding its way almost silently through the green national park, with awesome views from the higher climes of the island, then arriving in Phuket town, and on to a few of the south eastern beaches.
  15. I had no idea that dancing like a stripper (not that strippers aren't ok), but the difference is this lass does it in front of literally millions of people, many of them minors, in extremely suggestive sexual ways was anything to be given an award for. Now its time for me to flagellate myself with my hip before a statue of the Madonna for my naughty thoughts lol ????
  16. Tens of thousands or perhaps a million years from now after when we have poisoned our planet and died out as a species, and then after hundreds of millions of years the earth will have buried the detritus of human existence and there will be no trace of us.
  17. I'd get a second opinion ... quickly! I have and have had since my 52nd year a surgical sedated rectal photographic colonoscopy and prostate exam ever 2 years. Small haemorrhoid and a few tiny polyps removed along the ways. It is a procedure recommended Australia-wide and has been for years now. I also take advantage of the Oz National Health Systems free bowel cancer screening every year - a quick stool sample. and off to the lab. If anyone is over 50 and hasn't had a colonoscopy procedure then get it done asap. Ancient digital rectal exams and even scans are not anywhere as clear to conclude and diagnose any abnormal size of the prostate or other growths compared to the camera and then tissue sample (usually done at the time of the colonoscopy in Oz if anything abnormal is found).
  18. "Bad luck"? ... As humans we have difficulty with many things. These two are figural for most at some time or another. 1. We refuse to own the consequences of our behaviour. 2. We refuse to accept the concept of randomness, and the inherent universality of chaos. One of the the commonest solutions for attempting to make sense of and find comfort about both of these has been religion.
  19. No class is just no class. I often ask myself this question: Would my parents and grandparents appreciate me behaving in a certain way? If the answer is a no I refrain from doing what I mighty be thinking of doing. This simple mantra has made my life far more pleasant, sociable and serene.
  20. Ridiculous levels of assumed exceptionalism perhaps?
  21. That's what ya get for deporting your retrobates and bread stealers to a far away alien harsh Terra Nullis! We're strange, bogun, inbred convicts the lot of us ????????????????
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