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Everything posted by Tropposurfer

  1. Yeah ... what a total crock of sh!te. Conveniently can't recognise the Trump appointed judges across the country that have thrown Traitor Trumps bogus litigations out of court dozens of times, and in specific regard to J6 conspiracy/sedition, and massive serialised lifelong Rico statute fraud matters.
  2. Don't waste your money ... completely false economy. AM batteries can catch fire, and after just a few uses don't hold a charge anywhere near as long as a real Mak battery, and they don't have anywhere near as long a life.
  3. Yeah!!! That English guy who was the head of MI6 (a real nobody huh?!!) is one of the worldwide cabal of baby eating blood drinking, deep state, Trump haters who completely made up, lied about, and deliberately misrepresented the secret services data collected. Trump was NEVER exonerated. But hey, lets not let a good MAGA fantasy and counter-transferential delusion be challenged. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/12/01/us/trump-russia-investigation-dossier.html I found about 20 other well known mainstream and investigative journalist articles and video links that say the exact same this as this article does. Just in case you wish to say; 'Oh that's just one paper and they're part of the deep state hate group against the great and pure Trump.'
  4. As far as I am aware falangs anyone who pitch a tent along any foreshore or on a public beach won't be be there enjoying the 'glamping' bliss for long as plod will appear to either shoo them away, shoo and fine, or fine and arrest them. In other words its illegal. Thais run by a whole different set of rules than us falangs on this. If you can find a private beach owner and get permission then that's a whole different matter.
  5. yeah they're sure winning big, and beautiful!!! lol ????????????
  6. Correct. But as you and I know Happy a convenient paranoid lie to some is far more palatable than taking the energy and time to find out what is actually the truth and sharing that truth. I searched for other than US news outlets on the issue and found only these US based ones (as a few examples) .. sop I'd say 'reader beware' and do your research! Apart from Trumpist nutters, Russian operatives and their dimwit stooge puppets, it seems that some folks say Pres. Biden in order to lower gas prices relaxed (for a 6 months set period) the sanctions of Iranian oil, this was approved by the Senate, with the view to lowering Russian choking of gas and oil, and the already set-in-place sanctions on Iranian oil (set pre Trump and Biden by the way). This embargo was set in-concert with the EU, World and Asian Development Bank's, not just by the US alone. These world events all dovetailed into creating the spiralling gas prices (seen worldwide) after the massive worldwide impact on the entire planetary economic balance was shaken to its foundations by Covid. And for those conspirator addicts don't bother telling me this was part of an evil cabal to make us even more slaves to a dark in-the-shadows Orwellian Big Brother. We know its very challenging for Americans to think of the world powers (e.g. oil, banks) acting and making decisions that are not entirely made, or controlled by the USA. Yes I know this is a shock to some Americans but its actually factually correct. Whichever way you cut it i.e. apolitically, or with a world interactive view of dependence on the middle east for oil we all are under the external control of huge players of world geo-politics, but please God I'm not offering up the bizarre unhinged QAnon option. The monopolies of the sheiks and Western oil barons needs to be broken. We are in a difficult time because of our dependence on fossil fuels. We're dealing with the results of decades of dragging feet, distraction, silence, lie, and ineptitudes by the governments we have elected time and time again because for their cockolding to the world economic giants. We the unwashed masses are merely dependent as an addict is to the needle. The Russia issues and the oil and gas supply stricture tipped the post Covid strains on supply of oil into the red-zone. The Iranian embargoes, the periodic recent fiddling and squeezing of Arab oils supplies and their absolute supply control leads to leaps in prices of EVERYTHING. By the way Biden approved more exploration/drilling leases on US soil to US and other Western drillers than Trump (by a large margin). https://subscriber.politicopro.com/article/2023/10/biden-israel-hamas-iran-oil-00120924?source=email https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4252577-why-is-biden-ignoring-irans-influence-in-the-hamas-attacks-its-simple-politics/ https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/07/biden-has-no-choice-but-to-go-to-saudi-arabia.html Seems to me we need to globally forge on, as fast as we can, to develop alternative, mass produceable, cheap, alternative energy sources.
  7. 'Mothers Chrome ands Metal Polish'. Mothers DA polisher, makes them literally like new in a few minutes.
  8. What a farce of a place. Things would get really interesting if, and when Jordan (and dozens of other GOP members) are indicted for 'high crimes' in the conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. Smith is right on their yellow tails.
  9. The proletariat will be fed to the guns. The plutocrats will rake in the billions and billions of blood soaked dollars once again.
  10. Hakeem woulds surely focus on the job, and with his talents and skills put the MAGA buffoons feet to the fire on a regular basis, from the Speakers chair.
  11. Sorry you had such a nasty experience here with dental work ... or should I say scam and abuse! I can transparently say I had (since 2009), and have now a far different experience of the dental system here (private both cash and now with medical insurance). My dentist is superb, a Master at her profession, and ethically scrupulous. Many, many excellent medical technicians practice their professions here. If you need a reputable, safe, referral try: Dr Lily Poncheron www.bangkokdentalspa.com
  12. Perhaps I digress ... but it seems to me the next few words from me are apropo of all the conflicts of mankind. An awareness came to me, perhaps from the collective conscious Jung spoke of. I thought of the words of Lennon in that haunting, yet childlike simple song 'Imagine'. Imagine if we took the resources, the trillions of dollars, the waste of humane life, of nature, of all that could be achieved in our human struggle (journey) if we were to redirect, into a world free of wars, that money and all the human energy and time that goes along with it towards the uplifting of all humanity equally, and thus the planet and the fragile ecosystem we all share.
  13. Thank you impulse. Not only historical facts but existential insight from you.
  14. Testerone?? What's that? Do you mean testosterone?
  15. Some folks just have no sense of humour it seems hahahaha ????????
  16. I simply cannot excuse the oh-so obvious 'bottom' pun so effortlessly 'slid' in there lol ???? . Ladyboys? 'Up to you' as we say around here, but not at all who gets my juices flowing ... The much-of-late publicised Engfa gets some timber happening for me though????
  17. Fox News Fox News Fox News ... Plz excuse me ... I have to go and clean all my assault weapons now????
  18. I'm so lucky, my dad was born in England (became an Aussie citizen in the early sixties), I have a British passport as well as Aussie so I can just get of the plane in Ol' Blighty and stay as long as I want ???? It was awesome before Farage and the evil extreme nationalistic right got to work n the UK left the EU cause it was just as easy entering and moving about in continental Europe.
  19. Netanyahoooo gets exactly what he and his ultra right wanted. Hezbollah no doubt is a violent terror group, akin to Al Quaeda, ISIS. The Israeli Army is also an ultra-terror organisation. If you don't think so then take a look at the not-to-long-ago Israeli army sniper murder of a clearly identified (ident vested and coloured helmeted) Palestinian/American female journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, by that Army and the complete indifference and cover-up of that murder by that government army. Its impossible to have any chance of a peaceful settlement in Israel when since the 1940's systematically, unerringly Jewish immigrants have disenfranchised another culture (that has lived in the land just as long as any Jewish person has), being met by fierce resistance by proud Arabic tribes. Imagine a people who believe that they are the chosen ones and have a God given right to take whatever they please and that the other peoples who live there have no rights, none at all. Actually not so abstract a concept when you look at what has been happening in the USA since 2016! The Arabic tribes, who lived there before Moses and all those other dudes written about in the Bible and the Tora, have turned to the only alternative (violent, cruel, and insane as it is) they saw as only left to them. I've been in that land. I've seen to systemic institutionalised genocide of the Arabic tribes in Israeli, and it is both shocking and deeply sad. The unending Israeli rhetoric and structural vice which in no way acknowledges any Arabic rights to anything, not water, not space to live, not freedom to work, not freedom to travel, not adequate basic medical care etc etc is never ending. The narrative that Israel is simply defending itself is both truth and falsity. You put any culture under unending brutal oppression and those people will either lay down and be crushed into non-existence or stand and fight for their freedom. In psychotherapy we know about how when you brutalise and dehumanise people, eventually, they either succumb to or become the brutality itself. This brutality is throughout human history passed on to the following generations. e.g. The recent Balkan wars where the predominantly Christian Catholic government and their army through the generations of cultural hatred passed down by father to son, mass murdered (genicide) the Serbian muslims of that land (thats been breaking out, going on for a thousand years). As the Jewish people were brutalised by the Nazis and struggled to integrate/cope with such unspeakable brutality, they themselves become the brutaliser in the land now called Israel. The go-to way to do that is to 'otherate', to dehumanise the target group ... then killing them becomes rationalised and normalised. One thing I would say is irrefutable is that this treatment takes the sanity of both groups, the primal instincts of empathy and compassion for anyone not 'your people' is removed, dies, in its place a very real form of collective-madness takes root and infests the host.
  20. Well said animalmagic. Betraying hundreds (through Kushner at the express direction of Trump so he could arrange billions of bribe money and secure pathways to building hotels and golf courses in Saudi Arabia), and sending them to their deaths at the hands of the Saudi's. Giving away national secrets with his loud mouth. Allowing Chinese and Russian operatives into the totally unsecured Maro Lardo (with no oversight of them) where super secret docs were lying about in multiple places. Holding conversations with Putin and expressly doing so without any US translator or note takers present (on multiple occasions). Having the creepy war criminal Lavrov into the Oval room and telling him all about sacking the boss of the FBI. Selling the Afghani's down the drain with the Taliban (which set up the debacle of the withdrawal) literally blinding US and NATO oversight and intelligence, and letting 5000 Taliban fighters and intelligence people go scot free). Killed at least 500,000 Americans through his catastrophically inept mismanagement of the Covid Virus. Blinded the US and the WHO to seeing the outbreak of the virus in China by decimating the body of expert virologists stationed in China and across the globe that Obama appointed and which had shown its preemptive effectiveness in the preceding Ebola outbreak. Yep he was a complete trainwreck, not only for the American people, but the entire world given the power he held and abused.
  21. 25 years in jail for treason without any contact with the outside world would do the trick .. but the obvious state of the US nation, its proven propensity to do backroom deals with the racist white-supremacists since day one of its founding and the sycophancy to the rich and powerful to further the robber baron class, sees little hope of this traitor ever being removed into a place of isolation and silence by going to jail.
  22. it was more like 90 million, if the Russian deaths are reported in the total figure.
  23. Yeah ... I mean ... what a crock !!! Imagine actually obeying the law and not simply firing, white-anting, doxing, and endlessly insulting an entire persons professional life, the laws of the land, every institution of the People for the People, b y the People, but instead obeying the boundaries of legal precedent and US law and doing what that tells you you must do. How lame is that!!!??? What an appalling thing that President Biden did that!! The entire world phenomena of mass migration due to war, famine, civil and religious conflict, economic mayhem and collapse in 3rd world economies is nothing to do with one leader, one President or another, That argument is the most puerile, monumentally ignorant, and non-sensical notion. To any critical thinking adult informed person it the culmination, the intersecting creeping result of the hegemony and avarice of 1st world nations spanning many millennia.
  24. Undies that don't ride up. Ice cold beer. People with good timing. Kindness. In a world of 'think it say it', 'think it post it', keeping your opinion and counsel to yourself.
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