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Everything posted by Tropposurfer

  1. Glad they caught this groomer now and not in 20 years and umpteen abused groomed kids later.
  2. Is it just me (probably is lol, ????) or do folks, often, who have plastic surgery, lip filler to the point of looking like some sort of weird blow-up doll, skin whitening so they look like ghosts, way too big boob jobs that look so fake and inflated, look like strange anime quasi-aliens? I see the Euro, and it seems especially the Russian gals around the island and they look totally deformed to me.
  3. Personally I haver zero interest in defining, or imposing what I think a person can, should, or must be. If a person wishes to be whatever they are then that is their choice. If a child identifies as a sex other than their physical being shows then a loving and accepting attitude is preferred to one of seeing the child as disordered. The psychiatric DSM manual has historically been suspect and controversial regarding many so-called disorders defined and listed. The matter of hormonal and gender reassignment/affirmation surgery for children is a contentious and prickly issue, and an issue on which I once again defer to the individual family to ponder. The noted and quoted character in the article is just one of the newest iterations of a GOP creep who is seeking his own power not the care of others.
  4. There is only one race of humans ... the 'human race'. We are ALL descended from a few black ancestors who began to walk out of Africa hundreds of thousands of hears ago.
  5. I loved to ride my bikes. Nearly been killed in Oz a few times with plenty of gravel rash to prove the near misses. France countryside is the safest place I still regularly ride in, by far. When we bought, and now live part of the year here I stopped riding altogether. I ride a stationary bike at home in LOS. I drive a large, high safety rated SUV, drive extremely carefully AND never at anything akin to long distances as the highways here are a mega death-zone. I ended up selling my first largish SUV and bought a larger one to ensure safest driving on the island. As for motor bikes forget it!
  6. What a train wreck of a nation. Open sedition and treason by the Republican Party. Complicity in the raping of the nation by the haves of the have-nots, sycophancy, nepotism, and vast impotence by the Democrats. Mass murders almost every day. 10's of thousands of gun murders each year. A completely failed and ludicrous voting system. Senators and House members being bought by lobby groups. A failed, openly corrupt Supreme Court. The vast majority of the People unable to sustain basic living standards. 800 + billion on arms per budget and the People can't afford, what is in every civilised Western nation, basic everyday medication.
  7. I'm so far up myself that unless people either call me Sir, or Mr P........, or get down on their knees and wai me I either give them an overtly comtemptive hmm, or a good face slap.
  8. Yep there is, sadly, a great lacking in informed and critical thinking et large. And this could not be more obviously demonstrated in the largest faux democracy on earth. I agree with you in your description of global 'capitalism'. We are all bred as slaves to that machine (unless you happen to be extremely rich).
  9. Watched a feed from a Facebook post by Glenn Kirchner (spelling?) today (he was a top end prosecutor). Glenn reckons the 250 mil is a beginners figure and this could go much much higher by the end of the proceedings. Trump is royally screwed, and isn't it such poetic justice after decades of ripping of contractors, stiffing banks, bullying and threatening and suing anyone who asked him to pay his bills, lying and defrauding the nation through bogus illegal tax returns.
  10. If you go to tourist spots its the usual, like anywhere else on the planet for summer/beach holidays e.g. Idiza, Greek Islands, Cosa Del Sol, Florida, Gold Coast Qld, Bali, Some Caribbean islands, Italian and French Riviera's. We are so lucky to have a home in a gorgeous quiet natural setting on Phuket. Beautiful home, zero road, motocy noise, no local rubbish toxic burnoffs. Its bl@@dy bliss when we are there. Amazing golfing on quiet, uncrowded, immaculate courses. Beautiful beach near our house (only go for early morning swims) without crowds (even in high season). We don't have much contact with the tourist 'rabble' and Euro and other world 'trash-tourists' that descend and behave badly across the globe or here. We eat at the local scrumptious places - no problems and delicious. Its easy to glide right through all that other angst. If you don't go to crap bars, Patong, general tourist and heavily targeted tourist areas/venues you hardly notice or have any discordant crowding, drunkards, nutters on motocy's, and other anti-social stuff.
  11. Travelling to Japans outer towns and villages and making not just a physical, visual comparison of waste but the psychological experience of moving about in both environments and it seems to me such a shame to see the levels of rubbish, and disregard for their environment in LOS. As a retired existential psychotherapist I can't help but wonder if, and to what degree, others experience what I am aware of i.e. The damage to the psyche of all those in LOS, and all the other places in the world from the trash we consume and then simply throw at our feet.
  12. A Man who has been a failure his entire business life has solid ideas about national economics .. WTF!
  13. If he can return to the White House forget history, forget any State imprisoning him, forget any Senate or House of reps capacity to hold him to the law he will rapidly remove all obstacles to his despotism and subsequently arrest, fire, and imprison anyone who has spoken out against him. Democracy (in the farcical frame it has in America) be no more.
  14. I'm so 'handsum man' they can't resist me. Even the hi-so androgynous Thai males in their Porsche n Lambo can't pull the lookers away from me lol ???? ????????????????
  15. Nail clippers and a red hot knife to quarterize the wound ... this is what all the SAS and SEALS living incognito in LOS do don't they lol ????
  16. bangkokdentalspa.com Dr. Lily Poncheron You can't get better prosthetics and dentistry, and at decent prices for Lily. US prosthetics is available but also German items here (which I have, these are superb). Prices are insane for US stuff so don't even bother comparing to LOS as its apples and oranges.
  17. If you're 'the goat' then why do you need anyones assistance? to find a top flight Thai gal?
  18. My Australian agent was Kent (big, really professional international movers). Grace Bros also do good work ... any of the bigger mobs in Oz are pretty safe and can do absolutely everything from wrapping items, to boxing, uplift, loading container, shipping, customs, and all the paperwork. You can, as a retiree do a one-off import of your home/personal goods free of any tax, but only once. All you need is your retirement visa to prove your status as a retiree emigre to LOS and bingo its no sweat. I was a bit sneaky and stocked up on really expensive stuff here in LOS before I did the move. New garden equipment mowers etc, tools, car cleaning stuff, all sorts of linen and bedding, some antiques I wanted for the new house, kitchen items, wine cellar, new golf clubs, surfboards, bike, weights and other workout machinery - bike, climber, rowing machine.
  19. Banks: Massive profits per annum, closing and reducing face to face services offshore to further increase profits at massive service quality losses. If you have the population lulled into a trancelike state where raping them financially year in year out is 'normalised' who objects. Add to this the State enabling such institutions because they are empowered and funded by such top-end-of-town economic giants and we the People get right-royally reamed.
  20. yep the stellar destroyer Murdoch and that vile far right Farage and his mates did a real 'job' on the British people, aided and abetter by a totally partisan self-serving upper class politicians raping the people every day, day in day out (the lowest class actually!).
  21. Not too bad a synopsis of why the American electoral system is a primer example of the antithesis of democracy in action ... total joke.
  22. Yeah what a total laughingstock the American electoral/voting system is.
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