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Everything posted by Tropposurfer

  1. If, if there's any numerical truth in this poll, then just how much more messed up could a nation be than to consider a madman like Trump as a viable steward of the nation?
  2. Rub with olive oil, salt and pepper, roast in oven at 180C for about 45 minutes.
  3. Sociopath psychopath. No empathy, no feeling for others, only his deeply disturbed self needs and wants.
  4. If your'e in Phuket there's a truly 'sick' French butcher in Rawai. If not then why not cut the skins off and fry or BBQ without them. There's tons of yummy ways to cook the mince and if you're kitchen handy (and no I don"t mean slamming the missus on the kitchen bench ala ("The Postman Knocks Twice' lol ????) you can add all sorts of stuff to the mince. If the snag mix is really soft n sticky then simply roll the mix lightly in flour to fry or bake of BBQ.
  5. Rogan is not someone I would take any sort of sane advice from ... unless of course I was solely interested in an idea to make money in the podcast realm ... soulless endeavour that is, practical and materially empowering as money is in this material world yes, but soulful and existentially supportive NO. He has proven, over time, and this is traceable, to be the lesser of any kind of deep thinker and certainly shallow at best. His proclivities towards patriarchal, narrow reductive definitions of masculinity, and a proclivity to white-supremacist notions is also chronologically traceable.
  6. Robin W said it best: https://www.google.com/search?q=good+morning+vietnam+hot+n+wet+scene&rlz=1C5CHFA_enAU964AU964&oq=good+morning+vietnam+hot+n+wet+scene&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIJCAEQIRgKGKABMgkIAhAhGAoYoAHSAQoxNTM4NWowajE1qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:86036f79,vid:OXR0uoxUvaw,st:0 We get on da plane da plane! A leave for dryer climes each monsoon.
  7. It is possible (medical fact) that a person can drink too much water. If you drink too much it will kill you! Here's a reliable Australian governmental medical website about water intake: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/drinking-water-and-your-health
  8. Yo Bob, Get some thiamin (B1) from the chemist or vitamin section in the supermarket. It will help your liver recover and help the nervous system to a degree. If you can find a complex B vitamin (made for men) and get that into you as directed on the bottle ... this will support your nervous system, and body tissues. A good daily intake of water to help flush the liver. If you've got a problem with alcohol then consider seriously some support counselling going forward. The issue of alcoholic drinking (only you can discern and identify your drinking as alcoholic, or just heavy drinking). If you think you are an alcoholic then what is ailing you is far more than just the physical habit of picking up a drink and then continuing till stupor and all the wreckage that comes along with it. These issues require lots of support, wise, honest, and caring feedback from those whom the drinker begins to let into their life and their inner-story who have the skillsets to support. Being loved by someone, just like Mrs Bob is super helpful but more than often those closest to the drinker are too close to be able to detach enough. This is due to them being adversely impacted by the drinkers behaviour and needing recovery for themselves too. For the drinker without such 'cleaning of house' the worms in ones head plague and make being dry so uncomfortable eventually to the point of unbearable and the need to take another drink to quieten the madness between the ears and in the gut prevails. Good luck mate.
  9. A tale of sudsy woe dear bob ... Beware the ol' tale: 'A fella takes a drink, then the drink takes the fella'
  10. Could be anywhere in LOS ... I'm a simple kinda guy ... as long as there are lotsa quality breast implants, and those wonderful 'gravity defying bottoms' wandering the area in which I reside I'm a happy chappy.
  11. Tyre pressure is extremely important as noted by others. Brand is also important e.g.'s Pirelli are hard tread a walled, but compared to the next tyre noisier, but a very durable compound, Michelin are a tad softer but between the two in durability, Yokahama are a softer wall, quieter tread noise and give a softer ride but wear out maybe 15 to 20% faster than Pir's, Continental make a superb tyre also in a good range of patterns and performances. Like others have said you can replace the shocks but you need to consult a suspension specialist not some local dude with a shopfront as horror stories abound of ignorant fellas changing out stock shocks for some fancy thing that 'bottoms out' (eventually blow out) or rides way too soft and interferes with cornering stability.
  12. There isn't enough land to build a large enough dam from what I can see ... well, not without consuming a huge area of the nation park and displacing traditional & other Thai landowners. Maybe a dam on the mainland, solar powered pumping via pipeline? As for the sewer and grey water issue ... there is next to no processing that makes any slight, let alone significant dent in this outfall problem. Most of us that live here all know the stench and black putrid water in every creek on the island which when full and rains or high high tides roll in that flush directly into the sea. The contamination of the islands runoff and outfall with solid, man made wastes is appalling and equal to the worst I have seen across the world. This includes Bali where its creeks are awash half a metre deep (literally) in plastic waste. The issues of unfettered, one-use plastics continues entirely unabated, and catastrophically disastrously. There is next to no waste management on the island. There certainly is no multi-layered, integrated waste management system of any effective note.
  13. No absolutely not! Boiling water will not kill all germs, bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals, that lurk inn Thai dirty tap water. If the very real possibility of ingesting e-coli, raw faeces don't deter you then there's the star studded array, nay the delicious spectrum of intestinal parasites of Strongyloides stercoralis & , hook-worm, Ascaris, Schistosoma, Giardia, Chriptosporidium all are parasites common in the water here. Then there's the lovely diarrhoea, typhoid, and dysentery ... All these are commonly found in water across LOS. Some rise to percentage of 30% during rain and flood periods.
  14. Some 'pollie' in the USA said today; 'How in the hell do you loose an F35?!' They literally 'lost' the plane for hours!!! Good job Yanks. What with the GOP, Donald the Destroyer, MAGA and Q Anon nutjobs running all over the north American continent ... Confidence in not high, I repeat confidence is not high in the 'Good ol' US of A'. What do these things cost? $150 million each???!!!
  15. He was a self-confessed sex-addict, as well as a full on Harry user. I just had a dog n bone chat from the old country and the news there said he'd had some of his podcast sponsors, or some sponsors, of some part of his online presence pulled today.
  16. Its the utterly charming capacity of Thai women to have never ending orgasms.
  17. LOL ???????????????? Yeah over a million Americans carked-it as an example of a nation that swallowed the BS 'Q and Dummy Donald' crappola wholesale and in their righteous stand to preserve their 'freedoms' (what a laugh) and died by their hundreds of thousands.
  18. Go buy yourself a hydrogen peroxide solution, a syringe from the chemist, apply solution directly into ear as you lay on your side using a cotton wool wicks and squeeze the solution into the ear.. Doctors in Oz recommend this home treatment and it is completely safe! Do this repeatedly about every 15 minutes over the few hours of dripping the peroxide into the ear. It will fizz, and make crackling noises as it erodes the wax. Repeat with more wicked solution on the cotton wool for a few hours - if severe blockage you may need to do it for 3 or more hours in this sequence. Then after some hours of this make war soapy water solution use the syringe to squirt the soapy water directly into the ear. This will flush the dissolved wax to run out of your ears. Its gentler to do it yourself as most hospitals and clinics don't use the peroxide solution first just inject forcefully warm soapy water straight in the ear. This can hurt quite a bit, and if done too forcefully damage the ear drum. Note to all members pushing objects into your ears e.g cotton buds or 'tools' made to scoop wax or objects out to try and clean them is dangerous and does not clear out ear wax adequately. It simply pushes the wax or objects further into the ear canal. The practice of Thai's doing this as a natural matter of 'natural' course is not good. Don't emulate or allow Thai's to do this to your precious hearing organs.
  19. Yep correct????. The stores noted in CM are 're-sellers' NOT Apple stores. If the OP wants an Apple PC then why doesn't he simply go to the LOS Apple website configure and purchase his new machine? It will be direct/hand couriered to his home (completely secure).
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