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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. where can you buy insurance for a motor bike ? I was under the impression you could not ? I have an older Honda click I would like to insure just incase I hit someone ...


    I think they're closed today, I tried calling them about 40 mins ago as I need insurance on a bike I just got.

    Trying to stay off my new bike this week as I need to get insurance and a drivers license, not risking it without, it's going to be hard....

  2. Studied 4, but that semester of German was a weak attempt.

    I can understand a read a bit of Spanish.

    I can converse in Thai easily, but because I put off reading and writing for so long, I tend to mess up tones and have a child's level of reading, it is improving though.

    Though as an American, I feel I should get a handicap!

    Mandatory language learning beginning in the 9th grade is just another failure of our education system...

  3. Whenever I deal with computers and this country I simply sell them off and buy better back home.

    The prices here for components are high enough that even a 1-2 year old system can help fund a much better build back home.

    But I live in the US, and I know the UK has higher prices than us, but it's something to look into.

    Just take out the HDD and xfer that to the new sysyem

    • Like 1
  4. No problem what so ever if you don't do anything to maliciously hurt his daughter thumbsup.gif

    Ex's father is in a position where he could easily make my life hell. But instead every time I see him I get a warm welcome.

    Though I have a spoiled Thai friend who's father is very high up in the chain, she feels spurned and is having him begin to cause trouble for her ex.

    The door can swing either way.

  5. Chiang Rai and Nan.. not enough history or substance to be comparable to Chiang Mai at any time in the past, IMHO.

    Maybe Luang Prabang could be a closer match. Laos could well grow some common sense in the next 20 years and become more feasible as a place to live.

    Of course that assumes that I would prefer a quieter, less developed place in favor of where Chiang Mai is going. So far I like how far Chiang Mai has come, and where it's is going.

    Oh, it has nothing to do with History, but living amenities, size, population, etc.

    In 20 Years I can see Chiang Rai getting it's second mall, of a larger size, a sizable selection of restaurants, and bars, maybe a growing night life.

    Nan will probably have something of a mall, maybe like Chiang Rai or only as big as Phits.

    But with the influx of Chinese, and some opting to come overland through Laos, I can see both of these areas growing, especially due to people wanting that small town feel that Chiang Mai is rapidly losing.

    My problem is that I don't see myself of my GF getting the salaries we can get elsewhere, or even the same caliber of jobs.

    No worries though, as it stands now I plan to return to the US next April May to help out with some family issues, so for the next 3-10 years I may only be visiting Thailand, so I may just get the chance to check out all areas before settling back more permanently.

    • Like 1
  6. I live like right next to Sang Dee and love the area since I can walk to Sumo, Ynot, Berr Republic, Monkey, Warm, and a plethora of other bars, but I don't think I would want to be there in 20 years, unless I someone owned something in the area.

    Honestly, 20 years? I would be looking at Chiang Rai and Nan, which would be more like the Chiang Mai of 10 years ago.

  7. I'm visiting family now in the US, and had to make a choice of either hitting Holi in Nepal on the 26th of March and then go to the US, or go to the US and come back for Songkran

    Those potent marijuana milk shakes are only legal during the Holi holiday.

    Didn't see any shakes, but we met up with some local guys in their 20's, had a blast, drank a ton of homemade rice beer, and had some local vegetation haha. Sadly it was a drought year, so the festival was not as big as I was hoping for, but fun none the less. Way tamer than India, and we were outside of Kathmandu in Bhaktapur because it's cleaner there. Still worth it!

  8. Last year I went rafting with friends out in Mae Wang, man that was so much better than playing in the city!

    Even on the way out the people played in a more gentle fashion, asking trucks to slow down to his passengers at a slower speed and not trying to whip the water, they still add blocks of ice though!

    Then during the ride on the rafts you wil pass large swimming areas where 1-200 people may be relaxing and splashing each other. Kids might have some pistols, but instead of shooting us in the eyes, like in town, they were much more shy to go after the lone Farang. I think there are plenty of hotels and camp sites out there, pack up the family or even invite some friends along, grab some beers and have a great holiday

    I'm visiting family now in the US, and had to make a choice of either hitting Holi in Nepal on the 26th of March and then go to the US, or go to the US and come back for Songkran, I know I made the right choice, but I am jealous of those enjoying it!

    Happy New Year everyone, whether you love or hate the festivities, I wish the best. Stay safe and enjoy it!

  9. Actually.. the current spicy, is spicy 3.

    The first one was an open air place around the back.. it was really quite ok in those days.. about 10 years ago.

    Then spicy 2 which was just up from mikes

    Now spicy 3.

    So which one are they re-opening? I assume spicy 2.. which was a horrlble place that smelt like a mix of stale beer and ghonorreah

    Not to be confused with the short lived "Spicy 2" found on the corner at the turn for the metal bridge near Duke's.

  10. OK, these would be the steps I would take, and some are repeats of what others have said.

    Step 1, ask you friend if you took the job and came down there if you could either crash on his counch for free or offer him some compensation after your first pay check.

    Sell all your non essentials, ipod, nicer phone, DVD collection, books, etc, you're in a situation where even an extra 100B is helpful.

    You need clothes?

    I recommend checking out Kad Rincom, right next to the new mall at the HK/Nimman intersection. 200-300B for decent work shirts, beats the 1500-3000B shirts found in KSK.

    But KSK also has some shops up top.

    There are also a ton of second hand shops on the road going towards Tesco Lotus Khamtieng. From the moat turn left at choompa moo kata.

    They have pants for 50-100B and shoes for 200-500B that no one would be the wiser about them being second hand.

    Second hand bags there too if you need a pack to move with.

    Now, no flights for you, you're trying to save money. I believe you can get to BKK for 300-400ish and jump on the bus to pattaya for 150-200?

    It's doable, but you need the cards to fall the right way, and I would say it all hinges on having a cheap place to crash the first month,

    good luck

  11. They have always regularly clamped people on Nimm soi 5-13, they go after the people parking on the wrong side. I live in the area and see cops getting 5-10 cars/street quite a few times a month. IT happens more around 1st and 2nd week after pay day, as more people flood the bars then.

  12. Mixed bag.

    For this situation, I don't know if there is a need. There shouldn't be a safety concern. Perhaps to make sure quality lessons are being taught? Perhaps to prove students are not abusing the 1 year visa?

    No for hypothesizing about the use for K-12:

    As a teacher I see it as a double edged sword.

    It makes sure that you are on your A game every day.

    Some times something comes up, whether it be overworked, stress, sick, previous engagement, etc, that leads to the following day's lesson being "wung". (Wung being the proper tense for wing it? I'm not an English teacher...)

    That is the truth, the reality. But some teachers just coast every day, this could help curb that.

    Also, it's great to film little Johnny acting out daily and have proof of it during parent teacher conferences because many times parents deny it.

    There are also students who have their parents wrapped around their finger and when they don't want to do homework they say "I don't understand it" or "The teacher didn't explain it" despite the fact that they have completed the lessons in class trouble free.

    You can also use them to catch cheating, not that that would mean much in this country....

    All in all, if as a teacher you CYA, cover your butt, and have quality planned lessons, CCTV cams would be helpful, not harmful to you.

  13. I set up a FB page with a fake name & an email address that was given to no-one I know.

    It has no photos of people or anything that can be connected to me.

    The list of 'people you could know' FB sends out to encourage linking regularly contains 8 - 10 people that I do know.

    If I haven't used any even remotely identifiable details, and details that no-one I know could know, how does FB generate a list containing so many people that I do know from a DB of supposedly multi-millions of people?

    The email being used has no people listed in the contacts, and does not connect to any of my regular email accounts.

    All I can put it down to is some variant of spyware used by FB.

    Anyone got any ideas?

    Are your age and location entered crrectly

    work or schooling?

    Maybe using the same machine and having to do something with the other facebook cookies?

    otherwise, it's tinfoil hat time :(

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