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Posts posted by BlackArtemis

  1. I would bring back stuff from Bath and body works or the body shop for my MIL, Friends, etc because I could get items for 3 or 5 for $20 where as it was almost 1 for $20 in Thailand

    Coach outlets also sell bags for 3000-5000B in the US, the same bags are worth 8-9 here Classic and something to show off.

  2. The song is Play Girl by Zom Ammara

    She's also the mother in the movie Chocolate.

    She's connected to Joey Boy and Gancore club I believe, well he is on this track at least.

  3. As for those saying "move if you don't like it", I'm sorry I didn't know we couldn't make negative observations or complaints about things in Chiang Mai, does traffic now fall under Lèse Majesté? Talk to Thais. they make the same observations and many want some sort of mass transit option as well.

    No Artemis, the OP, in his last line said, "time to move upcountry?" Which I gathered to mean, was an option he was considering if the traffic conditions worsened. I suggested he take it further and move OUT of the country. It was not a blatant "move if you don't like it" comment.

    Though seriously, I couldn't agree more that Thailand is more reactive than proactive. The 100K car idea is what it is, a nice way to help some Thais buy cars and for dealerships to sell cars, etc etc., but it certainly doesn't help the congestion that appears throughout this country. A friend of mine teaches English at a large temple nearby. This temple is also a large orphanage. The monks found some used rubbers inside the public bathroom. Their response? Close the bathroom. Talk about reactive. Geez.

    Didn't think it was the OP who was suggesting "don't like it? Move". But we are also forgetting that this devalues a lot of current vehicles. People who paid 300-400k for a used civic 2 years ago, now have to contend with people who bought a newer city. should be interesting to see the secondhand market in 2-5 years

  4. Very nice, when I was in the US I would go fossiling and get ferns and trilobites. Lots of trilobites in Pennsylvania, you could easily find 20 in an afternoon.

    I have a degree in biology with a minor in geology, so this stuff is right up my alley.

    No idea what the prices would be here in Thailand

  5. Don't forget jawlines, cheekbones, and other facial structures may differ based on geography, not just skin color.

    I do prefer whiter skin, but funny enough my girlfriend is 100% Chinese and not that white haha. But in the end hair length, skin color, height etc are all preferences, I am not going to turn down a chance with a nice girl cause she doesn't fit into some "spec". For skin, as long as it's nice and smooth you can find beauties in every shade.

  6. I thought/heard some people brought them in on a temporary import license or whatever, much like drift/race cars that show up for a few races and then leave. The cars are restored and then shipped back out due to the insanely low cost of labor.

    I always wondered how this could be true as the shipping has to be murder, but then again if there are 100-300 man hours spent on body work then I can see how the $60-100/hr rate of the US could make it a viable investment.

  7. Thailand knows their beers can't compare to the surrounding countries'. look at the games they played with Lao Beer. Granted a lot of nationalistic idiots will never drink anything other than Singha and Chang, but a lot of people are going to be in for a surprise when they realize countries like Burma out do them in quality and taste. Reminds me of growing up in the US, you had Bud and Coors, and now the US has one of, if not the fastest growing microbrewery segment in the world.


    Thai businesses have a poor track record of fighting at level and rely on corruption to out sell competition.

  8. I'm sorry, I forgot to list my benefits.

    95% of my friends are Thai, and I continue to make new ones. I never have a boring night unless it was my choice. Hell, I think the downside is that I have gotten fatter, poorer(no, I am not treating everyone) and sleep deprived from going out so much.

    Day to day life is much easier.

    I get treated very differently because I can speak. This can vary from people opening up and being talkative with me to having people know they can't rip me off anymore.

    Being able to speak with my GF in Thai despite her level of proficiency, hell her level of proficiency is a great reason I should be able to read and write as well as she can in English and Italian.

    When I lived in the US with my Ex, we could talk about anything in public and have a "private" conversation.

    and lastly, it's just fun. Learning is fun to me, being able to communicate with more people is fun, and Thai can just be a fun language.

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