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Everything posted by JustAnotherHun

  1. Leave Thailand, come to Germany and tell the immigration you're an asylum seeker. Free living, only the weather is not very comfortable. ????
  2. Agree. Scammers like that need greedy victims. Buying gold for half of the price from an African or a top iPhone for 100€ online or sending money to Nigeria to earn millions - no sympathy.
  3. That were Sondhi Limtongkul's criminal yellow shirts, not the red ones.
  4. That's my experience after a bit over 8k km without lubrication. Regina recommends to lube the chain after rain and steam cleaning. I did not and it's still very good. I'll buy Reginas for my other bikes too. Do you know if they are available in Thailand? If not, I'll take one from Germany for may Thai CBX500
  5. If you are - like me - tired of lubricating the chain after each tour, buy a Regina chain. I installed one on a Versys1000SE last year and am driving now since +8k km without doing anything than to tighthen it from time to time. The Regina surely is not maintenance-free as sometimes said, but after 8k km through dust, rain and steam cleaning it looks still very good.
  6. Yes. Anybody knows Cannabis makes Hemp-junkies extremely aggressive. Especially when they need their next injection. Hrhrhr
  7. That was not my point. I listed the German data to show that the declining car production in GB has not necessarily to do with Brexit.
  8. Correct. So the quetsion should be if they require such a (then translated) check. People who applied recently for an EV should know that.
  9. I doubt that car production says anything about Brexit. Compareable with Germany: 2014: 5.6 mio 2016: 5.75 mio 2018: 5.12 mio 2020: 3.51 mio 2021: 3.10 mio 2022: 3.40 mio.
  10. Needed skills should be the only criteria to get a job. Quotes are BS and a severe threat to democrazy. Why only quotes for women and PoC? Why not quotes for handicaped people, Muslims, Bhuddhists, Lesbians & Gays, vegetarians etc?
  11. I don't think, the Cannabis case will be at top of the list of a new government or the negotiations between the parties. To turn back the clock will be not so easy.
  12. Maybe. But the people have spoken last time too and you know what the outcome was. If MF is not banned and able to form a government, it might be easy to bring some thousands yellow shirts to Bangkok, cause a couple of weeks of trouble and then let the generals "bring back peace to the country". Don't forget Thailands holds the world record for military coups.
  13. I hope they really ride into the sunset instead riding to the next barack to come back with a few tanks.
  14. ...but everywhere easily to get and to consume it is not a crime anymore since 20 years or so.
  15. Portugal surely is one of the best places for expats. Nice people, decent prices, rich culture, beautiful nature, good food, a short flight to everywhere in Europe. And very easy to get a permission to stay - at least, if you are an EU citizen. Together with Southern France and the Toskana my favorite place to go, if I leave Thailand.
  16. Whatever the outcome may be in the end, the results imho show clearly that the influence of the Shinawatra clan in Thailand's politics is declining.
  17. Last time, the people have spoken clearly too. And the outcome was...?
  18. "I respect the result...but...but...sadly, we have to ban MF or PTP...or both of them. And in the end, democracy is somehow unthai, you know. In this difficult times the country needs a strong leader - me"
  19. Racist Trump supporters like Nury Martinez, Ron Herrera, Kevin de Leon and Gil Cedillo? OK, I see.
  20. Maybe, But it has nothing to do with the post I replied to.
  21. Really? According to Forbes Magazine, in the campaign of 2020 there were 150 billionaires under the big spenders for Biden and 108 for Trump. Must be fake news then, I guess...
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