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Posts posted by TenDreams

  1. Good luck with that!

    New gym on soi 88 might be your best bet (Aletic or whatever its called), had a quick look, equipment looked good on cursory inspection, too pricey for my needs.

    Soi 94 gym worked for me, have decent free weights and bench, mix of fairly old and old equipment, sometimes have supplements on the shelves, friendly atmosphere.

    Sports Villa Gym, OK at a glance, on closer inspection no decent weights, bit of a girls gym IMO. Went once, not worth it for me - no decent free weights and only a Smith Press and machines, no bench.

    I'm doing better on my own at home these days with a yoga mat, chair, dumbbells, EZ bar and YouTube on the big screen.

  2. Hi ladybiker,

    I don't think many resale properties sell for the asking price unless they're priced to sell and the price realistic, most might get asking price less up to 10%. There is stiff competition from well priced high quality new homes in Hua Hin.

    Agents in Hua Hin are all non-exclusive so you can list with as many as you want in theory.

    I'll PM you my recommendation.

    Good luck!

  3. Well, back to the OP - if you're planning on coming between now-Feb, there will be slim pickings I'm afraid.

    Most listings on websites (unless very recent) are likely to be out of date, as more often than not, people don't take them off immediately when their place gets rented out (pure forgetfulness, I suppose).

    As for agents, most agencies carry the same listings and do not know when another agency or whoever has rented out the property, so you can't rely on the property you see being listed online as being available (especially in high season), for this reason they may appear unreliable but I don't think that's their fault- there is no perfect system in place, and virtually no exclusivity on listings. If you want to get an idea of whats available best to call an agency directly and ask what they have available for the time you want rather than use the website.

    Signs on gates is most likely the best bet, and have a Thai do the talking if you can.

  4. Thankyou for your replies, I have just come across a long distance education school here in Australia that is the same curriculum he is used to . They are used to people travelling and hence works well.

    Its now up to him to be self disciplined and stick to it, he will miss his friends but hopefully I can get him into some clubs , maybe muay thai or soccer so he has some friends in hua hin.

    There are loads of Muay Thai places and also a small karate club in Hua Hin now. At least 2 soccer clubs/grounds I think. The guy that runs the karate is just 22 years old and arrived here from England not too long ago, he seems to have a young group of friends and an active social life, so tat could be worth checking out.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  5. Sorry, but "reliable real estate agent" seems to be and oxymoron in Hua Hin. biggrin.png

    Sorry, but "reliable real estate agent" seems to be and oxymoron in Hua Hin. biggrin.png

    Everywhere else too, it seems.

    Rent a condo or hotel room by the month and take your time to look around. Meet a few locals and find out where you want to live. There is no rush to find somewhere.

    Hire a motorbike and just ride around up the side streets and you will see lots of "for rent" or "forrent" signs. Visit the place in the morning, afternoon and evening. Check out for dogs.

    Offer a lot less than the asking price and see how far they will come down.

    Going through an "estate agent" and you will pay well over the odds, month after month after month. They are all in it for themselves, particularly the foreigners, who will take any Newbie to the cleaners if they can.

    Can agree with all of that except the last sentences. Does this forum allow for you to provide specific examples that you have experienced of foreign agents in Hua Hin taking their clients to the cleaners? I happen to know several who work very hard, take loads of s*it for very little reward, and bend over backwards for their clients. Not saying they are all like this, but they certainly aren't all sharks either.

    • Like 1
  6. Quiet day at the office, I'll have a crack:

    1. Kimi wa <totemo> (shibui) desu/da yo.

    Kimi = informal for 'you', used for close acquaintances/lover/older>younger (use 'anata' in place of kimi to be more formal),

    wa= partical,

    totemo = very (adds emphasis, obviously),

    (shibui - I am not sure of this word that you chose, I have never heard it with your meaning, but my Japanese is rusty)

    desu = polite form of..

    da= are/am/to be

    yo= no meaning, adds emphasis

    2. Nihongo (de) shaberou! / Nihongo (de) shaberou omae!

    Nihongo = Japanese,

    (de = particle - in - I think it would be omitted)

    shaberou = impolite/aggressive imperative form of speak/talk,

    omae = disrespectful/impolite term for 'you'.

    3. Chanto tatte, ugokanaide, me demo (ugokanaide), sensei ga iu made.

    chanto = perfectly/correctly

    tatte = stand (imperative form)

    ugokanaide = do not move

    me (pronounced meh) demo = even (your) eyes

    sensei ga iu made = until teacher says (teacher speaking)

    4. I think you need to be specific about the meaning of 'came for' - came to catch us, came to help us, came to collect us, etc. Also are speakers male or female?

    It could be: tabun kare wa bokutachi no tameni kita daro. But does depend on meaning and gender....Japanese is full of nuances!

    (this sentence assumes speakers are male and has a general meaning of ‘came for’)

  7. I find myself agreeing with thelongshoot.

    I can't really be ars3d to go out and get p7ssed any more, a far cry from the old life in BKK!

    If I do go out, I'll drop into Capone's in the Bintabaht area once in a while- good setup, a few characters, draft Leo and the girls are relaxed and friendly, no hassle. Johnny Walker's bar can be a giggle, good crowd, decent pool table, darts, good music if the right persons in charge and again, relaxed, friendly, no hassle. White House on soi 80 I'll stop by once in a blue moon and have a quick beer while watching the comings and goings on the soi, but that's really nothing to get excited about.

    As for that guy outside 7/11, soi 88 - I have been wondering what his story is! I think you'll find his tipple is Siam Sato, or maybe that's just in the AM when I happen to be passing.

    There is some good news, the guy that owned Bully's in Sukhumvit is opening a large bar opposite the Hilton. It doesn't seem to be near completion yet (last time I poked my head in anyway), but the guy knows what he is doing and it should be a decent joint, I would expect good food, quality pool tables, and screens. Worth keeping an eye out for.

  8. i attended Sirida school on the main road, phetkasem (a little after soi 59 heading south) and they are a good school.... not too sure on how their teaching of thai script is handled, but for the verbal stuff i enjoyed my time there

    the number is 032532650

    Wasted your time here Pommee, check the capitalisation and gramma in your English. sad.pngwhistling.gifsad.png

    i attended Sirida school on the main road, phetkasem (a little after soi 59 heading south) and they are a good school.... not too sure on how their teaching of thai script is handled, but for the verbal stuff i enjoyed my time there

    Bazil. You are now the grammar police?

    You really are a miserable sod aren't you.

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    Make that 'gramma' police! Ooops! Spelling, BF! I can't figure out if you are very amusing or an utter tossbag.

    OP- There is also a school called TLC, someone may be able to tell you whether or not they are any good.

  9. There is a new development in Cha Am with 5700 units being developed. I would think you could rent one of those for your price range. The name is The Energy if you google http://www.homesthai...ity/0000002731/

    it you can get info on it and others

    good luck.

    One problem being it hasn't been built yet!

    Some people are so fussy, besides some have been built.


    Some out of 5700?

    That'll be a nice quiet place to spend a few months! ;)

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