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Posts posted by TenDreams

  1. Long shot, but does anybody know of any bars in (or near) Hua Hin planning on showing UFC 121 this weekend?

    I just ran a search and it appears it's showing on ASN sports channel (True Visions) at 9am on the 24th, 10pm on the 26th and 28th...

    It can always be downloaded and viewed at another time, if anyone knows a venue that will host?

    Looks like an exciting fight card, can't wait!


  2. Any body else's lady never had a bloke companion before. :D

    I can put my hand up to that one.

    I know I do a lot of things that grind her gears, but I think they would any woman, not only Thai!

    Using her towel is one, letting the cats in the bedroom another (the combination of the two would probably be the end of the world!) but recently, when I come home to an immaculate house and ask her what she's been doing all day - that seems to set her off for some reason.

  3. The Japanese end their names with san, so what is wrong with Khun?

    Japanese friends call me Lindsay san, Thais call me Khun Lindsay.

    Takes a tosser to know a tosser.

    Some people just don't want to try very hard to be polite.

    Have you ever heard a Japanese person refer to themselves as (name)-san ?

    Didn't think so.

    Same in Thailand for 'khun', in my limited experience.

  4. For Pete's sake.......someone quote a price. Only one person knows what a shirt costs? Nice, cotton shirt.....how much???

    Rajawongse between Soi 4 and 6.

    900b or 1000B a shirt.

    I had 3 made, some friends did too. I haven't been back for more (don't need), but my friends all went back for more. When I need more, I'll go back there.

    I am very happy with mine, lovely shirts and great service. But I have never been to any other tailors, as Jessie and Victor (if memory serves) came recommended.

  5. Hi All,

    I have no idea when it comes to DIY, so hope my post makes some sense.

    Recently my aircon unit leaked onto a cabinet and caused the wood (chipboard?) panel on the top to swell and distort.

    I don't want to replace the whole cabinet, just replace the damaged panel.

    What kind of place might I be able to get this done? I would need to remove the panel and have it replicated with a runner inserted for the sliding door also.

    Appreciate any ideas,


  6. You could have a look at Sakura Dojo, Sukumvhit 33/1 (in the World Video Bldg) 4th Floor...

    I have no idea about the style/instruction or schedule though.

    Thank you, I'll (try) and check that out.

    Meanwhile, in the absence of other suggestions, I am thinking of trying out takewondo :)

    If you haven't already, I would check out boxer rebellion on soi 13. A very interesting collective of martial artists there. No karate as far as I know, but sometimes sifu Mark Stewart trains there (if u know your kung <deleted>, you may have heard of him) and I think he is also a high level karate practitioner. Also the savate instructor and classes are awesome (I did it until I left BKK). Would definitely recommend at least popping in there.

  7. Hi all,

    I am by no means a handyman, as you will gather from this question!

    Been here for years, but have never seen sandpaper anywhere (then again, I have hardly ever stepped foot in a hardware store!)

    Is it readily available here?

    My cats have scratched the bed legs on my pine bed, and I figured I could remove the scratches, or make them less visible by using a light sanding paper and smoothing them out? Does anyone know a better way to do this?

    Another problem I really need to sort out is that my aircon leaked onto a bookshelf and has made the wood swell. I guess it's plywood, and it has a black, plastic coating that now doesn't cover the swollen wood. It's a little hard to describe, as I don't know my stuff as far as this is concderned. Is there anyway to reduce this swelling, or will it recover itself in time?

    Thanks for any advice,


  8. You could have a look at Sakura Dojo, Sukumvhit 33/1 (in the World Video Bldg) 4th Floor...

    I have no idea about the style/instruction or schedule though.

  9. You should check out Boxer Rebellion gym on Suk. soi 13 on the 11th floor of Sukhumvit Suites. I used to train KM there, the instructor also taught KAPAP, Kali, AMOK (knife) and Jeet Kun Do. He's a great guy, go check it out!

  10. TenDreams keep us informed how this all works out for you, good luck.


    A quick update...

    Made my second trip to the labor dept. and finally got to immigration (not BKK) for the first time today.

    As expected, the guy there told me that I had overstayed for 2 months, shouldn't have been working without a WP, and was liable for the maximum fine.

    (My NIB expired on July 17th 2010, and I had an extension of stay until July 2011, but both were worthless after I quit my previous job).

    I explained this to my current employer several times, but they just said not to worry about it, they were sorting it all out.

    I explained my situation to the immigration guy, and he then spoke to my employer on the phone for a while (they knew each other).

    I then filled out an extension of stay form (7 day) and paid 1900 Baht. He put a note in my passport (handwritten in Thai)and a stamp (which unfortunately says my application for extension was denied and I have 1 week to leave)and he said that was it.

    They say the work permit will be ready next week, I have to collect that then they will give me a 1 year visa, and I don't have to leave the country. I don't know how this works exactly...but fingers crossed!

    If anything interesting happens, will post.


  11. I used to break out into the red blotches from time to time..hasn't happened for a while now.

    I could never find any real rhyme or reason, but ALWAYS after heavy drinking...I mean, it didn't seem to matter what I drank, whether I mixed beer and spirits, whether or not I drank a lot of water while boozing, whether I was in a hot or cold environment, or what have you, just sometimes it happened and sometimes it didn't.

    Never had it last more than a few hours though. I would usually disappear somewhere, stay in an ice cold shower for 15 minutes or so, then it would fade. Felt slightly hot flushed, but not itchy. And I would notice it appear on sensitive parts of my body first, like around bruises, bites, scratches, etc. Would probably happen once a month or so.

    Come to think of it, I think it might have usually, but not always happened on the second day of drinking...

  12. If you cant post a decent answer then why post? I work here with a beautiful 3 year old daughter & wife so yes in fact i am "living the dream". Ya fuc_kin muppet!!!

    Hah hah hah! Nice!!

    There are a couple at the Klong Tan (Petchaburi) end of Sukhumvit 71, haven't been in them, but I think there are at least 2 pawn shops up there.

    Good luck!

  13. Thank you so much. It's my first week in Hua Hin so I don't know the town at all. I guess I can always take a taxi and ask to be taken somewhere. Is there an area or street where I can find many phone/computer shops?

    You would probably get a better deal for it if you put it up for sale on craisglist, bahtsold or here. There are shops on the Phet Kasem Road from Hua Hin to Pranburi that trade in used electronics - easy to get to if you have transport, but it may end up being a wasted half day lugging a computer around in a taxi, so I would have thought doing it online more efficient.

    If you list the specifications of your computer, someone here might even want to take it off your hands!

    Good luck.

  14. I have recently moved from Bangkok, but lived there for 3 years.

    2 of those I rode a scooter (125cc). It made all the difference in the world, I would have been miserable without it!

    Never had any incidents on it, although I lived and rode in Sukhumvit with notorious traffic. I made sure I knew the routes I would be taking to work very well, by using motorcycle taxis first to get the hang of the road, short cuts, potholes, police hotspots, etc. i think that's something worth doing.

    Also saved a lot of time, money and hassle I think. Anytime I felt bored at home, would just hop on and go for a spin...learned about all the best local places that way.

    I have also seen ads recently for motorbike rental in Bangkok...maybe in the classifieds section here?

    I have never been to Phuket as I heard it's not worth bothering, but I am curious as to how BKK could possibly be any better? I guess that's another story!

  15. I have 5-8 kittens that I desperately need to find good homes for at the end of June/beginning of July.

    They are currently just over 1 week old, but I am moving to an area where I cannot cope with the 2 cats and 8 kittens I have now.

    I won't be able to separate them for the next 3-5 weeks.

    They will be in Bangkok until the end of June and in the Hua Hin area thereon after.

    They are all black, except for 1 white and 1 a kind of goldy brown colour.

    Please drop me a line if interested.

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  16. In case of any spoilers, didn't want to post in here until i had seen the fights, which was only last night.

    Something cropped up and i couldn't make it last Sunday, but my mates said it was a great set up, so thanks to the sportsman!

    Hopefully I will be able to make the next one, Liddel Vs Franklin. Too bad he's not fighting Tito!

    On UFC114 - very pleased with and impressed by the performance of Hathaway - hope he'll be fighting again soon. As stunned as anyone that Duffy got k.t.f.o. like that, WOW! Thought Bisping could have done better, but nice job nonetheless, Rampage....what happened?? Was really hoping to see his hand raised at the end...

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