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Everything posted by Marcous

  1. To quote Andrew Marr ' The one thing that would finish Reform is being in government'
  2. Not possible to do it yourself, but 1000 BAHT to an agent will get you a COR no matter what your stamp says. I know because I have done it.
  3. He will most likely have problems obtaining a certificate of residence at his local office. Of course, he can pay the agent for that, too.
  4. After the Trump win, people have tuned out of politics because it's just going to be 4 more years of ridiculous lies and B/S. We've already seen it and it's tiresome.
  5. Hmm, good points, I think I will look for an alternative, https://onemoresteep.com/2022/03/09/chatramues-thai-tea-mix/#:~:text=Thai Tea Mix consists of,flavouring that has been added.
  6. I used to drink that but switched to Chatramue Thai tea. 38 BAHT for 190 grams, not in bags though. Just make a pot in the morning and bung it in the fridge.
  7. ^ Making a starter is very easy, you'd have to quite abuse it to make it go bad, I mean it never happened to me. As to being lazy, so am I, but the work time involved is less than 5 minutes to make a soughdough.
  8. I make sourdough bread with white swan flour, but not in a machine. To make it in a machine, I think you would just have to increase the rise times by about a factor of 5, and of course, make a starter, which can take a week or two. I also add wholemeal flour at about 20% that I get from Bakersmart in Chiang Mai. Actually, I use that to feed the starter.
  9. Watched 'Investigation Alien' on Netflix. It was a bit amateurish and quite laughable in places, but an OK time waster. They didn't even go into any depth about the Phoenix lights. There were two phenomena that night, what most people saw and what the only footage shows is flares being dropped by A-10's. But there was another event without any video that happened a few hours before where people claimed to have seen a huge metal object going low overhead and making a static hum noise. Also watched 'The Lost Children' about the 4 children who crash-landed in the Colombian rainforest. There were 2 search groups, the army and the indigenous folks. After 40 days the army gives up but the local folk decide to take ayahuasca hoping to have a psychedelic vision as to the whereabouts of the children. They brewed it in the village and had it delivered to them in the forest by army helicopter!
  10. Always make sure the the rotation of the blade is such that if it catches, it will pull away from you and not towards you. I used to work in a workshop where people would take the guard off these and I still have scars on my knuckles - 20 years later. As to using that kind of blade on an angle grinder- just don't.
  11. Rubbish. This was a backlash to inflation caused by COVID and the Ukraine war. Every incumbent government worldwide suffered the same fate, including the Tories in the UK. Trump was just astonishingly lucky he was the benefactor and so avoided prison. https://www.ft.com/content/e8ac09ea-c300-4249-af7d-109003afb893
  12. Flood map. https://bit.ly/cnxflood24.
  13. Mae Rim is flooded quite badly at the moment.
  14. Ping river water levels. https://hydro-1.net/Data/HD-04/houly/hourly_level.php
  15. Do all these discounts only work if you purchase through the phone app (As opposed to a PC)?
  16. Ketamine, apparently. Has he finished inventing the Hyperloop Subway yet?
  17. Imagine spending $100,000 on a watch with Trump's name daubed on it. Something tells me this isn't going to age well. Weren't they desperately removing Trump's name from buildings a while ago because it lowered the value (and tone🤣) ?
  18. You can use baking soda to fill the gap and drip on the super glue. It will form a hard plastic like substance in the gap. I take the top off the bottle of superglue and put in a large sowing needle to drop it on the area I want to glue. I'm talking about the white bottles with the orange cap you find in mom and pop shops. Keep the bottle upright in the fridge and it will last for ages.
  19. I was agreeing with you. This story is a bit like Obama's tanned suit/ Dijon mustard compared to the billions that went missing under the last government.
  20. 10.5 billion? Is that all? I thought the test and trace app alone cost 37 billion and somehow got lost down the back of the sofa. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/coronavirus-test-trace-dido-harding-report-b1814714.html
  21. Ask Mile Pillow, poor bloke almost went bankrupt trying to prove there was election fraud. Weren't the polls pretty much the same as the election results? Or perhaps they were 'rigged' too. Trump always claims everything is rigged against him. This study is from 2021 and found only 475 potential cases of voter fraud out of 25 million. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/exhaustive-fact-check-finds-little-evidence-of-voter-fraud-but-2020s-big-lie-lives-on
  22. Trump tells his supporters to vote twice. https://www.reuters.com/article/world/trump-encourages-supporters-to-try-to-vote-twice-sparking-uproar-idUSKBN25U2FX/
  23. Apparently the rumour was started by a neo nazi group called 'Blood Tribe' Vance saw it as his duty to 'create' this story to serve his community which is now receiving bomb threats. Nice one Vance 👍
  24. Oh no! That means the U.S. is going to have a 1920's style depression the likes of which has never been seen! Remember, Trump cash, Kamala crash.
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