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Everything posted by Marcous

  1. You have connected the batteries in series, not parallel, not that it matters, just FYI. What is the current when the batteries are connected? Could be there is not enough ampage in the power supply.
  2. https://thai.news/news/thailand/thailands-first-digital-cannabis-card-network
  3. I make my own sourdough bread every day and got it down to just a few minutes work. Hands-free, no kneading and no cleaning required, just re-use the same mixing container again the next day.
  4. Just open the Line app on your phone and click on the add person icon top right. Then go to QR Code and point it at your monitor. I bought 2 grams of Godfather and 2 grams of Gorilla from the same shop. Both 30 baht for 1 gram and 40 baht delivery. It's free if you spend over 300. Swift delivery, of the 2, I prefer Godfather, very relaxing sort of body high.
  5. https://line.me/R/ti/p/@ca08?from=page&liff.referrer=https%3A%2F%2Faseannow.com%2F&accountId=ca08
  6. ^ And this is the second one. https://joker-plant.com/shop/
  7. Yes, it is. The last time I ordered some weed from them they sent me seeds instead. When I asked why, they said because it was out of stock, a bit strange. They do have an interesting selection of seeds that isn't on their website or Line shop. I ordered 7 and 3 sprouted. Here is the menu they sent. 50 baht per seed.
  8. Wombat, could you please post links to these shops or at least give a name?
  9. I have insomnia quite bad sometimes, I usually resort to antihistamine tablets but less so since weed has been easily available. The problem is weed tends to give me paranoia, so been trying to find the best strain. Gorilla Glue really works well but recently have found Money Maker, zero paranoia and puts me straight to sleep. You can buy it here, currently out of stock though. https://bkkushhh.com/product/money-maker-m/
  10. Emily the Criminal (2022) https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15255876/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_emily%20the One of the better things I've seen on Netflix recently amongst all the other bilge. I also enjoyed the Japanese series 'Alice in Borderland' https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10795658/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_alice%20in I tried watching 'Yankee' and had to give up after about 5 episodes. Became boring and not very believable.
  11. Have a look at 'Brett Dev' channel on Youtube. He's been doing for years on all kinds of visas and obviously made no secret of the fact.
  12. Is that an emergency stop button right at the top of the image, towards the left? From the PBS article, it stopped itself automatically after 20 seconds, which is an awfully long time for no action to be taken by staff or other passengers. Maybe there wasn't an emergency stop?
  13. If you click on one of those saying 500 it will give you the actual reading. This was from a few days ago.
  14. Don't worry, the authorities have everything under control. https://thethaiger.com/news/national/chiang-mai-tackles-pm2-5-pollution-with-giant-vacuum-cleaner
  15. Ah, yes we are talking about different paths. The one I meant starts at the convention centre and goes north to Huai Tueng Thao. It runs next to the 121 but quite far from it, next to a service road, which is pretty quiet. In any case, Soi Ban Ram which I mentioned above is not far from where you're talking about. Look for 'Mekong community institute. ' You turn left off the 121 and go up the hill then left at Banpong Noi school.
  16. Soi Ban Ram isn't too bad either. It's left of the 121 and runs parallel with. It's quite scenic and shaded too. I sometimes use it in favor of the 121 on my motorcycle. From your end, it brings you out on to Suthep Road at the back end of the university. There's only one 'attack dog' that I have come across, just up the steep hill by 'Corner Coff' cafe.
  17. I've used the cycling path next to the 121 for years. It's never been blocked due to a market. Do you mean at the 700 year stadium? Just cycle right through. At the junction, just before cowboy riding club, turn left towards Huai Tung Tao, follow that road about 100m then turn right and you can follow the path in the woods, goes round in a circle. You used to be able to get through a gap in the fence and go on to Huai Tung Tao itself, but it's been blocked up. All the dogs are cyclist friendly, quite courteous infact. I used to cycle round the university, but been chased by dogs there once to often.
  18. No, but I'm pretty sure that's 0.856 EC 0.856 mS/cm
  19. OK, I just tested some new stuff, which does seem a little drier and looks a bit different than usual. Tap water was 108 PPM. I put about the same volume of coco in and left it for 10 minutes before giving it a stir. With the coco was 424 PPM. This translates to 856 micro siemens/cm. Is this acceptable? I guess it depends on what type of salt it is.
  20. Well I only have a little scratty bit left. If you're in Chiang Mai, you defo will be able to get the same stuff at Kham Thiang Garden Market, I've seen it there, pearlite too.
  21. Me? No, I just use it straight out the bag. I think it's only problem if the coconuts come from coastal areas where they might have sea salt in them. I live in Chiang Mai and coconut trees everywhere, never been a problem. If I want to re use it, I lay it out thin on a sheet and bake it in the sun, roots and all.
  22. Not seen that before. It doesn't list cobalt being present though, whereas the Micronic-P does. Reminds me, been meaning to get some Azomite, which contains pretty much everything including selenium. No clue what brand the coco is. I just buy at the local mom & pop shop. Comes in a clear unmarked bag. Roughly 4 litres is 25 Baht.
  23. Yes, I've used them twice now and it's all good. I bought some of their 10-20-30 fertilizer too last time, not tried it yet. Pity they don't sell the micro nutrients, or I could buy everything I need at one place. All grown in coco with hydroponic nutes.
  24. Wesco 10-20-30 MICRONIC-P ( EDTA chelate secondary nutrients + micronutrients + other nutrients ) Calcium Nitrate Magnesium Sulfate Phosphoric acid All can be found pretty cheap on Lazada. This is my hydroponic mix, works very well with tomatoes, lettuce and peppers too.
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