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Everything posted by Marcous

  1. Apparently he doesn't do indoor venues any more as he always stiffs the venue owners. https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/trumps-campaign-still-owes-el-paso-over-500k-for-2019-rally-other-cities-also-unpaid
  2. Finally got around to watching '8 Mile' with Eminem. I thought it was good, seemed to be over pretty quickly though. A few others come to mind. 'The Unforgivable' 2021 with Sandra Bullock as an ex con. I don't think I watched it till the end but intend to. 'Last Seen Alive' 2022 is about a man's wife who goes missing. It was OK. 'The Pledge' 2001 with Jack Nicholson. I was OK. 'Nocturnal Animals' 2016 Bit of an odd film about a writer whose new book manifests itself in the mind of his ex lover. 'I Came By' 2022 British film about some graffiti artists who stumble upon a dodgy judge. I liked it.
  3. 'UK attack suspect not a Muslim or asylum-seeker as claimed by far-right' https://www.trtworld.com/europe/uk-attack-suspect-not-a-muslim-or-asylum-seeker-as-claimed-by-far-right-18190606
  4. Yes, happens quite often. Will probably be over in a day or so. Nice and cool, 25 deg C at the moment.
  5. Indeed, in fact here in Chiang Mai there are many vape shops openly selling e-juice and vapes.
  6. I don't tolerate them in the house either. The mess they make and all the chirping at night, waking me up. You can also use sticky pads like these.
  7. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/politics/ukip-leader-nigel-farage-worst-8302679 https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2018/jan/12/nigel-farage-eu-salary-docked-claim-misspent-public-funds https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/jun/21/nigel-farage-tax-haven-trust-fund-mistake https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2019/jul/03/nigel-farage-earns-at-least-30000-a-month-from-media-company
  8. I wonder if he's actually going to bother to turn up to parliament or spend his time lining his pockets and stashing it away in offshore tax havens like he did when he was an MEP.
  9. Been using them for years without any issues. I have a TDS meter and it measures at 100 PPM and according to the WHO, anything below 300 is OK. A TDS meter will only measure the ions in the water though and not any other nasties like bacteria or petrol for example. Once I asked the owner of a machine how often they change the filter and they didn't know what I was talking about. The amount of chlorine in the tap water though should kill off any bacteria before it gets in there but I guess it depends on the cleanliness of the individual machine.
  10. Try putting "Nigel Farage led by donkeys" into Youtube. It's only a 10 minute long video but gives you a pretty good idea of who he is.
  11. I use Skype and Viber, my mother, who is getting on a bit, manages to use Viber OK but did manage to disconnect herself from that for a while. I was wondering if Telegram would be easier for her to use.
  12. Don't know if it's been mentioned before but watched ' Hardcore Henry (2015)' and quite enjoyed it. Something a little different, filmed from a first-person perspective. Sharlto Copley's cockney accent was a bit dodgy though. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3072482/
  13. Currently watching 'The North Water' with Stephen Graham and enjoying it very much. Also watched 'The Virtues' another with Stephen Graham and thought it was good. Very gritty realism as expected from Shane Meadows, almost painful to watch sometimes. I thought the ending could have been better though. 'Sisu' is another I enjoyed. I finally got through 'Griselda' thought it got a bit stale towards the end. I tried '3 Body Problem' and gave up after the first episode and downloaded the Chinese original ' The Three-Body Problem' which is much better. Thanks to all those who recommended these.
  14. If you look at the average temp, it looks hotter this year to me.
  15. Here's the historical data for Chiang Mai for April for the last 3 years. 2024 2023 2022 https://www.wunderground.com/history/monthly/th/mueang-chiang-mai/VTCC/date/2022-4
  16. @Bandersnatch I've been growing veggies in pots in coco coir for several years quite successfully, peppers never seem to do that well though. This year I grew some Short Karen peppers, they did quite well but died off after the first harvest. However, I decided to put one in the ground and it's got HUGE and still going, despite the heat. Everything else seems to have become dormant. The Leaf Mustard is probably doing the best. You are misting the sides of the pots though, which probably makes a big difference.
  17. Temperature and humidity in my kitchen a few days ago (CM) The fridge doesn't help, I sometimes turn it off for a few hours and back on at night. What I don't understand is I still see Thais wearing coats while on mopeds. Yesterday I saw a girl dressed up like she was going into the Arctic- which begs the question, are they trying to keep the heat out? It must be well over 50 degrees C in places on the road and quite painful to the skin.
  18. It's been trying to rain last couple of days but nothing really. It is cooler though.
  19. Parts of Europe are almost there already. 'The latest five-year averages show that temperatures in Europe are now running 2.3 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels' https://www.euronews.com/green/2024/04/22/europe-is-the-fastest-warming-continent-with-devastating-effects-on-health-and-economy#:~:text=The latest five-year averages,climate agency%2C Copernicus%2C said.
  20. You beat me at being skinflint of the month. Mine went up from 89 to 122 😕
  21. Try putting the AC on dehumidify mode and take regular (probably lukewarm) showers. Also, a spray nozzle shower head works to cool the water coming out of the shower. Here's a chart showing the cooling effect of water at various temps and humidity levels.
  22. Spoke to some locals and they said this year is the worst they can remember here in Chiang Mai. I don't use AC during the day, I just use one of those spritzer spray bottles filled with water. Actually, I have 2 and keep one in the fridge. I also spray the sides of the fridge a few times during the hottest part of the day. You can also spray the cooling fins of the air con with a hose pipe and spray nozzle but need to be careful of limescale buildup if you have hard water.
  23. 'Gamma Goblins' was a track by Infected Mushroom.
  24. How much is not so much? I'm in the same situation, immigration told me they couldn't issue me with one but a local agent said they could do it for 1,000 Baht, as long as I had a TM30, which I do. I was wondering how much it would cost to 'bribe' immigration.
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