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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Dogs are great as alarms but can be poisoned. Alarms are good but only let you know when someone has already gotten inside. Cameras are good so you can see where the intruders are. Even with all three, what are you going to do then? What have you prepared to keep your family safe?

    Running with a machete after someone who is probably high on yaa-baa can quickly turn into a tragedy. The .38 S&W? I doubt that 99% of the people reading this forum could shoot someone. It's not as easy as you think. So then the criminal takes the gun and turns it on you and your family. Are you really willing to take that risk so you can save your big screen TV?

    Your points are valid, however if you have a .38 S&W revolver then I would presume that you would know how to use it ! maybe 99% of the people in this forum could not shoot someone, but 99% of the owners of the .38 would certainly be able to. :o

  2. Hi,

    Dirty creatures, glad smaller than the ones back home, but still don't like them. Anyone knows where legally to get rat poison?


    Poison not really the answer, get a rat trap cage, you can see them struggle as you drown them, and the rate glue thats great stuck to the floor they are !! hit them with a big stick, a spade is good, Ah the satisfaction :o Have them all at Thai market at two sisters :D

  3. Correct that if the property was purchased before the marriage, then the husband has no % rights.

    But - I believe the same holds true for property bought by the spouse after the marriage. Prior to transferring the land, the foreigner spouse must sign a statement that in effect says that the Thai spouse is using their own money (e.g. pre-marriage assets) to purchase the land, and the foreigner spouse has no financial claim or interest in the land being purchased. In my mind, this document specifically excludes land from communal property, otherwise why would the government require it? At best, the foreigner spouse might be entitled to 50% of any profit resulting from the sale, but I don't think they would be entitled to the full 50% of the sales price.

    Dave, this a perplexing subject which I cannot wrap my head around, especially after detailed discussion with my wife and lawyer ...

    You have to consider pre & after marriage. You also have to consider whether divorce or death of wife...

    Is seems clear (as mud) the land owned before marriage is 100% the wife's if divorce. If death then that's not so clear. Custom in Thailand is that the wife's parents get the child's assets, but the law says (I think ?) the husband gets the wife's assets.

    After marriage, then any land/property bought is split 50/50 on divorce. As you point out we foreigners have to sign a document at the land office saying the land was bought with the wife's money, so that's another complication that I have no answer for. In the event of the death of the wife then it's clear (as mud) to me that the communal assets go to the husband, but that old pesky custom of giving to mom & pa gets in the way. If mom & pa are dead then the custom is to divide among the wife's family.

    What is very clear to me is that Thai people (wife or lawyer) are reluctant to discuss this subject with a foreigner, and very clearly (to extreme) think that land in Thailand is only for Thais, and foreigner should have no claim to wife's or even communal marriage land, as foreigners can't own land anyway. I can't get a handle on the legal rights of a foreigner married to a Thai national.

    Fortunately I have no practical experience (yet) on this subject. Perhaps a more knowledgeable member would care to comment.

    Marriage not that important but it does help, it affects other areas and the results adultery etc ! Now if you go to a lawyer and make a contract 50/50 and when you go to gov. office to registar house purchase with your contract AND Thai partner tells them clearly that the money is yours, then you will be given papers to sign, copies passport etc that gives you 50% ( of the value of the property ) if you later have children this % drops. HOWEVER TIT you will need a good lawyer, and if the Ex. wants a fight it will be expensive and prob. not worth while.

    The best thing to remember is never spend in Thailand that which you cannot afford to lose :o

  4. My wife has a trait which I find quite undesirable. Whenever I am depressed or have the blues it seems that she tries her hardest to make me feel worse. It's like she's kicking me when I'm down.

    On the flip side to this whenever I am going through a really good time she is right there to ride that wave with me.

    The fact that I can not rely on her in my moments of need really depresses me. Is this common in other Thai women as well or did I just wind up with a cold hearted b*tch?

    Just discussed this at length with the wife! could be one of a number of things, most likely is ,she does not love you! or you do not give her enough money! or you care for her to much and she wants rid of you! or or or :o is that the reply you wanted ? or your last sentence could be true :D

  5. I've also booked my holidays in phuket on the 13th May. With the recent news about the havoc in bangkok, i was advised not to go. Oh well, i can't afford to lose the money i've paid for my flights and hotels. Is there anyone who can tell me if it's safe in phuket? I hope that it will be convincing enough, so that i can ensure my wife that i will be okay.

    I'm sitting here in Phuket watching the live TV feed from Bangkok. It looks quite frightening. But Phuket is another matter, perfectly normal here. Not sure I would route through Bangkok airport right now, best to have direct flight to Phuket. have a good holiday, in Phuket.

    Since the last problem at BKK airport I always fly Malaysia airlines to KL and on to Phuket, as a bonus I find the airline better than Thai airways and cheaper, I realise this info. may not help you but could be of help to others :o

  6. HI All

    I am planning to go phuket this week for 3-4 days? with the turmoil going on is there a chance there might be an issue like last september where tourists were stranded?

    any impact as we speak. any genuine help is appreciated.


    There are no problems here on Phuket all is as it should be! please come and enjoy :o

  7. Last year my neigbour got busted for playing cards 3000 baht fine and the other 3 people lost there stake money.


    Had the whole family locked up for playing dominos in Issan, including 3 children and my daughter aged 6 months, ( no one to look after her) left father in law out to get papers for farm, to gurantee fine :o

  8. I remember the first time I saw this, the mother in law following the newly calved cow around waiting for the placenta to drop....lolz....I always have to keep the placentas from my sows when they farrow too; from what I'm told the pig placenta is also very delicious. I'll have to take their word for it I'm afraid:)

    Regarding the dog for pot men that run around, most of these come from Nakon Sawan, where dog is very much the favoured meat; quite a bit more expensive than beef or pork so I'm told. The meat from black dogs supposedly the most delicious! Takes all sorts I suppose & I'll probably be slated for saying this, but, these guys do a good job in getting shot of these dog pests!

    They follow the Buffalo and take the placenta, and eat it, boiled, spiced, with a dash of lemon (really) its like a beef soup. When I asked why I was told that the Buffalo would eat it and there would be no more births for at least 3 years AND complications with births after that. Thats what I was told!! so they get to eat it. Good eh. :o

  9. Surin area

    Black between 5,000 and 10,000 Baht depending size/age

    Whte big one 4.000

    Four legged type

    Thats what Ive been told but cant you ask someone in your area...

    Can ask! reply never clear mind, depends on what interest they have in the question, just needed an idea, Thanks :o Have enjoyed the 2 legged kind and you are correct, never had a 4 legged one take me to the ATM YET!!!! :D

  10. I got a better quality one for cheaper by having my sister in my home country purchase and mail it to me... Even with the post fees it was still allot cheaper and much better quality than any I found in Robinson or Central...

    True they are expensive here, and a lot rarer :o

  11. Price of buffalo now in Isaan, general but Nong Ki area in particular :o

    You know I never saw it cuming :D I enjoyed it anyway :D Any chance on a price for a four legged one :D


    Just to keep this thread running forever, can somebody tell me why some people hold pistols/revolvers sideways in there fist rather than the normal upright-look down the sights mode?

    This is only crap you see in the movies, in real life if you try that you will miss the target.

    You turn sideways to made yourself a smaller target for others to hit you. If you miss the target then you did not practice enough.

    Well thats it! Ive read this thread from the start, I just thought what a lot of rubbish, 9mm too powerfull !! get a shotgun do less damage! and now (You turn sideways to made yourself a smaller target for others to hit you.) The poster WAS talking about holding the pistol sideways!! :o

    Just tell the OP what he needs to know :D And lets get on!

  12. Thanks for the notice of the out dated price list. I will ask TV Bary to updatae tomorrow.


    How long was the price list outdated by, can you tell us? It my stop the good guy bad guy, thats ongoing :o

  13. 1) thais are very capable of doing such thing

    2) april's fool isnt worldwide

    3) newspaper arent legally allowed to post fake stories on 1st of april in countries where april's fool is "celebrated"

    The only thing that doesnt make sense in this story is the name mr boonTERD

    sounds like poon turd

    if this is infact fake, i believe that in 2months it will be announced as real.

    Nerver heard the newspapers not allowed to post april fools jokes. They do in the UK every single year.....

    then no wonder half the uk is living in thailand off disability checks and weighting over 100kg with a massive drinking habit?

    Ha! that lets me out Im only 92 k :o

  14. Yeah, only intelligent posts will earn points.


    Intelligent posts or not you lot must spend your whole life on the computer, you worked out how many hours you spend on here, Sad eh !! go out into the sunshine, thats if you are not to old to get about. if thats the case get the GF to push the chair :o:D

  15. Hire a car

    Be independant, see Phuket not just Patong,

    and then you avoid any ripoffs from taxix and Tuk Tuks.

    I'm seeing the sights after the girlfriend arrives and rents a car the next day (I don't have a Thai license). The day before I'm going to relax because I'm working too Goddamn much. I'm plenty independent - I'm going to independently drink and pass out and see the sights the following 3-4 days. I have no intention of staying in Patong after the first night. Assuming all that meets with your approval!

    You dont need a Thai licence use your u s one, I take it you are american, you americans always work too much :o

  16. If you have a 3 month visa, after those 3 months you have to go and get another visa (or enter Thailand visa exempt, 15 days if entering over land/sea, 30 days if entering by air).

    If you have a 1 year visa you have to report at immigration every 3 months, and renew that visa after one year. That renewal can be done on Phuket, so without leaving the country.

    Thanks Steve,

    Can't I just go to the airport and get another 3 month stamp? It is a 1 Year Non Im B Visa.


    No !

  17. unless you are in a remote (and windy) location or if you need an independent from the grid source of electricity, than there is not much point investing in a wind turbine. Same, as there is no benefit to go solar

    No benefit to what? The earth? The electric company? The atmosphere? Your kids health? Your health? Reliable voltage? Constant power? Pollution?

    If you only think in terms of money, and only think short term, you may be right.

    But many people think differently.

    Solar panels have gotten much more efficient in the last 10 years. The more they get used, the better the technology will become. Same with wind turbines, hydro-turbines (I have friends off the grid that run a washing machine, refrigerator, and all their lights from a small stream fed by a spring on their land)

    I don't think it's unrealistic to see everyone in a sunny area using solar panels (or wind turbines in windy areas) for their household electric use 20 years from now.

    All it takes is some tax credits, some leaders to push legislation in the right direction, and improved technology to see it more and more widespread.

    Improved technology, thats the key !! however it will be a long time if ever, before you can generate enough to power a 6kw shower in real time, with maybe the exception of water power. You can only ever get energy from a source that which it contains :o

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