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Posts posted by Kimera

  1. Here's a development. I've just discovered a hidden savings statement for Baht 1.3M, in her name, but sent to an address in Phuket which I don't recognise. Obviously this could be where she is now.


    I can only decipher:

    --- Moo Baan ?Jarinsut/ Jarinsud

    Moo 3 Thambon ???Thep - ka ???

    Ampee Thalang


    Can anyone translate for me please, and does anyone know where this is?

    Mods: I have removed the house number.

    PM me if you live in that road and fancy collecting the reward!

    And here's another long shot. She was involved with a Golf Pro before, who I believe is the source of the Baht 1.3M. **more personal details deleted*** He has a nice house somewhere in Phuket, but he moves around a lot for the tournaments - Europe, Indonesia.

    She still has a key to his house, but I've no idea where it is. I have absolutely no hard feelings against the man - I'd be happy to meet him for a beer. But the woman in question has always prevented me from finding out who he is. He apparently proposed about a year ago but she turned him down. He travelled to Hua Hin to see her there.

    Can anyone identify this mystery man? He is apparently successful with golf, but I know nothing of the sport, so wouldn't know where to start. A long shot I know! But I suspect it's likely she is staying at his house, so gently retrieving my stuff from there might be possible. If I (and the Police) knew where it was.

    I'm really pressed for time if I'm to catch my ex-KL flight Monday night.

    Many thanks


    The address is on a housing estate about 1k north from Two Sisters monument, just past the PPT petrol station and temple :)

  2. Technically not, but in actuality yes. Spending 2000 baht on the tiger, well what would you buy? it already has the pipe, go to lower gearing on a low reving bike, i really don't know what would happen.

    Speedo, do any of us really know the true speed of our bikes? Are you telling me that you actually in some way paced yourself to a true speed? how?..because there are many of us that would like to know how to do it. Do you now where or have the equipment?

    I pass cars riding parrallel on the access road of the outer ring road expressway all the time. If they travel at an average of 120, I must be going faster.

    btw, keep the CBR's idle low.

    Are you ok? just turn the GPS on ! :)

  3. i'm going thru divorce. my wife has recently sold the land that i paid for. my lawyer says that 50/50 property split rule does not apply to the land since i signed the land office document re no claim to the land purchased in the name of a thai person. is that tru? does any one know? i think that since she has sold the land and received the cash i'm entitled to hafl of it. i understnad that i wouldn't had been able to half of the land, but in this case i'm claiming only the cash. any advise please.

    Are you sure that the paper you signed was re. no claim? there is another paper that states that you supplied the money for the land and its 50)/50 best check again. tho as she has already sold the land without you signing ?? then I think the first is correct :)

  4. Need a plumber with a snake to clear a drain.


    You can buy the snake at most hardware stores :)

  5. Another dirty old farang who had to resort to going to Pattaya for a bit. Typical male who goes there for the young stuff probably 40 yrs his junior. He deserves all he got.

    That's just stupid.

    Pull your head in mate!


    I agree with marsteele you are not going to find true love with a Pattaya woman.

    I agree also will never find true love in Pattaya. I think most of these guys are desparate lonely old men who are searching for love and Pattaya is thier last resort. These girls will take them even if the are old enough to be thier great grandfather. The fools think the gorls love them but they are only in it for the money so the older the better you will drop of the perch a lot sooner and leave them your money, they then quickly move onto another deparate soul. Plenty of well educated middle class thai women who are genuine and will love you but I don't think you will find them in Pattaya they don't work in the sex industry

    We are all in the Sex industry my friend! :)

  6. Anyone ever done a long trip on a 150cc 2 stroke?

    the farthest ive been was 60 kilometers on a 2 stroke, and when i got off i was still vibrating...but this isn't the question, my question is, how do they handle long hauls at a constant throttle for long runs? they get hot and over heat?

    thinking of picking up a kawa ZX150, but want to make the Bangkok - Chiang Rai route soon.

    A friend of mine has a 8 year old Yamaha he has rode it over 100,000k no major problems :)

  7. ASEAN Summit is delayed again to October

    BANGKOK: -- Thailand decided on Wednesday to delay ASEAN Summit from June to October, Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya said Wednesday.

    Kasit was speaking after attending a cabinet meeting.

    Asian Summit with dialogue partner countries have been delayed from April to June 12-14 after red shirted protesters stormed into the medial hall of the meeting venue in Pattaya.


    -- The Nation 2009-05-13

    The ASEAN summit was needed to ugently sort out the response to the current economic problems, maybe by October it will all have been sorted out without them :)

  8. I purchased a motorcycle in my name and everything is legal and up to date, I am now selling it. What documents do I need to transfer ownership to the new buyer? Do I need the same letter from my embassy that is required to buy a new motorcycle? Are there any other documents that will be good enough? (work permit?)

    What can pass as proof of residency?

    Best thing is to go and ask your local government office, they will tell you what you need and give you the papers they will need you to fill in and give to the purchaser if you dont go in person with him/her :)

  9. I would be interested in knowing just why falangs settle in the Kingdom, was it because of a partner they met or did they think there was a good business opportunity here, I can understand people with limited pensions retiring here as life could be a lot easier and the money certainly goes further.

    Most I think holiday here (maybe after a life changing happening) and meet a (much younger) Thai partner and she/he tells them among other I love you things that its the place to live, and because it is difficult to take him/her back to their home land and then maybe children appear and this consolidates it, its simple really PAY for what Thailand has to offer.

    You can live your lives and grow old and alone in your own country and as most expats I meet in Thailand have issues, mental, financial or physical !! its the easy and enjoyable option :)

  10. Just one of the 100s of scams from mostly Africa, interesting tho. I read a full exchange of e mails which resulted in the scamer sending money to the proposed victim :) If I can find the link I will post It :D

  11. I apologize in advance in case this is an old topic on the forum - but I couldn't find anything.

    I'm just about to store my new Honda CBR 150cc for some 6 months since I'm about to leave Thailand for the low season.

    Most likely, I've found myself a good indoor parking spot (garage) at a private residence.

    Please advice: What is there to do with the bike before leaving it for the extended nap?

    I'm already told to change engine-/ gear box oil and empty the gas tank.

    - Is this valid? I actually thought that one should leave the gas tank filled in order to avoid internal corrosion.....?

    - Should I use that silvery "motorbike raincoat", or would that only trap moisture and thereby increase corrosion?

    - Honda CBR 150cc, for some strange reason reason, lacks central stand - is it okay to leave it on the side stand?

    - What more is there to consider?

    I would be very happy if someone would give me a complete what-to-do-list.

    I have never had a problem, just keep it dry if you can, disconnect the battery and dont fill it with gasahol (it degrades quickly) Im told!! Tho have no

    proof :)

  12. topdogger and kimera. please see the following that was taken from the 'direct.gov.uk' website.

    Can you drive in Great Britain (GB) if your driving licence was issued in another country?


    Driving licences issued in Northern Ireland (NI) or an EC/EEA Country

    List of EC/EEA Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Republic of Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.

    * you can drive any category of vehicle shown on your driving licence as long as it remains full and valid

    Driving licences issued in Jersey, Guernsey or the Isle of Man

    * you can drive any small vehicle eg cars and or motorcycles, shown on your driving licence, for a period of 12 months from the date that you last entered the country, as long as it remains full and valid

    * you can drive larger vehicles eg lorries and buses shown on your licence, whether British registered or registered outside of Great Britain (GB) that you have driven into the country

    Driving licences issued in any other country

    * you can drive any small vehicle eg cars and or motorcycles, shown on your driving licence, for a period of 12 months from the date that you last entered the country, as long as it remains full and valid

    * you can only drive larger vehicles eg lorries and buses, shown on your licence, that have been registered outside of GB which you have driven into the country.

    there ya go then boys, from the horses mouth so to speak. Kimera you are indeed correct about the issue of UK licence, just incorrect that you can't drive with a Thai one. after 12 months you either have to stop driving OR take the UK test.

    Regards Allan

    Wrong my friend better you read before you post ! I never said YOU could not drive with the Thai licence, I told YOU that YOU had best make sure YOU had insurance. YOU understand now. Please read carefully. :)

  13. Yeah provincial places will take the applications and post them to mor chit.. Took about 6 weeks to get mine when I first got a real 5 year Thai one..

    Also handy is they make it really hard to see when it expires.. :D It does actually have a 'valid for one year' but only printed on the back of the document and it would pass a cursory check in most places.

    Can I ask where you can use this licence ? :)

  14. geoffphuket. You are wrong there mate. You can indeed drive in the Uk and the US on a Thai licence. There was a bit about it in the Phuket post (or what ever they call it).


    The Thai driving test is a joke! it is not accepted as a reason for the issue of a UK licence and if you hire and drive you had best make sure you are insured. :o

  15. I'll take vibrations any day over those annoying high frequency tingles you get up thru the hand grips.

    And according to vintage and veteran guys vibrations add character! :o

    Had a Harley once that vibrated. found I could ride it for long periods, sort of unnummed the bum, :D

  16. Thanks for the input, still not sure ! I feel a school would be the best for me , maybe part time but the thought of journeys over the hill to Patong, may not live long enough to speak Thia. :o

  17. Just bought a 1999 Honda Dream 100 do any of you have a owners manual you could post English would be good but Thai. ok, or just the basic information, oil type engine and gearbox, tyre pressure, spark plug, chain tension, adjustments etc, just the basics really its only for the salang Thanks :o

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