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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 12 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    With all of these questions at bay, the findings and inferences described in the article are questionable and should be considered spurious unless proved otherwise by further study and analysis using more rigorous methods.

    Thanks for this review. Especially for not basing it on the social media posts of some lunatics, but looking at the real data. That‘s how a fact check should be. Excellent, indeed!

  2. 17 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    A fantasy for which there is, of course, zero evidence.  Thailand didn't test widely, but it did test people entering the country, insisted on quarantine which they checked up on and they did contact tracing.  Plus everyone wore a mask.  That was enough without mass testing.  Japan also controlled the virus without mass testing.


    When did the virus start to infect people?
    When did the infected Chinese stop to pass through Thailand?
    When did testing start in Thailand?

    Do the maths.

    • Thanks 2
  3. 15 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Indeed, unfortunately some are easily taken in with conspiracy theories despite credible fact checks from a variety of organisations and outlets.


    Here are just a few more debunking this complete myth and dangerous fake news that all started with a social media post and spread:


    It is correct that the "fact checks" listed above are talking about a social media post somewhere. However if you want to talk about and check the real issue about these polio vaccinations in India, you could of course check the real source, the real data, as reported not by some social media posts somewhere but by the Indian doctors examining the problem:


    Of course, it is much easier to just hide behind dubious fact checks which did not look at the real source but talk about weird social media posts. Up to you.

  4. 2 hours ago, ballpoint said:

    Interestingly, the Corbett report you link to contains this fact checking link:



    The fact check gives the source of the claim as 

    "According to a report by PolitiFact, the claim can be traced back to an Instagram post by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the nephew of former US president John F. Kennedy and a leader of the World Mercury Project on April 7. World Mercury Project, a group headed by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and a California-based organization has been vocal against vaccines. Further, they are one of the biggest sources of anti-vaccine advertisements on Facebook"


    The conclusion?




    You obviously did not bother to check the fact check of James Corbett. Exactly that "Logical Indian/Politico" fact check is the fact check he analyzed, and debunked. Politico has, same as you, never checked the Indian study, the Indian doctor's findings, despite the link provided.

    Here it is again, the link to the Indian study with details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/pdf/ijerph-15-01755.pdf

    Whatever Politico checked, it was not that original Indian study, they totally ignored it.


    It makes sense to actually listen to the Corbett Report containing (among other fact checks) his fact check of that Politico fact Check about this Polio vaccination issue in India: https://www.corbettreport.com/fact-check-polio-vaccines-tetanus-vaccines-and-the-gates-foundation/

    Please note also that fact checker Politico has a conflict of interest here, it is funded by, among others, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (details also provided in the Corbett report).

  5. 10 hours ago, cmarshall said:

    The Imperial College study predicted a death count of 2.2 million for the US

    You didn't see that that Imperial College study was based on a flawed model with countless programming errors, which not even Microsoft engineers could not fix?


    Computer code for Prof Lockdown's model which predicted 500,000 would die from Covid-19 and inspired Britain's 'Stay Home' plan is a 'mess which would get you fired in private industry' say data experts

    Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8327641/Coronavirus-modelling-Professor-Neil-Ferguson-branded-mess-experts.html


    Coding that led to lockdown was 'totally unreliable' and a 'buggy mess', say experts

    The code, written by Professor Neil Ferguson and his team at Imperial College London, was impossible to read, scientists claim

    Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/2020/05/16/coding-led-lockdown-totally-unreliable-buggy-mess-say-experts/

    And many more:



  6. It seems to be that the death rate is mainly pushed up by states which had a lock down. A new lead editorial in the Wall Street Journal reveals that the per-capita death rate for the coronavirus is 75% lower in states that did not panic into lockdown mode. 


    So it's worth pointing out that states that didn't lock down this spring kept the virus under control and experienced fewer deaths than most [of the states] that did.

    Unfortunately the Wall Street Journal is not free, so the complete article is only available for subscribers. If you are, here it is: https://www.wsj.com/articles/news-from-the-non-lockdown-states-11592954700

    The analysis it is based on is from "The Sentinel, a Kansas Nonprofit". Some news stations have picked it up the Wall Street Journal article already, therefore I assume more details will be available elsewhere soon.


  7. Quote

    So it’s worth pointing out that states that didn’t lock down this spring kept the virus under control and experienced fewer deaths than most that did.

    Source: https://www.wsj.com/articles/news-from-the-non-lockdown-states-11592954700

    More food for thought in the debate lockdown vs no lockdown. Looks like a strong point showing that lockdowns might not be the best or the necessary strategy everywhere.




    • Confused 1
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  8. 3 hours ago, robblok said:

    Its really scary to see how many corvid deniers and anti vaccination people there are. A lot of them on this forum too. They all just want everything to open up so they can play around and are looking for any fringe evidence that is around to justify their claims. 


    Really scary indeed, i like that there is debate and so on but these guys are doing everyone a disservice. 


    In an other topic we had a guy claiming that Bill Gates his vaccine killed / crippled 400.000+ kids in India and he used this to be against a corvid vaccin. But when you fact check the vaccine never killed these kids it was just an US anti vac crazy that stirred up fake news.


    I love the internet but there is so much fake news out there and stupid people lap it up.

    You are not very well informed, or you believe in flawed fact checks. There were indeed about 490000 polio cases in India caused by the polio vaccinations there. As this here is about Covid-19, I will not start posting details, but if you‘re really interested, there is a good analysis by James Corbett at his Corbett report.


    An Indian study with details: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6121585/pdf/ijerph-15-01755.pdf

    And the Corbett Report containing (among other fact checks) the fact check about this Polio vaccination issue in India: https://www.corbettreport.com/fact-check-polio-vaccines-tetanus-vaccines-and-the-gates-foundation/

  9. 3 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

    Those values were adjusted to reflect under reporting and other factors. The 1.78% for the USA is before the massive 20 state outbreak underway and there is strong likelihood that we will see the adjusted US CFR exceed 2%. That's not good.

    Why do you keep rambling about the CFR?
    With your superior education you know very well that it depends on the amount of known positive cases, which have much more to do with the amount of testing than with the real amount of infections.

  10. 18 hours ago, steelepulse said:

    Professor Karl Friston's models imply that up to 80% of the UK population is not even susceptible to Covid-19.

    We have seen in the antibody studies from Stanford and Professor Streeck, and also in Sweden, that values of 20% showing antibodies are rarely exceeded. May be Professor Karl Friston‘s 80% are the reason?

  11. 9 hours ago, Jingthing said:

    There are still many people in the world spreading misinformation that this is just another seasonal flu. 

    Are you talking about Dr Antony Fauci? I hope not! He wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine :



    This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) 

    Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMe2002387 


    You really want to accuse him of misinformation?

  12. On 6/23/2020 at 9:36 PM, rumak said:

    The local exercise area with football players and people of all ages exercising and playing is the happiest place I have encountered.  Every day hundreds of people out and enjoying life..... without masks.

    My vote goes with them.   You guys who think the whole world is coming to an end,  just stay home!

    Damn,  i hate this big brother mentality .   Give me liberty or give me death.  I am sure that those of us who feel this way would love to work and be happy to pay for the Netflix channel and the Grab deliveries of BigMacs to all who want to seclude themselves from the world.

    "governments know better than us what to do"     hahaha   funniest line of the decade

    Very well said, thanks!

  13. 16 hours ago, MikeN said:

    OK, so we have established that to you Black Lives Don’t Matter, White Lives Don’t Matter, only money matters ?

    Quite the contrary, #AllLivesMatter, all!


    That includes the lives of the ones which lost their jobs, and cannot provide for their families anymore.

    That includes the lives of the cancer patients which die from cancer because they skipped checkups and treatments due to Covid lockdowns.

    And so on, and so on. The lockdowns cause a lot of collateral damage, and at the end that could be more than Covid-19.


    Look at the stats, we have almost no deaths in Thailand, and even less in the neighboring countries (Cambodia has zero without a lockdown).


    So compared to zero and almost zero deaths it is about time to think about the ones who drop now into poverty, with no new jobs in sight.


    I know, many old fat farangs with a pension don’t give a rat’s bottom about them.


    16 hours ago, MikeN said:

    5% of cases die and many more have long term effects, one estimate I read said up to 10% will have significant effects for up to 6 months or more.

    5% ? As others have stated already that is wrong. Very wrong. And I think you know that already. But It sounds scary, good for scaremongering.


    If you’re so scared, please stay home, lock yourself in your room, wear your mask, stay 10 meters away from everybody. I won’t.

  14. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    I was thinking another thing. You have Kasikorn, KBank, Krung Thai Bank as well as Bangkok Bank offices available in Cambodia. They must be able to help you with this.

    I truly believe that must be the way to go. To me you should be able to go into one of those offices and deposit your money in your thai bank account.

    Some time ago, in the good old days long before Corona, I went to 2 branches of these Thai banks in Cambodia with my Thai bank books. They said they cannot use them, not at all, they would be on the Cambodian system, unable to access Thai accounts, despite being the same bank.

    Nevertheless there might be a way they can accept Thai baht and transfer as Thai baht without converting to USD first. Possibly you need to open a THB account there. I would go there and ask.

    If you travel with the cash anyway, avoid Poi Pet. I would not be surprised if you had an accident there, if someone sees you have that much cash with you. 

    O'Smach or Koh Kong are safer, smaller, less vultures, more friendly. 
    See you there, when they open again.

    • Like 2
  15. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    I didnt realise that some people are naturally immune to Covid 19

    I though Covid was like HIV and the flu where everyone could catch it 

    Learn something new everyday

    You might want to have a look at the Heinsberg study of Professor Streeck. He is professor for virology and the director of the Institute of virology and HIV Research at the University Bonn, so he knows quite well what he's talking about. 

    Look at the parts where they noticed that even in families / households, where one member was infected, the infection did not spread to all members, and often not even a second member of the family got infected.

    Looking for an explanation he sees a kind of base immunity in many people. And even Professor Drosten, the expert the German government is mainly listening to, talks about such a base immunity.

    This is not yet really understood, but clearly observed.

    It also hints as to why in other areas, including Sweden, where antibody tests where made, the results had been lower than expected.

    If you can understand German, there are plenty of interviews and reports online, but also in English you'll find it.

    Another study which might explain where such a base immunity might come from:

    Here just the last paragraph of the summary:


    Importantly, we detected SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ T cells in ~40%–60% of unexposed individuals, suggesting cross- reactive T cell recognition between circulating ‘‘common cold’’ coronaviruses and SARS-CoV-2.

    To say this in easier words: The immune system of 40-60% of people, which were not exposed to SARS-CoV-2 yet, already reacts on SARS-CoV-2. And that because of the similarity to the ‘‘common cold’’ coronaviruses, which trained the immune system.

    Of course it is not yet known how strong this will protect, and it might also depend on the amount of viruses the person gets exposed to, but you can safely expect that there is a significant reaction.

    These facts are unfortunately ignored by many journalists, which prefer to engage in scaremongering. Nevertheless they are facts and effects slowing down SARS-CoV-2, despite having not infected yet a majority of the population.

    • Like 1
  16. 4 hours ago, CorpusChristie said:

    Are there some people that have natural  immunity from Covid 19 ?

    I recall Yinn stating that Thais are strong which makes Thais immune to the virus

    Is that true ?

    That was not what you said, and to which I replied, but:



    That is correct, there is no immunity to the virus .

    Some people contract the virus and show no symptoms , but, that doesnt make them immune from catching it

    And that's blatantly wrong.

  17. 16 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    Assuming that the numbers of collateral deaths for the Germany and the UK would be similar is utterly unfounded The UK health care system was overwhelmed. Germany's wasn't.  You're just making my point about the effects of an overwhelmed health care system on non-covid patients.

    Were cancer patients in Germany prohibited from getting treatment during the lockdown?

    See Logosone’s reply. 

    And as you correctly say, this is despite that the healthcare system in Germany was never near being overwhelmed.


    I have been working in a cancer hospital, it is a tragedy to see the unnecessary suffering and death caused by a reaction to SARS-CoV-2 based on panic and scaremongering. There was no need to sacrifice any cancer patient, especially not in Germany.

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  18. 5 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    There have been sporadic reports of some people in the world coming down with covid-19 twice, and so far it’s unclear why.

    Please show one real report, where the doctors and scientists examining it confirm that it is a real second infection, and not an issue with the unreliable tests and / or a relapse. I know the headlines of the journalists often suggest a second infection, but the doctors examining the case do not.

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