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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 1 minute ago, brain150 said:

    With a false positive rate of only 1% you will always have this continuing !

    Testing 100,000 people will always result in 1,000 cases ! Built into the test !!!

    ... which is always more than 0.5% ????

    Even the Nobel price winner who invented the system used in the PCR test is saying that it should not get used for such tests.


    But why listen to the Nobel price winner who also invented the system.

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  2. 14 minutes ago, ryanb741 said:

    This virus is more deadly than flu but it isn't airborne ebola either. If it helps, overall Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is around 0.2-0.4% and heavily skewed towards the over 65s. The post earlier indicating a 5.4% fatality rate doesn't take into account the fact that the vast majority of Covid cases aren't recorded. 

    Yes, but 5.4% sounds scarier and therefore scaremongers prefer to use it, knowing that it is wrong.

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  3. 14 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    If you really break it down, it has nothing to do with more testing, as the misleader likes to say. It is more about morbid obesity, high levels of diabetes, high levels of heart disease, hin levels of cancer, and generally poor health amongst the masses. The diet in most of the US is dreadful. There are some more progressive cities, where more is known about nutrition. But in most of the nation, fast food, processed flour, fried foods, lots and lots of processed meat, and lots and lots of sugar rules the day, along with little to no exercise. It is no wonder.

    Exactly! Easy victims.

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  4. 3 hours ago, MadMac said:

    A new wave of fear is pushed, particularly from US and big finance since last week. One should ask himself for the agenda of this narrative or simpler, what should be covered up. I'd not be surprised if this is the prelude of the second leg of the big crash incoming.

    Yes, I’m worried about that too. 

    I hope it is just the games they play to win the coming US election, but it might be more.

  5. 2 hours ago, connda said:

    The Second Wave.  You mean the boogie-man story created by the same people who locked their citizens down and then repeated incessantly by the mainstream propaganda networks in order to continue to cow their populace into submission.  That Second Wave?

    Right now the Ministry of Creative Narratives could roll chicken bones on the ground, wave a amulet over them, mumbles some Pali, and the Second Wave will be averted. 

    But a scientific solution is what the doctor ordered though.  So what will be forwarded as a solution to the public will be the scientific communities equivalent of rolling chicken bones on the ground, waving a amulet over them, mumbling some Pali over them after which with much fanfare, photo-ops, and mass media attention and hyperbole, Thailand's success at averting the dreaded Second Wave will be celebrated.

    What everyone misses during the exercise in smoke and mirrors is that the real objective here is to force every single human on the planet to submit to having a vial full of untested chemicals injected into their bodies which they will pay for. After which the entire world's population will need to submit to a schedule of yearly vaccinations to "keep humanity safe from disease."  Literally trillions of dollar of potential revenues are wrapped up in forced vaccination programs and those who make them will be totally indemnified for any damage created by the untested, "fast-tracked" drugs.  That's where this is heading.  Everything else is theatre. 

    Unfortunately this seems to be correct.


    At the beginning we got told to “shelter in place” to “flatten the curve”, to avoid overloading the hospitals. That was easy to understand. Then the hospitals stayed empty almost everywhere, and when that became too obvious to ignore, the message changed silently to “Shelter in place until there’s a vaccine”, and virus expert Bill Gates showed up everywhere and repeated that message.


    So it seems you’re correct.

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  6. 37 minutes ago, talahtnut said:

    Fear China is the governments narrative

    for the sheeple, while you should fear

    your government more. During this corona

    nonsense, your liberty, human rights removed,

    cancer patients ignored, old and infirm not

    protected, businesses and jobs gone,

    desperate suicides, track and trace filtered

    by the military, biometric recognition shared

    Lord knows where. Free speech banned,

    even your thoughts are controlled on

    social media. 

    Johnson declared the UK on a war footing.

    To me it looks like government is at war

    with the people.  


    All true, and I spend a lot of energy pointing out the “nonsense”, as you say, done under the pretext of Corona. So I fully agree to that part.


    But even if our own governments are doing that to us, it does not mean that China is the good boy here. I wish it would be like that, and we would have help, but unfortunately not. Not at all.


    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

    Seem like US has capitulate in their 5G war with Huawei. They have start easing restriction and that will put Australia is an uncomfortable position. Price you pay for blindly following Trump’s reckless foreign policy. 


    Which has nothing to do with Chinese cyber attacks, or do you claim Huawei is participating in them?

  8. 3 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    I am too lazy to go back through the research but the US had a method of disguising their attacks, had a special name so in your field you should know.

    Seems you have no clue about source IP addresses and ssh and brute force attacking it.

    If you claim it is the US disguising as Chinese then overcome your laziness and explain how they do it (if you can). Or is that too much work for a 50 cent post?

    • Thanks 1
  9. 21 minutes ago, drbeach said:

    I think Cambodia Expats Online is more comprehensive. Khmer440 seems to be full of drunks speaking some kind of code language, that if you don't get it, they get upset with you.

    Thanks, that looks good too.

    • Like 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, ukrules said:

    I think you're forgetting about something here, something important.


    Google this 'SARS-COV-2 specific T cells'.


    They're not antibodies and don't show up in an 'antibody test' but rest assured that they exist.


    Sometimes they're referred to as 'memory T cells' and they're part of a system that provides longer term immunity.


    I will add that this is the part of the puzzle which a lot of people seem to think provides 'cross reactive' immunity based on previous infection to some other similar virus, like one of the common cold coronaviruses. These COVID specific T cells have been found in older blood samples pre-dating the pandemic by years.


    Which is why there won't be big second waves anymore, just smaller clusters here and there, where the virus has not been already.

  11. 1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

    Can't say I'm bothered, nobody else ever listens to me, I'm not that interesting.

    Don't be so modest, you have a lot other people are interested in getting.

    First of all, your money!
    Knowing what taste you're probably interested in makes it easier to see you snake oil with that taste.
    And then, more and more, your vote in the next elections.
    Knowing what you like, or don't like, will make it easier to suggest voting for a candidate because of something you like, or knowing what you don't like makes it easier suggesting to not vote for a candidate because what you don't like gets associated with him.

    Look at the last US elections, that is what Facebook and Cambridge Analytica did to get the looser to win just enough votes more so he could get into the white house. Can they do it again?

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  12. 13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    The U.S. doesn't have to worry, because Putin and Xi LOVE Trump, just like he loves tyrants and dictators, being an aspiring one himself.

    If you would read the OP you might notice that this was about the UK and quoting UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab. I know, just a small little letter, K vs S, but it’s a different country nevertheless.


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