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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    Saksayam cited medical findings that the chances of catching Covid-19 were zero for commuters who sat together, wore masks and did not take trips of more than 50 minutes.

    I’m happy too see that there are some Thai officials actually checking and applying science instead of scaremongering. Good news!

    • Like 2
  2. 5 hours ago, JCauto said:

    You appear to misunderstand the discussion - nobody is saying that we should be quiet about such atrocities or that they should continue. 


    We are pointing out that, according to the book by John Bolton who was the National Security Advisor at the time, Trump gave President Xi of China carte blanche to open the concentration camps and even said to them that "it was a good idea". It's hard to take the resolution seriously when the timing is so...remarkably coincidental to be released the same day as Bolton's book allegations.

    As to your last sentence, there has been no evidence published that I'm aware of that places the camps anywhere near the category of the Nazi Concentration Camps which as you may know included gas chambers and crematoriums for the victims among other features. You need to get some perspective and understand that you weaken the force of your argument by being too hyperbolic. It just makes your points easier to dismiss.

    Quite possible that I misunderstood. The OP is about the bill pressuring China over the Uighur concentration camps. I don’t care about the bickering theater with Bolton and Trump. I however care about the organized atrocities of a bully such as the CCP committed on millions of humans.

    I don’t even like the muslim religion, however what is happening in these concentration camps is wrong and evil and has absolutely no justification.


    I also think that what Saudi Arabia and the US are doing in Yemen is bad and a terrible atrocity too, and the world should stop it.

    And about the Nazis and concentration camps, you might have heard about the experiments of Josef Mengele in the Nazi concentration camps? The Uighur in the CCP concentration camps are also subjected to medical experiments. (Please see the reports of the survivors of such camps.)

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  3. 7 hours ago, snoop1130 said:


    "When they shut the market, it was a surprise," said Wei, 32, visiting with her boyfriend to deliver food and medicine to her mother, who lives in a compound where a virus case was confirmed.


    "Many people heard and left the compounds, but my mother is old and cannot leave easily."

    So as before in Wuhan, many left before the lockdown and carried the virus everywhere.
    Making the lockdown a futile exercise, again.

    But when a government needs to do “something” ...

    • Like 1
  4. 13 hours ago, CG1 Blue said:

    But you could also say that the impact of lockdown has caused more deaths than usual. Suicides, people staying away from GPs and hospitals with serious but treatable conditions etc. So the total death rate may be higher for lots of other reasons.  

    Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme, expects 50000 additional cancer deaths for the UK alone, due to checkups and treatments skipped during the lockdowns. (Source: The Professor Karol Sikora interview from May 18 by Unherd.com on Unherd.com’s youtube channel and website.)

  5. 33 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Furthermore, it is known that being infected with SARS does invoke a strong immune response in patients, with multiple studies showing high levels of protective antibodies for up to two years after infection.


    One study even found patients with SARS antibodies as much as eight years later, though at relatively low levels.

    Indeed. We can safely expect a very similar situation for SARS-CoV-2.

    • Like 1
  6. Sweden records first week with no excess mortality since pandemic struck!


    “That is the first week since the corona outbreak that has happened,” Statistics Sweden said in a statement, adding the deaths might still be revised up to show a slight excess mortality. 

    The agency said the only demographic with excess mortality in Sweden last week were people aged 90 and above.

    Source: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-sweden-mortality-idUSKBN23F1WK


    This was published June 8, but I had missed it until now. Apologies if it was posted here already.


    In my humble opinion very significant news.



    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, candide said:

    While I may agree on the concepts, I disagree with the analysis. The Chinese can play the long game because they are not prisoners of the financialisation of their economy, as you rightly mention.

    So they don't need a ridiculous conspiracy, as they will make it anyway. As confirmed by your example. They didn't need covid-19 to take over the textile industry in Italy.

    Frankly, I don't think that they need to trigger a crisis just for that. They need to spare all their energy for the next strategic event (Taiwan).


    I don’t know if and don’t say that China / the CCP did create SARS-CoV-2 and Covid-19 to advance their game (although I would be not very surprised if they did).

    However there are welcome benefits for China coming from the pandemic:

    - the Western world is busy destroying its economies, taking away time, attention, energy and resources to push back China’s aggressive actions in Hong Kong and the South China Sea. Atrocities such as the concentration camps with millions of Uighurs are no headlines anymore, nobody seems to care anymore.


    - new markets for new products, such as lousy masks Made in China, available everywhere very very quickly, a bestseller!


    - with the economic decline in the Western world assets and industries there are getting much much cheaper. The longer the lockdowns last, the cheaper they get, and the more China gets for their money. On the long run this far outweighs the cost of the Chinese Covid 19 patients and victims.


    So now is the time for China to act, and the CCP knows it very well. Who is still there to stop them? 

    Of course the UK could stop the lockdowns, get back to work, and taking up its responsibilities again. But then again, there is no Churchill in sight, so it most likely will not happen.

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    • Haha 1
  8. 6 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    An epidemiologist with the Beijing government said on Sunday that a DNA sequencing of the virus showed the latest outbreak in the market could have come from Europe.


    "Our preliminary assessment is the virus came from overseas. We still can't determine how it got here. It might've been on contaminated seafood or meat, or spread from the faeces of people inside the market," state media quoted Yang Peng as saying.


    There you go, someone in Europe sent it back to where it came from? But how, there is no traveling. Sounds fishy.

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