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Posts posted by yuyiinthesky

  1. 20 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    It didn't happen because there was a 6 week lockdown in germany. And were intelligent enough to get on it before there were a lot of coronavirus cases. And they aggressively used contact tracing. As for non-covid patients with life-threatening illnesses  not getting treatment...really? Was there a shortage of ICU beds in Germany?

    The health care system in Germany is one of the best wordwide, with or without lockdown it was not in danger of getting overwhelmed.


    Nevertheless the lockdowns cause cancer patients to skip checkups and treatments, which allows the cancer to progress to the next levels, which are more difficult to treat, or even not curable any more.


    Professor Karol Sikora, the Founding Dean and Professor of Medicine at the University of Buckingham Medical School and an ex-director of the WHO Cancer Programme, expects for the UK alone additional 50000 cancer deaths due to the lockdown (Source: Professor Karol Sikora says this in an interview with unherd.com, see their website or youtube). I assume the numbers for Germany are similar. 

    And that’s just for cancer.

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  2. 8 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    Well let us look at what we have here.


    Do I believe a connected American political commentator who put his reputation on the line with public statements or an anonymous TVF poster.

    Sorry, you didn’t get it yet. Let me try to explain once more:

    David Stockman might very well be correct and right in what he is reporting, and I do not claim that he is wrong. I’m even inclined to say that he has a point. But David Stockman is talking about different issues, very different technologies then what I was reporting. I understand that your lack of technical knowledge makes you mixing up the underlying technologies, but nevertheless, I talk about apples and you about bananas. 

    As said earlier:


    Hint: you need to read up on source IP addresses, and on how you could spoof them, but in a way that an ssh session could be established using that spoofed IP address. And then do that not just once, but for the thousands of Chinese IP addresses showing up in these brute force attacks.

    And that is not what David Stockman talks about.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, johnpetersen said:

    So their hospital systems would be massively overwhelmed and the mortality rate of Covid and non Covid patients would have soared. Really?

    It didn’t happen, far from it, empty hospitals almost everywhere, doctors and nurses furloughed. Non Covid patients did not get treatments, so for them the lockdowns were and are a disaster. But who cares about non-Covid patients in this time of Covid-panic.



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  4. 2 hours ago, johnpetersen said:

    I remember when you claimed (still claiming?) that social distancing and mask wearing doesn't work. Now even the governors of Texas, Florida, and Arizone, who relaxed social distancing rules contrary to the advice of public health experts, now concede that the sharp rise in rates is due to the relaxation of those rules. 

    As said, they should have not locked down in the first place.


    The focus has to be on protecting the elderly, the vulnerable. Not locking up the healthy.


    In the US, I admit, it is debatable who is vulnerable, with so many living on junk food, getting fat and fatter. Easy victims to any disease. May be put the focus on some health education there, more healthy food, some exercise, instead of locking up and immobilizing these fat people even more.

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  5. 3 hours ago, JerseytoBKK said:

    The "95% recovery rate of covid-19" is most probably far higher than that. At present, we don't know how many people have gotten Covid. We do know that many who get Covid  are asymptomatic and based on statistics from the Princess cruise ship that number might be 50%. Many others who had mild symptoms never presented themselves to hospitals. 


    The only 2 studies that were done to try to determine the extent of Covid infection were by Stanford Medical and USC Medical where they took blood samples and used antibody results. The initial findings at Stanford show that 


    "mortality rate in Santa Clara County is between 0.12% and 0.2%. (In contrast, the county's mortality rate based solely on official cases and deaths as of last Friday, April 17, was 3.9%."

    Source: https://paloaltoonline.com/news/2020/04/21/los-angeles-study-backs-stanford-researchers-conclusion-about-high-prevalence-of-covid-19


    IF these studies are accurate, then the recovery rate is 99.8%. The studies naturally elicited major criticism. Some had sensible questions about methodology and the accuracy of the test kit. Others were strictly attacks based on financial or political reasons.  Some garbage studies based on highly unreliable data analysis were rushed out to attempt to contradict the physical studies done by epidemiologists at Stanford and USC. 


    Note that the Stanford team reviewed their data after the avalanche of criticism and made slight adjustments, while maintaining that the original conclusions were accurate. Source: https://www.pe.com/2020/05/12/coronavirus-revised-stanford-estimate-says-santa-clara-county-had-54-times-more-cases-than-we-knew-about/ 

    The Heinsberg study by Professor Streeck in Germany came to very similar results.


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  6. 46 minutes ago, CLS said:

    This recent outbreak is mainly due to a super cluster in this slaughterhouse.


    Don’t panic. Free movement in the Schengen area is now restored since last Monday. No spike so far.

    Sorry all legends and descriptions are in German only.

    New infections over last 7 days


    New daily infections in GermanyA17173AB-EF05-48CA-834A-1DDD1E05D0D4.png.e6fe48fe9dd6b1252d09c1fd93d911fa.png

    New infections over last 7 days per regionEDE7B847-B1EB-4DE6-B01E-947E11473A59.png.d62b1ae2788de5e435a10ef13f5c5dba.png


    source: https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/coronavirus-aktuelle-zahlen-und-entwicklungen.2897.de.html?dram:article_id=472799#reproduktionszahl

    Thanks, the graphs are easy to understand.


    I worry that the new cases are getting too low already, this might extend the time we see new infections - which is equal to the time the elderly must be strictly protected.

  7. 1 minute ago, geriatrickid said:

    No. that is your biased political agenda.  The 2nd wave was  expected and predicted. Unlike the first  wave, countries are better prepared and  have the equipment on hand, the testing protocols in place and a population that is mentally prepared.  Your opinion is assumes that an infectious disease cannot be managed or contained. on the contrary, a rapid response to a reoccurrence is  how it will be managed.


    Nice thought, but ask Canada and the USA how that worked out.

    Much of Canada's carnage was in long term care facilities where  the sick & elderly were isolated. The facilities did not have  appropriate  prevention protocols in place, were understaffed, a lack of PPE, had poorly trained personnel and relied on shift workers who went from home to home spreading infection.


    What is this herd immunity you claim exists? Can you please provide actual published data that supports "herd immunity" in respect to Covid 19. With your advanced knowledge of immunology and virology, please share how this herd immunity has magically appeared.  With your advanced education please enlighten us how this "herd immunity" has been achieved in Sweden or elsewhere and why no one is able to demonstrate that it exists in respect to the Covid19 infection.


    Covid19  is a corona virus. Some common colds are caused by Corona viruses. if there was herd immunity, no one would become ill with the corona caused colds. If there was herd immunity, swine herds would not be wiped out by corona virus infections. This is why  there are vaccines for canine, feline and porcine specific corona viruses.


    Did you ever attend university, and if so, did you successfully complete a basic  biology course? One of the topics covered is adaptation and  selection. You  should go and have a wee bit of a catch up session.


    Again, you mix half truth and “alternative” facts, and add some personal insults.
    The result is sImply too much nonsense to reply to.

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  8. 17 hours ago, webfact said:

    Germany's coronavirus reproduction rate jumped to 2.88 on Sunday, up from 1.79 a day earlier, health authorities said, a rate showing infections are rising above the level needed to contain the disease over the longer term.

    Good, the curve was flattened, the hospitals are empty, that target was reached easily, now we need widespread immunity.

    Just please don’t forget to keep the elderly and nursing homes isolated.

  9. 2 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

    No, they have not! People were still allowed to go to work, shopping, exercising etc. what I mean is a complete lockdown, i.e. no one is allowed to leave their house, food and essentials will be 

    provided and delivered by the cops, military, firefighters what have you. Instead they tried to keep their economies alive, which resulted in a much, much higher financial burden due to the prolonged quarantine. It would’ve been much cheaper to just lock everything down for 6 weeks and the virus could’ve been eradicated and everything back to normal in mid April.

    Except it doesn’t work.

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  10. 6 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

    Found the quote, I think it is from David Stockman.


    However, that evidence-free narrative was greatly undercut last week by leaked CIA documents describing a false flag program called “UMBRAGE.” It was designed to allow the CIA to routinely appear as if they were hackers operating out of Russia

    Totally different issue. Indeed, you have no clue about source IP addresses and ssh and brute force attacking it.


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