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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 49 minutes ago, Morty T said:

    Surely, drunken cocaine induced hit and run. That kills a policeman, no problem there, but drugs...that's bad. The only issue here isn't the legality of what happened, but more to the tune that these people didn't have the financial capability of the former. 

    What´s also obvious is that too many people feel the need to compare all with one thing. Are you thinking it´s better that all gets away then? Sounds like that!


    Much better to stop comparing and focus on every crime as an individual crime. Just tired over hearing everyone moaning over one guy.

  2. 25 minutes ago, connda said:

    Not at all.  It's not a deterrence in the least. The money in drugs far outweighs the risk for the people who engage in this business. It's a multi-billion dollar industry.  The rewards are huge; the risks are huge if caught.  Zero-sum game.

    Seems to be nobody understanding what I posted. The meaning was that it sends a clear message that confessing will not give you a smaller sentence.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

    Its depressing. No doubt they will soon be bringing Pattaya to a halt.

    Yes, it must be very sad to see some things go back to normal. In all other cases you can always complain that everything has changed.

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  4. 1 hour ago, hansgruber said:

    Some parts of the cliff face are over 10 metres high above the road. They have to secure the earth. Lots of steel and concrete needed. 4 months is quick. 

    I suggest you go take a look at the road and get an idea on what you're talking about. 

    Hey, Bruce Willis knows everything!  Wanna go for another try when the scores can really change? ????????

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