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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 2 hours ago, webfact said:

    France's President Emmanuel Macron said he would press for reforms aimed at dragging Lebanon out of a financial abyss as he began a visit to Beirut hours after Lebanese leaders named diplomat Mustapha Adib new PM on Monday under French pressure.

    Is that so? Wow! Dear Mr. Macron, that does not look good for you. You have just taken a position that do not stand well with the European Unions relations to democracy and democratic elections. You rush to support after Lebanese leaders named a person as the new PM. Are you not in a position that should, wait to see what the Lebanese people want, chose and votes for? At the same time Mr. Macron openly protest against Russian meddling in US elections. How can he do that when he as a president use French pressure on another country to make a decision regarding control of the country that he sees fit?


    I think you are walking in very thin ice, Mr Macron.

    • Like 1
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  2. 10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:



    BMSI includes the 1000km (first service) and further 10,000km (or 1 year - which ever is first) for the first 3 years. 

    Thus servicing should be free for the first 3 years. 


    The first service at 1000km would have been free. But because I was late, at 1500km its no longer free even though the service is the same !!!! (oil change, brake level checks, disk and pad checks, chain tightening etc).


    Thus: It seems rather odd that I’m going to be asked pay for something I would have received for free just because I’m late. 


    Its not the price I’m questioning, its being charged at all that I’m questioning. 

    Free service for 3 years???? Did you pay or take an extra insurance for that?

    • Haha 1
  3. Yes dealerships buy bikes, but to a shameful price. That would be your last option.


    Where you are is not relevant.


    You get transfer papers in the Traffic office, and then your can just fill in your part and sign. After just give it to the new owner and he will fill in the rest and show the book as well as receipt for buying and fix that last thing with the transfer alone.


    Post it anywhere. As lons as you get what you want it´s alright.


    Sad to hear you can´t stay, but I wish you a happy trip home.

  4. 4 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Electricity made from Dirty Fuel    ????????         :mfr_closed1:

    Yeah, I don´t like that either, because of the possibility to use wind, water and bio-fuel as well as sun-powered electricity today. I promise you that I will chose a wise choice for electricity to use when the Thai system is offering choices in that area. Yet they do not do that. In farming you have a choice to not use dangerous chemicals. That´s different.

    By the way, I have 50% solar powered my house and are very happy with that.


    Keep your word that you already spread 2 time now, and stay closed.

  5. 2 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    You're full of it I am trying to help the Thai farmer for a change by Defending their Spaying with Chemicals .

    You just trying to twist you're Own words to make an argument .:mfr_closed1:

    No you not get to close anything! You ain´t in power of that. If you can´t hack it in an open forum, just stay away instead.

    You are the one that are bringing things in to the conversation by comparing with other bad things. Never posted that they are good, but this thread is about two dangerous things that are luckily not allowed to be used in farming no more. Keep to the topic. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, digger70 said:

    Cars / Machines /Electrical power plants  /Factories  All of those aren't so good for the Health of the people , They All Kill people By some kind of Pollution.

    They Haven't Banned them Did they? More people get Killed by the Byproducts of the Industries than the odd one from a Chemical that some people Misuse .

    For instance just look at the Misuse of Cars 24/7 By all the Not so Bright people in the World ,Thailand is good at it. 

     Say No more,  Thank you for you're interest in the Topic.

    But of course you needed to derail the topic and include other things to compare. This is about the banned farming chemicals. They are not good to use, final!

    I have never said that it´s good with other pollution, have I? Why are you trying to implicate that?

    On the other hand I am using my electric car as much as possible, just because I wish to contribute to a better world.

    Not like you. Complain when they take away dangerous and poisonous chemicals, just because the are more of them in use. If everyone was thinking like that, nothing would ever change for the better.

    So, now you can retire from the conversation instead. Everything you will reply with from this point is only going to drag you deeper in the bottomless hole of stupidity.

  7. 45 minutes ago, sanmyintmaung said:

    I normally call 1800 numbers using Skype free of charge.

    Skype can be used to call toll free numbers without any special subscription.

    The following countries and number ranges are supported and are free of charge to all users:

    France: +33 800, +33 805, +33 809
    Poland: +48 800
    UK: +44 500, +44 800, +44 808
    USA: +1 800, +1 866, +1 877, +1 888
    Taiwan: +886 80




    Ok, that was more than I was aware of. Never calling those numbers. How ever, it is cheap to have subscription, and it can be used to get a lower price to friends and family at the same time. Especially when you have contact with old people that hates Internet and technology. ????????

  8. 56 minutes ago, elgenon said:

    I guess I was more curious to know if people called toll free numbers to America because I was led to believe that wasn't possible. It doesn't matter if it costs.

    Mostly doesn´t work, for me anyway. I just call the direct number all the time. 

    If you wish to call cheap to America from Thailand you can do that with Skype. They have great subscriptions starting from unlimited call for one month from 3 usd. Also includes unlimited calls to Puerto Rico and Guam. If you wish to include Canada as well. The total cost will be about 4 dollars. That includes unlimited calls to both mobiles and landlines.

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