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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 2 hours ago, Tchooptip said:



    "The only explanation for this seem to be a complete disregard for the health of the consumers by the Thai government" ????


    Glyphosate the worst of all is a Monsanto product and it is used ALL OVER THE WORLD,  

    A study published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe reveals that Americans have applied 1.8 million tons of glyphosate since its introduction in 1974. Worldwide, 9.4 million tons of the chemical have been sprayed onto fields.  It's enough to spray nearly half a pound of Round-up on every cultivated acre of land in the world.

     And it's troubling, considering that in March 2015 the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer unanimously determined that glyphosate is "probably carcinogenic to humans,"  

    Does that make it better? Huh!

  2. 6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    And an apparent degree of inflexibility given the current climate (Covid-19). 


    BMW are correct and I have missed the ‘service window’ and I’m going to pay 4000 baht for that. 

    I’ve no issue with that - I now know that the service centre is honest and following their rules. 


    However, given the current climate (Covid-19) the lack of flexibility is poor PR - will my next bike be a BMW? thats the question BMW need to ask themselves with every customer - can they swallow the minor indifference to keep a customer satisfied. 




    There I agree with you 100%! They should be able to show a great deal of flexibility, but it´s nothing that you by terms and conditions are entitled to.

    As this is Thailand as well, you are dealing with the Thai part of BMW, because your case is not at all big enough to reach international interest. Even if it was, BMW would not like the negativity of it and pressure the Thai section to keep the lid on it. So, I think both you and I understand quite quickly that the Thai rubber band is not possible to extend to the same proportions. Therefore the flexibility will also be decreased. ???? 

    Cheers! You still have your warranty. ???? 

  3. 26 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:





    My Motorcycle is 1.5 years old has done 1500km.

    Thus: I have to ride 7500km within the next 1.5 years to achieve 9000km (minimum window of 10,000km service) - I don’t expect to cover anywhere near that.



    Thus the next BMSI service based on mileage is moot unless I somehow rack up a load of miles. 


    That said the next BMSI service based on ’time’ is due on 24 months and another on (just before) 36 months (All free / inclusive under BMSI).











    Ok, you posted that you did not drive more than 4k km per year, that´s why I reacted. If you said that you´ve not driven more than 1,5k in 1,5 years, then I would have understood it ???? 

    Just used to my own driving I guess. About 8-10k km per year, but I drive it from Isaan to Bkk, Pattaya and Hua Hin as well as Rayong and Ban Phe and much more

  4. 2 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

    I trust you have the same policy as I do, i.e. burn me once and that will be enough, your business will be less one customer and anyone who knows about business, you want and need repeat business from your established clientele who fill in the void, you have to be able to negotiate with your clients, keeping everyone happy can be a challenge, but let's face it, Covid lockdowns did inflict some damage to businesses, but if you want to put that on the customers, then they will end up losing over a small technicality which wouldn't be worth taking it to court.

    What? Have you suddenly moved from post based on a made up commercial law, to threats that they lose you as a customer if they do not do like you want?

    You know one thing. They can´t care less! ????

  5. 4 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

    The only issue I have ever had with this is questioning the integrity of the dealership - which it seems operated within their remit, albeit without a certain degree of flexibility which could be expected given the current climate - this in itself presents an unfavourable experience. 

    They have been nicer to you, than the terms and conditions. They have even been telling you that you have a 200km window, which never was written in the term and conditions.

    If I were you, I would see it like this. You got an extra unheard of window of 200km when asking them. You have also been given the right to hold on to your warranty, which you according to broken terms and conditions should not have the right to. For that you only paid 4k baht. Be Happy!

  6. 17 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    If you can find public information a BMW site that highlights 1200km for a Motorcycle I’d be glad of the link. 

    None of the documentation have seen states 1200km limit (For Motorcycles) - I’ve been given this limit verbally by the service manager. 


    The 1200km limit you mention is for BSI [Cars], I’ve not found such information documented anywhere on the BMSI webpages. 



    I am happy that BMW have not or will not void the warranty - that would see me making this a far bigger issue with BMW.





    Yes, you have it very clearly if you know how to read and understand clauses in terms and conditions. That is actually a part of my professional work, so let´s just hope that you will not try to disagree this time too. ???? 

    This is probably the link that you posted your service picture from before: 


    If you only would have bothered to read and understand the terms and conditions for your warranty, then you would also have noticed the vague, but clear according to regular terms and conditions, information in clause 4. (Copied below)


    4. Service intervals specified for the motorcycle must have been met and must have been performed in accordance with the specifications of the manufacturer. Service must be due as indicated by the motorcycle’s service light before service work can be performed.

    (If translation of the above is needed, then it will simply go like this. You are done, because you did not perform service in accordance to the specifications of the manufacturer. So, now take up your handbook for the motorcycle and read when they specify service is due. Actually it does not even stand that you have 200km window in the terms and conditions.)


    So, as I stated before. If BMW would have terminated your warranty, nothing you would do to raise any "big" issue with BMW would matter at all.


    Are we finished?

  7. 9 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:



    Unfortunately you need to polish up on commercial law before you come out beating your chest.


    You see as Richard to have been able to service his motorbike, the dealership or service centre would have had to be open for him to service his bike within the recommended kilometres, they were not open because of Covid-19 and therein lay the problem. You cannot expect anyone to park their bike or motor car because the dealership is closed, life goes on.


    Now any court, if it got to that, I believe would see that the service centre or if you like the terms and conditions of the warranty provided would be null and void during the period they were closed due to the fact that:


    A) It would be unreasonable for anyone to think that because of a particular set of recommended rules prescribed by a dealership over-rules the fact that the customer could not service the bike/vehicle when in fact they were closed due to Covid-19.


    B) This was out of the control of the customer, it was also out of control of the dealership, however the dealership should show good faith and service the bike free as it is not as if the customer travelled around the country and clocked up tens of thousands of kilometres which could place additional costs on the dealership, that said it was all factored into the price.


    This is outright extortion and they know it, but if you don't stick it between their eyes, they won't back down and the dealer is breaching the terms of the contract.


    The dealership didn't take into account to update their website to advise customers that due to being closed for the period from xyz due to Covid-19 that they would be waiving any excess kilometres on their service agreement, thus allowing the clock to be reset, e.g. 1,500 vs 1,000 free service, they are not above the law and as I said before, did nothing to mitigate their clients losses, "duty of care".


    The words "duty of care" would come into play when they failed to advise Richard of the fact that they would be closed, and if that's not good enough which I believe it would be, they failed to be flexible in mitigating their clients costs if they went over the scheduled kilometres due to them being closed.


    End of story, I believe RIchard has a very strong case which is outside the "normal" scope of the service agreement which would have been part of the sale contract.


    Go get em Richard and if successful, which I believe you will be, you can let me know ????


    You forgot one thing. This is Thailand and their interpretation of your so called commercial law. I think that one will be totally different of what you seem to expect. 

    Nothing more to add. Thanks for the solid information, and I sincerely hope it did not take too much of your time creating it. ???? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 23 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    Yes - valid point - thats for BSI (cars service), there is no such comment on the BMSI page (Motorrad) - but I now know such a ‘window’ exists after pushing the issue up the chain. 


    It would be useful of (all) manufacturers to provide us this information and window when purchasing a car or motorcycle.


    It would be especially important for BMW to alert its customers that the Warrant would be void if the first service is carried out beyond 1200km (I never knew this, I expect it may be a surprise to other BMW owners too). 



    Now I know this is a ‘genuine window’ and there is no flexibility from BMW head office I am happy to pay the servicing cost and glad that they have not terminated my warranty. 


    However, had BMW also terminated my warranty I’d be raising the issue again because no such warning (for Motorrad) has been proved in any of the vehicle documentation. 









    When you buy a hard disk, you will not open because that voids warranty.

    When you buy a kitchen mixer, you should not put the plug in 400V, because that voids warranty.


    In your case there is a clause about already mentioned. You are obligated to read the terms and conditions for you car, kitchen mixer, hard disk or any other warranty you might have. If there is a clause regarding 1200 km, then that will stand in your terms and conditions for your warranty package. You are responsible to ask for it if you do not get the terms and conditions for your warranty, and you are responsible for being aware of the terms and conditions.

    So, as a matter of fact. If BMW would have chosen to terminate your warranty, then it would not matter where you decide to raise any issue. Because it´s totally your responsibility.

  9. 16 minutes ago, bodga said:

    Glad u  like it. Yet I have not defended the use of chlorpyros or Glyphosate only Gramoxone but keep  on plugging away at me, I mean , what else u gotta  do all day.

    Actually, I took a free day today so I have all the time in the world to freely focus on anything and everything that pleases me. Right now, that´s a big cup of coffee and later it will be some nice Weihenstephaner beers. However, I also have the time to make some friendly discussion with you on TV. ???? 

    However, why would they put one thing that you can pick out and defend on the same list as something you do not like? I thought they put them there because they are hazardous substances. You on the other hand, like with paraquat on sunday, probably have use of the one you defend and not the other two like you admitted with paraquat as well.


    So that gives the result. In your mind it´s important to not ban the things you wish to defend out of your own interest. That disregarding if they pose same threat to people or nature as the other two ones. I rest my case.Have a nice day, Sir. ???? 

  10. The closest beer bar. Very reliable people. They work everywhere as long as the salary is right, and they always offer 100% satisfaction. 


    :sorry: Just had to.


    No, most of the agencies they have just offer works to foreigners, and if you are not a big Thai company, there will be hard to use any authority to help you. However, my best bet would be to put up some notes/posters or advertise in a local paper. You can also always put out an offer in Facebook Pattaya groups/forums.

  11. 13 minutes ago, sherwood said:

    Put a bit more water with it fella or a few more grains of salt. Struth

    With comments like that. Ooh ooh ooh! Your luck will turn to mud, and you riches will turn to sand. Your mind will forever be disgruntled in a smoke so thick that your eyes no longer wish to stay open.

    Was that enough water or salt? I certainly do want it to be balanced as everything else should be in life.

    • Sad 1
  12. 23 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


    BMW Motorrad Service Inclusive - it comes ‘with’ the motorcycle, included in the cost, along with BMW’s mobility service (road side assistance and medical roadside assistance).



    And you ’should’ have had the equivalent (BSI) with your cars if you purchased them new or within their BSI period which usually matches the length of warranty.






    Screenshot 2020-09-01 at 11.31.52.png

    Ok, now I do not have patience with you and your always up to know everything comments. Here is the url to BMW Thailand in English. 


    On another page it also stands that packages up to 5 years are available. However, let´s just say that you are right with the 3 years.

    Face it dude! You messed it up! You let it go over 1200 km before you decided to make the first service. 

    Copy from the last line that the link above refers to: Caution: If oil service overdue has been accumulated in total of more than 1,200 km. or one month, the warranty of engine mechanical parts will be voided.

    Read it and weep! You just messed up a perfectly good 36 month insurance. Now you´re paying the price for it.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Unfortunately religion, like communism, only functions well in the absence of human beings.

    Totally misguided information. Religion always do it´s best work with a pure soul, unaffected by the surroundings and a strong and private relation can be created.

    It´s when people start to believe that their own ideas and will to change, they clash with the pure beliefs that was onces founded.

    The fault can never be shifted over to any kind of religion. It´s is how people chose to understand their religion that makes your eyes closed to reality. 

    People makes the changes, and religion stays neutral and in same solid pure version like it´s always been.

  14. 12 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

    I've lost faith in all things Buddhist in Thailand, from the monks who could be there for any reason to the rampant corruption within the society.

    You have corruption everywhere, in every country. Is it then so that you lose faith in the world for that, then you are putting yourself on a high position without good foundation.

    Ok, I agree! The corruption in Thailand is widespread and very visible. That might hurt the eyes of a weak mind, but bear in mind that there are still more of the ones who walk the right a humble path in life, than there is lost souls who with their strong visibility tries to bend your reality. ???? 

  15. That´s a good one. I see no rush to run to get the stamp, though.

    Most people will ask for an extension before the amnesty is over. Just to bring this document with the application. If the officer believes the stamp is needed, then he have the order to put it in at the same time.

    For most people this one would be nice to have in a pdf-document. @ubonjoe Do you have access to this paper or a link to it? You usually have all the aces up your sleeves ???? 

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