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Posts posted by Matzzon

  1. 43 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    My wife's village was a one hour ( very fast ) one way drive to the nearest convenience store like 7-11. Two hours on the bus.

    So back at you.

    Was? How far is it today? Better up, just name the village. ???? 


    If you do not wish to do that, I will suggest that you and your wife put on the thinking hat and starts to be a little bit more inventive.

    What about a regular village shop? What about some restaurants around. Maybe small but still at place to eat
    , right? What does that tell you?


    I promise you that you not need to be on Expedition Robinson to figure that one out.

  2. 30 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    So 100 km drive to get some fresh milk to put in tea. 5555555555555

    You have to go shopping some times, right? Or are you the stay at home and not go out scared of the Thai population type?

    I buy 5 l milk and go shopping once a week. No problem. The milk is perfect even after 10-12 days.

    So, now you can continue your laugh. ???? 

  3. 5 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    You can't sue someone for defamation if you have no reputation to begin with

    Where did you read in the law that female porn stars lost their right to having a reputation? Are you sure that it´s not just your personal view of things you are representing?


    That is not relevant. it´s the evidence presented and what the jury believes in that is relevant. I am pretty sure that the jury is not only represented by women, right? Is it not that a jury must be united to give a verdict? Explain that little flaw in your poorly written philosophy.

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  4. 10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Never been outside the city then? Rural stores often don't sell it except as UHT.

    Some rural stores don't even have fridges.

    Really? Such a silly comment. I have been living in a number of small villages during my almost 23 years in Thailand. That is very irrelevant, though. We are not talking 23 years ago, when I would have been willing to agree with you. Below is today´s facts:


    • Today most of the rural stores have a refrigerator, but ok they mostly sell UHT milk. (However, most coffee sucks, so you will not make a difference the the milk)
    • Generally even people in remote villages do not have more than 30 km to a 7-Eleven, Cat One (NE Isaan), 101 or any other convenience store.
    • Also most rural villages do not hav more than about 30-50 km to a mini mart or super market. (No I am not talking about the Hill Tribes i NE Thailand)

    So, with that in the back of your head. The only thing needed is a motorbike or car as well as a refrigerator in home and some good "to-do-ahead" planning.

    • Haha 1
  5. 11 minutes ago, Logosone said:

    That used to be the case, now thanks to Metoo and the feminist propagandists in cases of a crime against women it's actually "guilty until you prove your innocence". And even then the smears will stick. See Alan Dershowitz' being accused of rape falsely by Virginia Roberts with total impunity. Even though Roberts then admitted "she made a mistake", people don't remember that, but they remember the rape allegation against Dershowitz.

    I wonder if that is a result of what bad men have been thinking they were entitled to for centuries? Have you ever asked yourself that question before spouting out something?

    Mostly there is a reason for changes, disregarding if you see them as good or bad.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, SupermarineS6B said:

    Here we go....... There's Soi Cowboy gone....... What's next, Nana, Pat Pong ?  going to be turned into sterile no go areas just like Khao Saan road is now.

    Oh yeah! Oh dear, A city without designated prostitution  "looking in your face, out in the open" areas! Like so many other countries in the world. Yeah, how boring!

    Or it might just be you that have a weird way of looking at sterile! Don´t worry, you will still be fertile and able even if the girls don´t sit in your lap every time you order a beer.

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